The Writers' Group 9,331 members · 56,840 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Is it allowed to unpublish and then republish a chapter of your story? I mean, imagine that you update your story, but the update box for some reason fails to notice, would it be okay to republish the chapter?
Or if one were to just wish for another five point thirty one seconds in the spotlight, is that allowed to do?

2135405 I believe the FAQ mentions that it's against the rules to bump your story.

You would have to check because I would think there would at least be one, but there is literally no reason to bump your fic other than to try and gain a short instance of extra attention from it. Personally, I hate people who do that kind of thing but if you want to go ahead I guess...

Lol probably not the best idea to make a thread about it openly posting that you were considering doing such a thing.


Or if one were to just wish for another five point thirty one seconds in the spotlight, is that allowed to do?

FAQ says:

Your story can only be bumped at most once a day. If you are caught bumping by adding and removing chapters, your story will be removed.

So not only is it against the rules, it also won't work that way.

Group Contributor

To clarify what 2135446 said.

Yes, it's against the rules to add and remove chapters to 'bump' your story.

And not only that, added new chapters, legit or not, will only put your story on the front page in the updated fics and such once per day. No matter how many you add, or re-add.

Any attempt to game or abuse the update or heat system pretty much results in a quick ban.

2135415>>2135429>>2135446 Good to know.
I once had to do it because it didn't appear in the update box at all, I think it was because my comp locked up just as I clicked the button. Which may have caused some sort of bug.


Your story can only be bumped at most once a day

Just to clarify that out of context, it means if you update multiple chapters on a story on one day, it won't bump it again. Not, you know, you're allowed to delete stuff and repost. That's just against the rules :pinkiegasp:

2135484 Wait, so if you publish a chapter and 23 hours and 59 minutes later you publish another chapter, it won't show up on the front page?

Group Contributor

Well, I have no idea if it's an actual 24 hour counter, or if it resets at a certain time, but yeah. That's possible.

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