
Viewing 21 - 40 of 1,780 results

IDW Friends Forever #17 Review · 5:59am Aug 21st, 2017

With the show coming back for what would turn out to be an unexpected but amazing fifth season in terms of quality, the IDW comics were sliding downhill fast! The main series was bouncing from one insulting two parter to another, with only a rejected Friends Forever script to break things up, and even that was dragged down by Fosgitt's terrible artwork. As for Friends Forever, the best it had to offer in the first half of 2015 was Friends Forever #13, with Friends Forever #14 proving to be a

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IDW Legends of Magic #2 Review · 11:00pm Jul 17th, 2017

With the first Legends of Magic having proven itself to be a great success, the pressure was on to see if it could keep up the quality a second time around and thus prove it was a series worthy of being part of the comics roster. Deciding to go with a brand new legend never before mentioned in the show, was this second issue able to prove Legends of Magic had staying power or did it already indicate the series might not live up to the hype? Well, let's find out.

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The Second Half of Season 7 v.s. The Second Half of Seasons 1-6 (Episodes Only) · 4:29am Oct 29th, 2017

Well, another season has come and gone, and it's been quite a ride. I have to admit, this season has more than any other given me the most cause for concern about the show, and there were times I was worried it would be the first season in my book not to top the previous season. But was that actually the case? Well, before we find out, let's take a look at our episodes in the second half and how I'd rank them. Like always, this list is my personal opinion and is not official by any means.

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Need An Opinion... · 6:53pm Dec 21st, 2017

While chapter one of "SciTwi Shimmer-Book 7.5" (the final product won't have the "SciTwi Shimmer" tag on the front BTW) is finished, I'm debating on releasing it now and adding the second chapter later or waiting until both are completed to release it. What do y'all think?


The Second Half of Season 8 v.s. the Second Half of Seasons 1-2 and 4-7 (Episodes Only) · 4:44am Oct 14th, 2018

I've been doing this since Season 4 and I intend to keep doing it. Despite how much I ragged on about the finale being so underwhelming, was it really enough to drag down Season 8 or is it possible that Season 8 is actually better than even I'm giving it credit for? Well, like always this list is purely the result of my personal opinion so please respect it. And first, like always, we rank the episodes in this half. Here's how I rank them from worst to best.

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IDW Main Series #68 Review · 4:15pm Oct 20th, 2018

So after the first part of this two parter proved to be really rough around the edges in regard to Tempest, was this second part able to make her redemption justified? Was it able to fix all that went wrong? Or did it only prove to be a waste of time that undermined any credibility for Tempest's character? Especially when the Ponyville Mysteries comics were generating more interest because they included Scootaloo's aunts and Diamond Tiara? Well, let's find out (there wasn't much in the way of

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Mane Eight Ranking, Version 8 · 4:26am Jul 2nd, 2019

Now that "Rainbow Roadtrip" has come and gone, I can give my thoughts properly on the main cast for the second to last time (barring something unforeseen happening). Season 9 so far has been interesting, there are quite a few things to consider. So did the number one spot change, and if so who now holds the top spot? Here's the previous version, from just after "Best Gift Ever", let's see

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Opinion warning. · 10:20am Aug 6th, 2018

So, with this current story, it may come to your attention that some of my... opinions... regarding certain characters might be pretty different from what one would consider the norm. This isn't going to change the quality of the story, and I'm putting forth a lot of effort to make it as believable as possible,like always. I just wanted to let you know that some of the things I have some strong opinions for might make themselves known. I hope you all enjoy finding out what it is, and can

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Report Boltsinger · 372 views · #Opinion #Warning

IDW Main Series #70 Review · 5:02pm Oct 12th, 2018

Feels like it's been forever since I reviewed a main series comic, which really says a lot about the quality of them as of late. Anyway, these comic reviews always begin with a retrospective of sorts detailing any major events real world and fandom/show related. The IDW comics were currently preparing to wrap up a five part mini series of the "Ponyville Mysteries" comics, which not only had no real relation to the books (which have stopped being produced, likely because Nicole Dubac has either

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Really Could Use Y'all's Opinion... · 2:55am Jul 13th, 2018

With the recent rewrite of Dark Sunset, the last update of the semi-dark Spring Has Sprung, the upcoming release of Muted Wubs and the in-progress rewrite of It's Time To Leave, I was thinking about going back to the darker roots of the SciTwi Shimmer Chronicles following the completion of NAS(Car)-Tunes.

