Transformers Crossovers 741 members · 331 stories
Comments ( 16 )
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Feast your eyes upon this glorious poster!

And yes their will be Dinobots


As long as they stick the the source material, and don't pull off anything Micheal Bay would do, then there's hope for this movie.

Transformers 4: Age of Extinction? :duck:

I LOVE IT! :yay:

Why isn't it 2014 yet?

Also, I have a feeling the Avengers is coming out in 2015 just to see what they can steal from TF4.

Dinobots are going to be ruined! executed horribly!

There. Someone had to bring in a little negativity to this thread.

1673986 Considering what Bay did with the franchise with his 2 sequels, I wouldn't be surprise. Thats why you should always set your standards as low as possible, that way you wont get your heart broken if what you've been waiting for, turn out to be a pile of shit.

I am consciously optimistic

Gonna have an all new human cast, that's a plus in my book.

Only human I disliked was Sam. Rest where fine. Please god no Daniel.


The way Bay does things, Daniel would basically be Captain William Lennox.

1674761 Lennox was not a bad character. Only what Bays films for Transformers

We found your head in a box

The find my body and reattach them you worthless wretch!

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