Chess Game of the Gods 1,443 members · 87 stories
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Group Admin

So I've been getting a lot of questions about different things about being canon and what not, and many of them repeated each other. So to help out with that part, I'm creating this thread. I will look over this topic closely and try to answer any questions within a week (I'm still in college and have stuff to do) so everyone can see answers to some common questions.


If your question is urgent, reply to this comment so I can get to yours faster.

Only ask questions that pertain to current Canon events or concerns.

Questions about whether something/one is canon may also go here.

If asking about if a species is canon, please refer to the rules for the procedure to do that.

NO ASKING IF YOU CAN BECOME CANON HERE, that is not the purpose of this topic.

And then the general rules of the forum, which can be found at the locked topic on the Forum page.

So imah just go ahead and start with the most obvious one. Twilicorn, canon or no canon in CGoTG universe? :moustache:

Group Admin


Currently we are not using Twilicorn as canon in our stories. BlackWing, being the author furthest in the timeline currently may change that, but as of now we have no Twilicorn.

Corona Blaze
Group Admin

871753 Actually blackwing has told me he plans on workign it in, however it'll most likely occur after the next major crossover, so it's more accurate to say 'not yet'.

871753 Kay, just wondering what you guys are planning for the future. Gonna check back regularly to see what else might pop up as canon, just to make sure that when i submit my story it will be as synched with the others as possible when it comes to canon and non-canon things. :moustache:

is the Crystal Empire a cold place like a tundra or like Alaska? or is it just a normal warm place like equestria?

I'm asking because i need a Alaska like place with a civilization nearby

Corona Blaze
Group Admin

871769 Crystal Empire is in the far FAR north, it's perpetually snowing there, except within the city itself.

871770 okay thanks

Has the the origin of Latin in the universe been explained in any capacity yet?

can my character first appear as human and then change to his other form? its just for a few chapters at the beginning

and how do the gods play the game? can new ones or week ones team up and have to put their piece through a test to see which god gets the piece?

Actually, I have a question... since I haven't read very far in the many of the later stories, just not enough time to read that many stories, I've been wondering. This is a Chess game... of the Gods... what the bloody hell are they playing for? What's their end game? I haven't seen one, of course that doesn't mean that there isn't one, but if I plan of continuing to work on the story that's in my brain it would be really helpful to know if any of the Gods have ANY idea what they're playing for. What are the stakes?

Corona Blaze
Group Admin

871784 Yes, the idea behind it was partially kicked foff by Datapackrat and was expanded upon by others.

In general, 'Latin' is very close to the Changeling's ancient language, hence the simmilarities between Changeling magic and Griffin's spellcasting, further back time travel gets involved with Missy and Lauren Faust[the alicorn, not the cartoonist] exchanging ideas, resulting in the knowledge OF latin. Lauren is, techncially, dead as of the 'modern day', but iher soul is bound to the planet and is known as 'The Will of Equis', and is, essentially, the source of the 'rules' of the various forms of magic in Equestria.

Group Admin


Nope, he's gotta get there as whatever it is that he's going to be. As for how the Gods play the game, they send their piece and TECHNICALLY aren't supposed to do anything beyond that, but some cheat and help their piece to live. The ultimate goal is to have only one piece left standing at the very end, and the God whose piece that is gets a boost to his powers. The new ones/weak ones can team up and sponsor a piece as well.


The Gods are playing for a boost in their power, which would grant them the ability to take over another god's realm or along the like.

so; other than Flutter On, Trixie's return and (possible Twilicorn) we should take season 3 for cannon?

871914 I thought it was the dragon language that it was based off; so the dragon and changeling languages have the same origins or...

Corona Blaze
Group Admin

872016 you never know.

And yeah, they are very closely related.

What is the airspeed of an unladen Equestrian swal- *smack*

My serious question is does Luna officialy still talk with the royal we and ye olde Equestrian? I've read stories where she talks like in Luna Eclipsed, and others where she talks like everyone else. It's kind of bugging me.

871977 So how do their Chess pieces grant them more power? by finding powerful artifacts? by finding more "followers?" How does a God get more power?

Comment posted by Bryce98 deleted Apr 12th, 2013


So, pretty much what this awesome site is doing then?

We had a war on April first and we don't want it to end, in case you're wondering.

also, Here's a sub you guys will probably like.


871977 well how about Gods who interact with their piece a lot, but only to chat and that's it. My god puts the character through missions to guide the piece on her path. and for every mission that she completes the piece or the piece's weapon becomes a tiny bit stronger.

Also, weapons? what counts as a Canon Weapon?

872551 she's still working on it (by season 3 opener according to BlackWing); this means you can do either since she occasionally slips into her archaic tongue

Musicman's story kinda has that, makes a few quests to make him think he's in a video game. Some gods have a few dream chats every once in a while. As long as you don't do overt things, you should be fine

who do I talk to to introduce a new race?

Group Admin


Canon weapons is honestly something we have never had brought up before, so if you send me the details of its specs, I think we could sort something out. I don't want anything outrageous though (laser guns, lightsabers, the entire arsenal of Borderlands) so just keep that in mind.

As for the God stopping in to chatter and nudge the piece in a certain direction, that's fine by me.


That would be me. Go to the Rules page and look under the authors section, there is a blip about new species there that should be helpful to do the write up that should be PMed to me.

Is there an up to date cannon map of the world available?

