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Your submissions! Check out the other thread for prompts. This is only for submitting! Take all your queries to the other thread.

Please use this format when submitting and submit the actual word here, not a link to a G-doc please.

Story title:

Live, Learn, Let go
~Cosmic of T.W.G.

Name: Carefreedude
Prompt: 3) Pinkie dares Twilight to go without reading anything for a day.
Story title: Pinkie Bets Twilight

I'm just a Care Free Dude

Name: Draconaquis
Prompt: In the middle of the night, something crash lands in Fluttershys back yard.
Story Title: Ignorance is Bliss

Have fun with this!

Name: SaintAbsol

Prompt: Pinkie challenges Twilight to go a whole day without reading.

Story title: Withdrawal

Name: Fimbulvinter

Prompt - #4 Shining Armor comes sees Twilight Sparkle to reveal some big news!

Story title: Shining shares a secret with his sister

Link: Shining shares a secret with his sister


I love the enthusiasm but please post the actual submission here and not the link to it.


1419490 Apologies. The other thread made it sound like a G-Doc's link was sufficient.
Author: Fimbulvinter
Prompt: #4 - Shining Armor comes sees Twilight Sparkle to reveal some big news!
Title: Shining shares a secret with his sister

Shining Armour’s steps struck out a staccato sound as he sped along the smooth stone path, sliding to a standstill outside the station.

He had humongous news which he planned on letting Twilight hear with as much haste as was possible. Hurriedly, he heaved his hulking form onto the heated platform, angling his horn to hurl open the door to the private carriage.

With a grin and a gleam, he galloped into the gorgeously appointed green car, gazing around at the golden gilding.

Soon, he should be with his sister, Sparkle. Seeing her seemed such a superlative situation since Shining had super news of such superior significance that he simply should shout it to the sky. A small smile split his serious stare; soon, she would share his sublime satisfaction.

The train tooted twice and with a tired tick-tick-tick, the transport trundled down the tracks, traveling towards the town of Trottingham with a temporary transit to Ponyville.

* * * *

The Local Library of Ponyville was usually the last location that the lilac little pony known as Twilight Sparkle would ever choose to leave. Lumbering lengths of shelving strained under the looming weight of the literary word. Legal books, little books, even books on lagomorphs; Twilight’s love of Literature literally loomed over the length of the library.

Content in her collection, the cerulean maned mare chose a concise compendium of criminology as her companion of choice. Spike sat silently, stashed off to the side, spectating the selection made by his step-sister.

Smiling sweetly at Spike, Sparkle said, “Spike, surely you have somewhere else to stay tonight. Sherlock Hooves and I shall be sharing the sleeping arrangement tonight.”

The demure drake trod downcast out the door, kicking up a burst of dust as he did so.

Twilight took her treasured tome towards her twin bed when a torrent of taps nearly tore her door in twain.

Twilight Sparkle stood up, sliding her silent partner onto the sheets and slowly stepped over to the door. Sliding the door open, she started in surprise as Shining Armour stepped smoothly inside her wooden structure.

Her brother was bubbling with barely contained bursts of energy. “Twilight, I have terrific things to tell you; to tell all of you.”

Twilight tried to talk her brother down, “Shining, surely such news should be said softly, not shouted out so that all should hear it.”

“Please; it’s a palace proclamation of such perfect proportions. The Princess; my pink princess is pregnant. I’m proud to say that I will soon be a parent.”

Twilight Sparkle’s smile split her symmetrical face into sections. “Shiny! Such splendid news. Have you thought of what you shall call her?”

Shining head shifted once. “She shall be spoken of as Skyla,” he stated simply.

Name: Carefreedude
Prompt: 3) Pinkie dares Twilight to go without reading anything for a day.
Story title: Pinkie Bets Twilight


Another peaceful day in Ponyville, as the birds were chirping, the sun is shining, and twilight is reading one of her many books.


Clearly startled, Twilight turned to see her pink friend hopping up and down next to her.

“Don’t do that Pinkie.” Evidently, Pinkie ignored this and kept talking.

“Fifty bits says that you can’t go a whole day without reading. Gummy ran out of his favorite snack, gummy worms, and I need the money to get more. How about it Twilight?”

Interestingly enough, Twilight decided to take the hyper pony’s bet. Just so happens that she ran out of her favorite brand of quills. Kite Flying for Dummies, the book she was reading, could be read some other time if it meant getting the money for those quills.

Licking her lips, pinkey was imagining Gummy’s gummy worms. “Maybe there will be enough left over for me too. Nopony can resist the allure of gummy worms.”

Oblivious to Twilights annoyed face, Pinkey ran to a nearby tree and pulled out several documents from it.

“Pinkie, why do you have documents in that tree?”

Quickly, Pinkie returned and placed the documents on the ground. “Ready incase of betting emergencies.”

Silently, Twilight read the document. Then, without hesitation, she signed her name at the bottom. Unable to contain it anymore, Pinkie erupted in a fit of laughter.

“Violating the contract means that I win Twilight!”

“What are you talking about Pinkie?”

“You lose for reading today, even if it was to read the document to understand the rules. Zero bits for you and fifty for me.”

My bad, that was vague of me. I meant write it anywhere but then paste it here. I've always had an issue with explaining myself completely and properly. You have my apologies for the confusion.

Name: SaintAbsol

Prompt: Pinkie dares Twilight to go without reading anything for a day.

Story title: Withdrawal


Twilight's schedule for the day was completely thrown off!

