
Viewing 21 - 40 of 58 results

Stuck Update · 12:16am Nov 25th, 2016

Alright boys and girls, chapters 1-3 of stuck have been edited and updated. Feel free to take a look at them and please, don't hesitate to leave any feedback. Any feedback helps a lot.

Thanks again guys!

Happy thanksgiving!

'Til next time!!



Bruh.... · 1:40am Nov 21st, 2016

So I have been re reading 'Stuck' lately and, let me just say... bruh. It is SO bad! Seriously, how does this thing have 99 up votes again? The plot is fine, but the execution is just so god damn awful. The dialogue is very messy, the show and not tell aspect isn't super prominent, I'm using parenthesis too often, character interactions are not well executed, I am disappointed in my 17-18 year old self. A 17-18 year old who took HONNORS english his junior year. I thought I was writing a good

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Love · 12:02am Nov 14th, 2016

Hey guys, I just wanna talk to you for a minute.

Now I am a week late into this, but this is something I want to discuss with you guys. The election was not too long ago. Many people are happy with the results, many people are displeased. To be honest, I disliked both candidates equally.

But I did my duty and I voted. That's all I can do. If you voted, you have done your part.

The nation's response has been mixed. People are pleased with the outcome, others are not that pleased.

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Update and Legend of Everfree thoughts (SPOILERS) · 4:38am Oct 4th, 2016

Okay, before I go into my thoughts on Legend of Everfree, I want to give you guys a quick update on what's to come.

For one thing, a story I have been working on since February is being looked at by a couple friends so I can get some feedback. It's a dark EQG fic involving Rainbow Dash, so you've been warned.

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YouTube · 5:12am Aug 20th, 2016

So I have been posting on YouTube as of late! I just put out a new video a little while ago, you should check it out (it involves Sonata Dusk). I don't have set schedule for posting, so I just post when I can. I'll explain that in a latter blog. Here 's the link to my channel, subscribe, like, comment, all of that good shizz.

CLICK HERE! You know you want to!

'til next time!



More Legend of Everfree stuff · 5:34am Aug 6th, 2016


What's To Come · 5:07pm Aug 1st, 2016

So I complied the snaps I took from BronyCon this year and put them into a video. Enjoy!

So, what's going on with me today? Well, I am going through the next chapter of Stuck once more before I post it. AND, a new one-shot will be posted today as well! So there are two things too look forward to today.

'til next time!



Legends of Everfree Trailer Thoughts · 5:06am Jul 23rd, 2016


Post BronyCon 2016 · 4:58am Jul 12th, 2016

So I meant to do this Sunday, but I couldn't because of work. So yeah, I went to the Friday and Saturday of the convention and I had so much fun! So who did I run into and see? Well, the second after me and my sister get our badges, we run into Jaxblade (ran into him like 20 times throughout the con), Paleo, Saberspark (saw those two a few times), ACRacebest and AnimatedJames. Right after we get our badges. Great start to the con! I also got autographs and a pic with Michelle Creber and Black

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BronyCon 2016!! · 5:36pm Jul 6th, 2016

The day after tomorrow is BronyCon guys and I am supper hyped!! I've been waiting a year for this day and it's within reach. So, I will be (well, at least panning to be) visiting a lot of panels and autograph sessions on Friday of the convention. On Saturday, theres only a few things I want to see, so I'll be a bit more open.

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Somone Needs Our Help · 8:35pm Jun 7th, 2016

Hey guys! Sorry that I've not been too active. Just been busy. Anyway, I need your help. Well, someone else does really. A youtuber I follow (he goes by the name Joey-O) needs our help. Earlier this year, he was diagnosed with cancer. At first, it was only a couple small tumors that were treatable, but it got really bad. A friend of his set up a gofundme page to help him. If you can, please donate. If not, please try to spread the word though Facebook, Twitter, snapchat, whatever you need to do

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New Chapter · 10:08pm May 4th, 2016

Posted a new chap today/Coming back to fimfiction like:

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WTF Fimfiction · 4:58pm Apr 21st, 2016

Okay, I'm in the cafeteria and I'm taking a look at the home page of fimfiction. What do I see everywhere? Sex stories. Almost all the stories in the featured box is sex stories between Ember and Spike. Same with popular box, along with a few anthro sex stories. And add the Recently Updated and Recently added boxes. Look, I don't mind seeing these stories on the front page here and there, but when the homepage is littered with sex stories, I mean what the hell? You guys are some horny mofo's. I

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Been a while! · 12:43am Mar 24th, 2016

What is happenin' my homies?! Ya boi NickyD is back! So let me just inform you what has been going on with me.

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Super Bowl Update · 6:35pm Feb 7th, 2016

Hello there my precious readers! Hope you guys are having a good day. So I have some updates I wish to share with you guys!

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Sup my Homie G's!! · 9:49pm Dec 14th, 2015

First off, how you guys doing? I hope y'all doing alright and life has been good to you. For me, college is winding down for the semester. Right now I am preparing for final exams and assignments. So yeah, I'm going to be busy this week. But after the 18th, I will be off from college until January 25th! So that means I will be doing more writing. Does this mean more frequent updates? Maybe, maybe not. I do have the next two chapters of "Stuck" written out, I just have to make sure they are

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HOLY S##T!!!! · 4:09pm Oct 10th, 2015


Spoilers below:
We found out Diamond Tiara's mom is a big bitch, Diamond Tiara isn't that bad of a pony, and the Crusaders got their F##KING CUTIEMARKS!!!! HOLY MARRY MOTHER OF GOD IT HAPPENED!!! I had the biggest fangasim ever....and Applejack's parents are dead...

But otherwise, it was an amazing episode by far. Better than episode 100 in my opinion.

until next time!


Report NickyD · 154 views · #new episode #mlp #fangasim

What's this? Another update? · 8:43pm Sep 26th, 2015

Just telling you guys what's been going on. So college is okay. The work isn't too overwhelming so that is good. I'm working (job wise) as hard as I can. In fact, I'm actually writing this during my shift. See, I was hoping I wouldn't be working today and see the Friendship Games, but unfortunately they needed me to work today because there is a HUGE group of people coming in to see the Pope. The hotel I work at is pretty close tho Philly and the pope arrived here today. So, yeah. I did the

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College · 1:58pm Sep 2nd, 2015

Hey guys! NickyD here!! So I started college today! I only had one class today (English Comp 101) now now I'm just chilling out. Tomorrow I have two classes and they end in the morning (almost all of my classes do, except on Tuesday). I'm really looking forward to the college experience. You may be asking what type of college I'm attending? It's a community college (ranked best in the state and nation) and after two years here, I will transfer to a university to work on my education degree. Now

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My BronyCon Experince · 12:01am Aug 11th, 2015

Hey guys! So I attended BronyCon this past Saturday and I had an amazing time. Me and my sister were able to meet a ton of cool people and see some interesting panels. Me and my sister met M.A. Larson, John De Lancie, Kazumi Evans, Andria Libman, Ratchetness, Alex Side, PieDislikerSwag, MastMax888, Nowacking, EileMonty, Ink Rose, AnimatedJames and so many more awesome people. It was my first convention and I had an amazing time. Will I go again next year? I would love too, but I some what doubt

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Report NickyD · 230 views · #BronyCon #convention
Viewing 21 - 40 of 58 results