
Viewing 21 - 28 of 28 results

I made a few of the characters in! · 10:53pm Mar 16th, 2022

It was fun to be able to have a decent representation of how Free and Scarlet look. I'm especially happy with how Scarlet turns out, she looks perfect for how I pictured her! Though I did make their stats before I wrote most of the story, so now I feel like I need to tweak Frees... He gets way to much tail to have such low charisma

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I love Aella ;-; · 3:56am Mar 2nd, 2022

As I go on writing and fleshing out her character she just makes me so happy! Cute and quirky and soft just wdagjsv;asg. Is it normal to like your characters this much? I have so much fun writing her, seeing her learn about and interact with the world. How she grows, it just makes me so happy. Joyful even. It's been such a fun project so far, and I'm so excited to keep pushing forward! There's so much more to come, and I've hardly even gotten into the thick of it yet. I appreciate everyone

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Ch. 10! · 8:28am Feb 27th, 2022

Chapter 10 is typed out and edited, now I'm just trying to get one of my prereaders to look it over and see if I messed anything up royally XD Very excited to be putting out more content, though I've been slow with my writing and editing lately. Gonna try and pace it up, but I can't promise anything


Gooderer · 7:53am Feb 2nd, 2022

Neary through grammar fixes and revisions on the early chapters! So they're more readable, more detailed and well thought out, and just flow better I think! Just working on the last two chapters. Once those are done, it won't take me long to get chapter nine out as well. Very excited, and much happier with how it flows now than how it used to.

I'm having so much fun adding to the world that so many of you have worked to build together. I'm happy to be a part of this


Why are names HARD!? · 9:09pm Jan 13th, 2022

I'm bad enough at naming characters as it is, honestly? The only easy one was Scarlet because I based her loosely off the girl from Nukabreak. But when we're bringing different species and races it gets so much harder. Zebra names especially. I honestly am blown away by some writers like Somber who can just name all of the characters so well, it's wild

Anyway if anyone wants to help name a cute lesbian griffon x zebra couple that run a store together let me know? I am stumped.


Happy Yule! · 8:40am Dec 31st, 2021

Chapter 8 took longer than I'd hoped, but I'm quite happy with how it all turned out. I think I'm going to be slowing my upload time to a more sustainable pace? Plus it gives me time to go back and make edits to the chapters that are already up, which has been really fun to do so far!

I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts on the fic, or just talk about FoE stuff in general honestly. Happy holidays!


Small delay with Chapter 8 of Endless Horizon · 4:46am Dec 16th, 2021

I've been trying to post a new chapter every 7-12 days since I started publicly sharing the project, but I'm afraid the next chapter may be delayed by an extra week. Not for anything bad though, I think it's very worth the wait! My friend and now editor JFrost has lent me his hoof for editing the previous chapters, as well as the ones I havn't posted yet. Since this development I'm very excited for us to improve the overall quality of

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ch. 4 · 7:38pm Nov 14th, 2021

As short as Chapter 4 for Endless Horizons turned out to me, I actually spent more time editing it then the first three that I've uploaded. I wanted to amp up the action a bit then the draft I had before, especially at the part near the end. Partly for the readers benefit, but primarily to show Aella seeing and reacting to the horror of the wasteland more.

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Viewing 21 - 28 of 28 results