
Viewing 341 - 348 of 348 results

Imagine the following: You wake up in your bed, it's the morning of Critter Snow Day and it quickly turns into the worst day of your life. And then the day happens again. And again. And again. And again. And..... [Story Preview] · 7:23am Feb 3rd, 2019


Chapter Notes: Air Tour (Destination Unknown) · 2:40am Feb 18th, 2022

What’s a mare to do while waiting for the airplane museum to do? She could trot over the road and try to get a ride on a commuter train, or she could go on a flying tour of Puget Sound . . .


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100th Story Drops Tomorrow! · 5:18pm Mar 28th, 2020

What it says on the tin, folks. The first chapter of my 100th(!) story will be dropping at 7 pm EST tomorrow. It's the start of my adventure anthology for all the lore and parts of the mythos that never quite got their own solo tales. There will be lots about the Alicorns, other divine, and the origin of many species. For the three people and their alts that follow Missing Pages & Scrawled Footness, you'll like this one if there's stuff in the main arc you wished to see even a bit of in

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Ooooh · 8:58pm Jun 26th, 2015

I knew Gay Marriage was just legalized today, but just now I realized everything is rainbows because of it. :twilightsheepish: Silly me!
I'm drawing pride ponies for the occasion. :3
These aren't my pride ponies, though:


Newbie Artist Training Grounds XI - Day 7: Boarding the PeachTrain · 2:40am Jun 9th, 2021


Spice Up Your Life, various thoughts · 9:54pm Jun 11th, 2016

I was away today, and only just got to watch the episode. It was another all right episode, featuring a new song, good character dynamic and some fun. The moral of the episode was wonderful, although I'm not sure why Rarity had to learn it as well. It irks me a tad that we don't have the custom credits roll tracks anymore. I hope they'll return soon. I don't have much to say about this one in terms of lore or world-building or anything, but let's go!

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Summer Writing Plans, Part 1 · 7:03pm Jun 1st, 2020

Hi y'all. I hope that where all of you are, everyone is doing okay. Or, at least as okay as we can all be with all the awful stuff that's been intensifying. This is the blog I wanted to share regarding the summer writing plans for all my stories. I'll be sure to touch on the status of each one and offer some details about its completion. I would also like to take a moment to show off something other neat things I've found and mention very briefly how all the rioting will impact my presence on

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28 Pranks Later, various thoughts · 5:10pm Aug 13th, 2016

Well, this is an interesting episode. I feel that the premise is a tad arbitrary— much like last week's episode, this is a lesson that Rainbow should already have long learnt. But in spite of that, the imagery is just so good. Holy crud, even when knowing the gist of the plot it was actually pretty exciting. So, as usual, have some thoughts!

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Viewing 341 - 348 of 348 results