
Viewing 21 - 27 of 27 results

Zero Hour: The Battle of Ponyville · 5:49pm Jan 20th, 2020

The final chapter is here. Zero Hour: The Battle of Ponyville
They've spent the time since Xellos spoke to them preparing for a battle, and that's exactly what they get. Hoards of lesser demons come flowing from the Everfree forest, their target: Princess Twilight.
In the Final Chapter of The Line Between Fire and Light, what will happen to Twilight and her friends? To Ponyville? To Equestria? There's a great deal on the line and none of them can afford to be at anything but their best.

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Why The Long Face · 5:43am Feb 16th, 2016

I was just able to release the first two chapters of my new story Why The Long Face!
Dispite some technical difficulties with the web site, I was able to post it a tad later than expected.

I really hope everyone who supports me will read it because I'm super excited about it. It feels like some of best work I've done so far.

If you like HIE at all try to give it a look.

Thank you and please, have a nice day.


Cover pic for my new story · 12:54am Jun 18th, 2015

That's right, bitches. I'm writing again!

Finally, I've decided on a story that I believe I can actually follow through with. Now I've decided that I won't be continuing Terminus or Hawkeye Delicious, mostly because the rest of the plot of Terminus is easily predictable and Hawkeye Delicious is...well, just kinda meh.

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Writing: Ramblings about Developing Characters · 3:14am Jun 20th, 2018

I've been told that I do original characters well,* so I thought I'd share some of my secrets with y'all.


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New Side Hustle · 5:26pm Jun 21st, 2022

So, I'm still doing GrubHub delivery, which remains as exhausting and soul-crushing as usual (if not moreso sometimes, given the way their tech will now take jobs away while I'm stuck in traffic with no options!) It also does quite the number on writing time, though I think I'm getting the gears grinding a little more on that all now!

But I'm looking for other options. And I see that one of the things happening now is paid GMing. I'm hesitant to call it 'pro' at this point, but paid.

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Read It Now Reviews #41 – Of Flies and Spiders, Is It Gay for a Stallion to Give a Unicorn Mare a Hornjob, Politics by Other Means, Siren’s Call, Luna, I Had No Idea · 1:54am Jul 29th, 2015


Story Notes: 18: Public Speaking · 2:49am Jan 18th, 2019

A while back--and I can’t be bothered to check my notes or my blog posts where I might or might not have announced that this was a thing that I was going to do--I mentioned that I was catching up on some of the Prompt-A-Days that I missed back in the day.

I seem to recall someone complaining that it was going to be a second-person fic.

Deal with it, someone.

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Viewing 21 - 27 of 27 results