Rainbow Dash 4,158 members · 7,326 stories
Comments ( 12 )
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and, no, nothing bad can happen to you, you are safe.

First, find out what it is like to have a tail and move a tail. Then go for a big flight.


- See if a sonic rainboom works in our world (or if it's just a regular sonic boom)

- Trigger military radars via sonic booms

- End up fighting U.S. airforce/navy/anti-air defense

- After military is defeated, see how far up I can fly before cold or lack of oxygen stops me

The weather would never be the same again.

Step 1: get out my map of the world that's labelled 'Bomb here,' 'Bomb here,' 'We're cool,' and 'Debatable.'
Step 2: apply Sonic Rainbooms, disastrous thunder storms, or light showers, as is appropriate.
Step 3: fly to America and go shopping for books. Because dam it like a river, I do not like online shipping, and shall avoid it all costs.

Step 4: upon returning home, slip into a panic and existential crisis upon realising that I am now female. Ice cream may be involved.

Oh right, I'd make it rain when we need it, a health balance between sun and rain, and minimize snow in winter so as to not ruin the roads.

7841044 Well first, I'd have to see if I can do everything Rainbow Dash could do in Equestria: Control the weather, fly super fast and make sonic rainbooms. If I could do all of those things, I could probably fly wherever I wanted to and manipulate the weather as I saw fit: Stopping storms, ending droughts and heatwaves, etc.

Freak the shit out of my parents sitting next to me.


Group Contributor

7841044 Find a really big raincloud and just hover it perpetually over the guy who splashed me with his jeep as I walked to work two days ago. For a really long time. I might take breaks to get some food and stuff but other than that I'd like to do this at least for a week. I might throw in some hail in there for good measure.

Then I'd like to really mess with the weather reporters by making a suspiciously phallic cloud and gradually fly it towards london.

Then I guess I had better go back to work to be honest. Cost of living is crazy over here.

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