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IDW Friends Forever #27 Review · 8:15pm Dec 28th, 2018

After the main series of comics seemed to stumble with the Twilight/Spike issue, it decided to go for something that was meant to be a parody of a children's book, but took that as a license to sacrifice substance for style. Meanwhile, the Friends Forever series was still carrying on with relatively little fanfare. The Shining Armor/Prince Blueblood one in particular failed to really excite. So, was this issue focusing on Pinkie Pie and Granny Smith able to make up for a less than stellar issue

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As Promised (And More)... · 6:35pm Apr 8th, 2019

Whelp, it's Monday April 8th and as promised, here's the results of the poll on which story to re-write. The winner with 57% of the vote is Am I Really Their Friend?

Those who wish to verify these results can do so here.

Now onto "and more" part of the title.

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Report NCtransbrony · 213 views · #Opinion #help

IDW Main Series #81 Review · 4:39am Dec 26th, 2019

Like I often do for Christmas I get pony comics and do reviews of them, and as I always do I like to open each issue with a bit of retrospective on where things were at the time of the issue's original release. Sometimes the passage of time and events in the present can affect how something is perceived. Anyway, the summer of 2019 passed mostly uneventfully for the fandom, aside from "Rainbow Roadtrip" and the early release of "Sunset's Backstage Pass" (alongside the news that the Equestria

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My thoughts on Ponylife! · 12:49pm Jan 30th, 2020

Well how do I feel about this show? Well in all honesty it's not what Hasbro promised us which was MLP Gen 5. I am surprised that their doing Ponylife because they have been leaking MLP Gen 5 for a few years now and this TV show Ponylife is most likely going to be damage control or a TV show that is going during the development of MLP Gen 5. I believe that Hasbro hasn't got done with MLP Gen 5 and so they have decided to hand some of the rights to Nickelodeon to make a MLP TV show. Which means

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IDW Main Series #92 (Season 10, Episode 4) · 2:41am Sep 8th, 2021

I got my hands on the last two comics in the main series I intend to collect. And it is with this issue that the first big "arc" of "Season 10" was coming to an end. The comics didn't have much else going on, though attention was being drawn to the fact that Rarity's story with the Diamond Dogs was being bumped to an annual and that we were getting another Christmas comic for 2020 despite the pandemic. But by now this "arc" had taken a bit of a turn that not everyone was thrilled with. Was this

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IDW Main Series #29 Review · 2:01am Aug 23rd, 2015

With Main Series #27 and #28 having aliennated most readers, IDW announced that the month of April would be dedicated to a new series called Fiendship is Magic, promising to show the backstory of several major villans. But before that could happen, IDW decided to break tradition, and have a one shot slice of life story in their main series. Did this decision work out for the best, or did it only further drag the comics down?

Well, let's find out.

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IDW Main Series #42 Review · 3:24am Feb 17th, 2017

2016 is a year that many of us are not likely to forget anytime soon, for better or for worse. But from a fandom perspective, if there was one thing that 2016 was especially unkind to, it was the IDW comics. They started off the year with a terrible Friends Forever issue that resulted in Fosgitt sinking even deeper, and wrapped up with the main series at its lowest point yet with an arc that was looking increasingly terrible.

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The Quickening: Starlight Glimmer · 4:54pm Dec 20th, 2016

After a pointless blog entry and all the drama surrounding my good friend Vanilla Mocha (click here for more), it's time to take a look at the most controversial character in the entire show.

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Report Smashology · 556 views · #Quickening #opinion

IDW Main Series #39 Review · 4:33am Aug 25th, 2016

With information about Season 6's airdate popping up early on in the month of Feburary, the fandom rejoiced and started the count down to the new season. Meanwhile, the IDW comics went back to their regular schedule after a shipping problem in Feburary 2015 resulted in both comics being pushed back to March. While Friends Forever hit twenty five issues with a TwiDash story that got a lot of people talking, the main series resumed the second and final part of a pre Crusaders of

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IDW Main Series #40 Review · 4:25am Aug 26th, 2016

If there was ever a comic that the fandom was both anticipating and dreading at the same time, this would have to be it. It seemed like the stars might again align and bring the main series back up to the levels it had been at during its glory years of 2012-2014. Friends Forever was still bobbing up and down in quality, sometimes hitting it right out of the park and sometimes really dropping the ball. So, with such high stakes, was this comic able to deliver as it promised, or

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 1,780 results