Alternative Conversion Bureau 1,049 members · 344 stories
Comments ( 16 )
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Alright, so fandoms are taken into account, which faction from your favorite fandom is marginally worse OR better than the TCB?

For example, we have;

-First Order/ Empire, Yuuzhan Vong from Star Wars,

-Decepticons from Transformers,

-Atlas from COD Advanced Warfare,

-Reapers from Mass Effect,

-Daleks from Doctor Who

-Doctor Doom, And All Marvel Villains

-Darksied, and all DC Villians

-Vaas from Farcry 3

-Covenant from Halo

And so on.


5064500 Actually it's Yuuzhan Vong.

I'd say Daleks are worse. Covenant would be better if one could reveal the Great Lie.

I have more respect for a race that makes it very clear what they plan to do to you from the start. The Decepticons and Daleks want to destroy and exterminate, they don't hide behind lies.

Dont even list the covenant because they are a real video game example of the TCB if you know the covenants history

The T-Virus and any Zombie apocalypse

Cobra-La from G.I. Joe: the movie

7F #7 · Feb 22nd, 2016 · · ·

The Flood from halo

5064571 I find it weird that you are respecting the decpticons for being honest.

The SCP's from the SCP wiki.
Dementors from Harry Potter.
Any demon faction played even remotely straight.

The Combine from Half Life.

At least they are honest about the genocide part though. I'll give them that, but becoming a Combine soldier is arguably worse than becoming a newfoal.

Well, at least you look badass as a Combine soldier.

There is also Domination of Draka.
From TV Tropes quotes:
"Damn it, I have absolutely NO idea who to cheer for! On one hand, we have the xenophobic racist abominations of nature that violate almost every law and convention that exists, and on the other hand, we have the Draka!"

The Caribou from Fall of Equestria.

5065352 Fucking this. The "Post-FoE" group is really no better or different from the "mainline" FoE group when you really get down to it honestly.


Although, to be fair, they do eventually splinter and allie themselves with us once some of them realize that they're completely fucked if they don't work with us.

5065225 good to see that see someone that know what Draka is. Yeah they pretty bad and bad I mean absolutely evil. After looking up what Draka is, I never thought I would want an entire people to be nuked to oblivion. I mean some of the shit they do is like the worst war crimes to exist. Are just utterly despicable. Compare to TCB they make them look innocent, in comparison at least in TCB you have an enemy who is not that technology advanced, I would dead with TCB than Draka any day on the week.

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