875124 I just put my piece on a Island out side the the large continent of Equestria. is that ok?

874973 okay, because I was thinking about making the player's "weapon" be more of a bracelet that sends out one ball of light that the player can moves around. kind of like how a water bender (from avatar: the last air bender/the legend of Korra) can use a ball of water to attack, except its a ball of light and she can only use one at a time. if that doesn't work for canon don't worry i haven't put it in the story yet. I'm still trying to figure out her weapon.

Group Contributor

Is there anything else regarding the"universe" that we should know about that hasn't been explained anywhere yet? Like the latin magic thing being explained. I recall knowing that Gem Fido and the Griffin Dominion were once united but what about dragons? Is there anything written on them yet or is there already a set knowledge about them as a whole?

Group Admin


I do not believe there is as of this moment. We were talking to someone to draw out a new one, but I have yet to hear word of that project.


Island off the coast is fine. As for the weapon idea, it sounds like an interesting concept, and has proper restrictions (one at a time) so I feel that is acceptable.


We have a couple of the members in charge of different lore of the regions and common races amongst. I believe Tamara Bloodhoof is in charge of draconic lore and such.

What about music magic know...the "Nothing can possibly go wrong!" shtick?

Some stories have skimmed the surface of how whole towns burst into song, but none have delved deep into it. I would like to use it, but I don't want to mess up...

And I love the idea of fate tugging.

about the sonic rainboom; I get that fannon for this group is actually the speed of sound (rather than mach 5), but am I safe to assume that the rainboom requires excessive amounts of pegasi/griffon/cynogriff magic rather that just the speed? meaning that if someone were to go faster than sound (through artificial means) there would be no rainboom

Group Admin


I do not believe that "Musical Number Magic" has been expanded in the canon yet.


Well with BlackWing's new chapter out, it seems that natural magic is needed to make the rainboom, but I am not sure about artificial speeds, since none of the canon authors to my knowledge have the idea of making an artificial craft traveling at faster speeds. It is something that has not been brought up before.

881282 that's kinda what I got from his chapter too; what i meant by artificial means is a mix of an over-channelled 'accellero' spell and a failed experiment. I was wondering if I should just keep the speed below sonic levels or if it'd be fine to go over the speed (and still have no rainboom)

Group Admin


I'd keep it below for the time being until we discuss the idea a bit more. That way you won't have to worry about it, and can always up the ante later on after a decision has been finished.

Group Contributor


I feel like there was a thread once talking about the requirements for becoming canon and it included something about a minimum word requirement. I can't find it now. Is there still such a thing?

Also, I remember someone saying they had explained how unicorn magic works in the story. Could someone direct me to the explanation? One of the characters I"m writing is going to have to learn from the ground up how unicorn magic works.

Group Admin


Not sure where the Unicorn Magic one came from. As for the requirements to become canon, there is currently Waiting List 2.0 and eventually will be an Official Waiting list (that one is in progress).

Group Contributor

Ah, that's the thread, okay.

And, i guess i'll find magic out somehow...

I have just one simple question, has anyone even touched Saddle Arabia yet? I just need to know so that I can either continue on with, or scrap altogether, the Lawful-Evil magocracy I've been pulling together.

Wow! Not that big of a thread.:scootangel:

How about magic? How does it exist in the world? Well actually, as much as I'd love to read a whole paper on it; my question is: has it been expanded upon fully in one of the stories? Is it a field? If so, does it take the place of the electromagnetic field, or exist along with it? I am currently reading Blackwing's story have seen mention of electromagnetic fields(holding thing without fingers), but have not learned of how it functions. If this hasn't been said yet, would it be wrong to show it as having the properties of a field of some sort?

A character I have in mind is dependent on the properties of magic.

904819 read Myou've Gotta be Kidding Me. it and Griffin named Griffin go the most in depth.

to some it up though, magic has a 'casual' ralationship with the laws of physics; with loose restrictions based on magic Potential energy (of the person or gem/focus item), the creativity of the caster, the focus of the caster, and (if elemental) the presence of the components of the spell. (think of magic as another force of energy/nature entirely)

Also, dragons/ursas (or people with a connection of some type to a dragon scale/bone and/or certain other creatures) are implied to be heavily resistant/immune to Latin magic (at least directly)

-this isn't official, (so if Cloud Surfer or another mod corrects me, i'll delete this) but its kinda what I've put together from the stories so far

Thank you.
Your comment has not only confirmed some suspicions, but given me a direction to go in. If Cloud Surfer has anything else to add I more than welcome it. I see no need for you to delete your comment. Sweet timing too!

Comment posted by _CheckMate_ deleted Apr 23rd, 2013
Group Admin


I do not know if any canon story has touched base there. I know Troutking in What Was Lost has gone south, but I am not sure how far.


Check_Mate covered most of it. Currently one of our mods is consolidating all of the Magic Theory discussion in the Chessverse for a new topic to be posted later, so if that didn't help I'm sure that will.

906002 Oh, glad I got it right then

Group Contributor


Glad to hear it about the magic. There have been plenty of things I wanted to make sure I was doing right.

two things, can the gods make their pieces remember things they have repressed in the past (Memories mostly) and how much can I run with the gladiator type theme? As in is it just one den or could it be more than one involved?

Group Contributor

908097It sounds to me like you can come up with whatever you want so long as it doesn't conflict with an already created city/location/whatever's already defined concepts.

What is considered 'breaking the rules' when the Game Masters are concerned?

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