The Mojave Express 1,108 members · 86 stories
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What's Sweetie's condition?

Say "Hello Joe"

My Courier 6 is just as crazy as me and would probably go "hello Joe' back just to fuck with me

Me:.....Wanna come in?

Group Contributor

I invite them inside and inquire after whether or not Six is single (if it's a girl) or I ask Six where he got a pony and where i could get one of my own (if it's a guy)

Throw my hands up in defeat and walk back into the house while leaving the front door open for them to come in. After that I would go drown myself in Maple Syrup for good measure.

Group Contributor

One, I'll be a bit afraid (It's Scarlet after all). Two, Scarlet would be playing a song on her harmonica which Sweetie Bell might be singing (or humming) a song. Three, I would ask if I could fire a single round off of her Anti-marital rifle.

I would stare at them for a few minutes and then let them in.

Group Contributor

First I would ask why he is here, second check if he is here on peaceful terms and finally ask for the name of the idiot who have him my address.

Have a goddam adventure :pinkiehappy:

Courier 6 and I are on good terms and he's a pretty cool guy.

Courier(cant rememer name i chose right now) "Pony?"(while holding SweetieBelle out towards me.)

He would probably be crouched down in front of her making baby noises and saying things such as 'OH GOD YOU'RE ADORABLE LOOK AT YOU FUCKING LOOK AT YOU GOD DAMN HOLY SHIT' and ignoring everything she said to him.

And I'd be staring at it the entire time.

She'd also probably be hiding under a table or something because he's a ghoul.

Edmar Fecler
Group Contributor

invite them in and make ebough pancakes to feed an army (or rather, an army of one; considering my courier). while we eat, i would inquire as to how they came to find themselves in front of my home. after that, i think i'd have to wing it. :twilightsmile:

my Courier, Hungry Joe will give me Sweetie Belle in exchange for some pre-war donuts that aren't completely stale and then dissapear. I will have a sweetie belle.

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I'd just stand there confused, probably with John offering me a stack of caps for a room, or use of the radio, while Sweetie is probably humming the tune of whatever song's playing on John's Pip-Boy, since he almost always has the thing set to a radio station.

Then I'd flip out, half in panic, half in fallout-obsessive glee, and stow away any fallout and pony items or online material to prevent a logic bombing.

Then the Wild Wasteland fun begins.

Me: You did did good

I'd ask him if he has any extra weapons i can use to help him and sweetie get back to their respective homes. There would also be alot of blood being spilled if someone hurt sweetie

Perception Filter
Group Contributor

I shit myself from pure excitement and invite him in. I chat casually with him, and ask for one of his guns. Since my courier is amazing, he would give one to me.

I would have The Courier play Fallout New Vegas just to screw with him and give Sweetie a high five.

Late Night Delight
Group Contributor

Depends on which Courier it would be....

If it was Chris, He'd probably be singing "Maneater" with Sweetie Belle just humming along, with him putting his All American in my face and telling me I've got five seconds to explain some shit before it all hits the fan. I would then panic, slam the door, and experience the worst type of panic attack He'd bust a cap in my ass, heal me up, do some sort of crazy shit, and then walk off to do the same with other people..

Cheyenne'd probably want Sweetie Belle as far away as possible, and probably just ask if she could use my radio to call the NCR. I would then let them in and make all sorts of bad sex jokes with her. I'd probably have the time of my life.

If Dimitri was at my door, I'd probably ask for him to hand over his Centurion Armor, and then have him and Sweetie Belle over for dinner. Over the course, Dimitri'd probably try his hardest to seduce me, to whcihc Sweetie Belle will not understand and I will facepalm massively.

Unfortunately for Sweetie Belle, if Alex got her hands on her, She'd be a prized new coat. If that's not the case, me and Sweetie'd be making our way through town in my underwear while Alex chases us brandishing a flaming sword while yelling "I just want your love!" To which I replied "And I want to live!"


Where are you getting all these names?

Late Night Delight
Group Contributor

669615 I made four different couriers, one for each faction.

I named Chris after meself, and he works for himself. Independent dude, and completely fucking bonkers. I named Cheyenne after the mountain I live near, and I made her totally NCR supportive. I named Dimitri after a super-hero I made long ago, total Legion fucker. And I named Alex after an old buddy 'o mine that was pretty cool, she's House biased and completely and insanely evil.

Frank DuFresne (Doc)
Group Contributor

He'd be talking to Sweetie Belle, and when I try to talk to him he'd yell at me. Then I would let them in, he would throw stuff off of shelves (he'd banned from several stores), shoot all of my radios, and sleep in my bed. (Sweetie Belle would just be following him around.) Then if I talk too much he'll shoot me in the face.

I would ask him if I was so stoned I had a brain aneurism and died, he would shoot me in the face then he would kill Sweetie Belle, march into my home, kill my whole family and steal everything valuable.

Yeah he's reeeeaaaaally evil, I would slaughter groups of people in Fallout because I could as well.

Take a second to remember that I don't drink so I'm not drunk, then motion for them as I go to the liquor store to start drinking until the world makes sense again. The courier follows me as (s)he hasn't had any booze that wasn't 2 decades old or home distilled. All three of us proceed to get smash as Sweetie Belle doesn't understand that Hard Cider is different then the stuff that the apple family makes.

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