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How do you think the world would react if let's say 25% of the worlds population woke up as ponies. Personally, depending on the region, I think it probibally wouldn't be safe to be a pony.

All the reactions. There would be all the reactions.

Especially if it were random. If becoming a pony was clearly correlated with something, though, then I think things might go downhill fast in some places. If it wasn't clearly correlated, then I think the first thing most people would do is investigate until they could convince themselves it was.

933852 Depends. Is the 25% concentrated in one geographic region and/or demographic category, evenly distributed, or haphazardly scattered?

After the world recovers from the shock, one of several things could happen.

There are many ways this could play out, but untimely it will get the attention of public health organisations. After that, life will probably be pretty interesting with pesgsi flying in the cities and unicorns with there magic. I love stories like that. :pinkiehappy:

That means 1,750,000,000 magic ponies now exist on the planet. :rainbowderp: Another way to put that is, one in every four people are now ponies. If this was contained to one country it would most likely be china. According to the following png file it would have the highest population making it possible to contain it to one location.

That being said, if it was localized, china would be cut off from the rest of the world. Then there would even be talk of nuclear war to stop what could be the spread of a "magic" disease. Humans however are really good at ignoring what is directly in front of their faces. Acting out of fear we would maybe loose 1/4 of the worlds population to extremists. To paraphrase men in black, "a person is smart, people are stupid".

That being said if it was world wide, it would be mass chaos! Looting, rioting, and predigest would only be the start of it all. With this option I don't think we as a species would survive for long.

Either geographically concentrated or completely random, 25% is a hell of a lot of people. 1.75 billion people, roughly, which is over five times the population of the united states.

Geographically concentrated, you'd be talking about entire continents of ponies. Contrary to 933951, China only has a population of 1.35 billion. In fact, 1.75 billion would cover China AND the US (not that it would, since they aren't close geographically, but still.) No country is going to nuke a quarter of the world (or more, depending on density) with the goal of population death. It's just not going to happen.

If completely random, virtually everyone would have a close friend or family member who was a pony. You wouldn't be able to go outside without seeing a bunch of them. Between the likelihood of personal experience and the incredible level of exposure, I think integration would go well—but you'd definitely have a vocal minority of people who defy statistics. If people can dehumanize women in their head, they can certainly dehumanize ponies. I think that would be the extent of it, though. I don't think public safety would be a widespread problem.


that is what I meant when I said 'in some regions'. I was thinking of areas like the middle east and the deep south.

You know, we here in the deep south wouldn't go killing our family just because they got turned into magical talking ponies. If anything we'd try and help them adjust to their new lives, figuring out ways to get them through their day to day as well as ways that their new forms could be useful. We use everything we've got and we value our family. So killing both manpower, and relatives would pretty much begging for the label 'public enemy number one'. And the vast majority of us do, in fact, support the death penalty so I doubt that's a label you want down here.

As for the rest of the world... well, there would be chaos and lots of it.

Criminals and terrorists with magical powers and the ability to fly... oh god...
At least, the police and the military would also have those so this would balance the powers i guess.

Anyway, i'd expect a lot of bloodshed and suffering, sadly.

Never thought I'd be able to use this exact video in this kind of context, but, here are my thoughts of how some* people would react.

* = Fox News

Group Contributor

This is the kind of discussion that's popped up in the Furry community, but for anthros.
The reactions will depend on how fast or slow the change occurs.
if its all the victims poofing overnight and planetwide, the waves will be minimal after a month or so and no further victims occurng. This sounds like the best possible scenario since EVERYONE will have at least one pony relative.

The comic "Tales of the Morphing Period" has a lot to say on the subject with the other extreme, with about the same ratio of transformation occurring in North America only -at first, with new waves of change hitting every few years in other continents and previously affected areas but with new species among the unchanged humans)
In it, a mysterious, presumably nanobot-based ailment occurs here and there across North America as people change at varying rates over 2-6 months. The fast change victims have the worst of it as far as violence and hiding out go. the worst atrocities were in places easy to seal off and full of people that act like Canterlot Unicorns -such as exclusive neghborhoods and Gated communites that locked themselves down and did what panicked mobs do to any transformee found out.
This was quickly stopped, even more thouroughly once the sheer numbers of TFees were becoming clear and anyone might be next.

If you have any questions I might be able to help with in more detail. feel free to message me. :pinkiehappy:

It is true that we already have a lot of bloodshep and suffering, so wouldnt change that much, i guess. Would just have an added layer of xenophobia maybe.... no wait we already have that as well... :ajbemused:

Group Contributor

Some bronies would probably have TCB related nightmares. Everyone else would be confused to say the least. Many of the Humans turned pony would probably start a Pony Rights movement (Well the ones that are pegasi, earthponies, and really lazy unicorns.). Others would Humans turned pony brag about how much better they have it (mainly Pegasi and unicorns.). Wars might ensue. And the rare few would continue on with their lives unfazed.

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