Ordinarily, this was the time of day she'd set aside specifically for reading her copy of 'The Completely Complete Compilation of Complex Charm Casting'- it was just such a page turner after all- but today, she couldn't do that, and it was driving her mad!

For the fiftieth time in three minutes, the alicorn found herself questioning what had led to her accepting Pinkie's bet; an entire day without reading hadn't sounded overly difficult, and the promise of Pinkie giving her compensation for a week's worth of purchases in Sugarcube Cafe would have done wonders for her budget, but that was two days ago. Now, when she found herself desperate to read, she was ready to do physical harm to her past self for ever thinking to agree to that; it was only the fact the time travel spell only worked once that was preventing her from doing just that in all actuality.

Twilight found herself pacing, stomping her hooves in utter anger, as she tried to distract herself in any way, shape or form her current issue. The desire to read had been building ever since she'd awoken; it had been bothersome, but manageable, the previous night when she'd gone to bed, but now... she actually had to stop and check herself in the mirror to make sure she hadn't accidentally let her frustration get the better of her and had another episode like in Froggy Bottom Bog, the library couldn't take having a flaming alicorn loose in it.

Thankfully, she wasn't quite that mad, yet.

The momentary distraction was, however, just that; her mind snapped back to the matter at hoof with a vengeance. She was so desperate to read, so desperate to read literally anything at this point, that she actually found herself slowly making her way to the kitchen to read one of Spike's cookbooks. It was only her own sudden questioning as to whether or not that would be considered losing the bet that made her pause at the threshold to the dining area.

Suddenly, Twilight was distracted by a knocking at the door. Taking a deep breath to calm herself as best she could, the alicorn plastered on a smile and walked over. "I'm terribly sorry," she started, "but our hours are-"

"I know when you're open, Egghead." Rainbow Dash silenced her with an interruption and casually strolled in; though Golden Oaks was still a place of business, her friends could come and go as they pleased. "I just thought you might be interested in... this!" And, from underneath one of her wings, Dash pulled something that made Twilight's eyes widen in shock: The latest Daring Do book. With all that had been on her mind the last few days, the release date for it had slipped her mind. "Just got it, figured you'd be interested in it too."

That was an understatement, but she sighed and shook her head. "Dash... I can't. I-"

"Made a bet with Pinkie to not read for a week," she finished, "but she didn't mention anything about one of your friends reading, did she?"

Twilight blinked, then smiled at the pegasus. "Thanks, Dash."

Dash chuckled, opening the book. "Anytime, Twilight; anytime."

Name: Jetto
Prompt: Queen Chrysalis opens a dating service in Equestria under the name “Happen Chance”.
Story title: Employee Nemezis

A dating agency. At first it sounded brilliant: find ponies that needed love, pair them together, some kind of third point she keeps forgetting about, then profit! It couldn’t fail.

“My queen, I’m afraid if we don’t pay rent, we’ll be thrown out!”
“I know, Razorbladeofawesome, I guess it’s back to our old ways.”

Suddenly, somepony knocked on the door. She quickly shapeshifted into a completely normal pony.
“Come in.”

The door opened. It was a pink alicorn with long pink hair with purple highlights, wearing a baseball cap, large sunglasses and a tacky mustache. Chrysalis could swear she saw that pony somewhere.

“Welcome to ‘Happen Chance’, can I help you?”
“Umm, I’m here for the job.”
“Job?” she completely forgot the ad she put last week, but what the hay “Any experience?”
“Well I’m marr-... I mean, I sleep with mares all the time.”
“Your last work?”
“A what now?”
“I mean, Princess...’s Lover.”
“Which Princess?”
“All of them.”
“Including Cadenza?”
“W-what?” he started sweating nervously “W-why do you ask?”
“Because she’s a bane to my exist-... I mean, she’s married.”
“Oh, I did her alright...” he paused for a moment “...before she was married.”
“Defiled my nemezis before her wedding... you’re hired! I didn’t catch your name?”
“It’s Caden-... Cadenzion, with a Zee, because it’s more manly that way. Because I’m a man, not some silly girl in disguise.”
“Sure you are.”


“It was the best idea ever, Razorbladeofawesome!” announced happy Queen several months later, happily counting the bits she earned.
“Miss Chrissy,” Cadenzion entered the room “We have another successful pair.”
“Great, I’ll go and suck their lo-... I mean, see them. Oh, and this is for you.” she hooved her an envelope “Your pay, with a well deserved raise!”
“Oh, thank you boss! Now I can get Shiny that golf clubs he wanted so much!”
“I mean, I can get MYSELF those golf clubs. Shiny golf clubs.”

Chrysalis walked toward Cadenzion, looked closer at his face... then quickly ripped his FAKE mustache and took of the glasses, revealing...

“I KNEW IT! You’re Cadenza!”
“You thought you could fool me, but you were wrong, nemezis!”
“Nemezis? Wait a second... Chrysalis?”
“Oh come on, you spend three months here and didn’t figure it out? Miss Chrissy too subtle to you?”
“Tacky mustache too subtle for YOU?”
“...okay, it’s a draw. What do you want, Cadenza?”
“Well, I want a paycheck!”
“Why would you need money? You’re a princess!”
“Of Crystal Empire! All my jewels are worthless there. I mean, seriously- PONIES are made of crystals!”
“Excuse me, boss,” interrupted Razorbladeofawesome “miss Shnickel Schnackel is back again for another... Umm, is this the bad time?”

Cadence and Chrysalis looked each other in their eyes.

“I still need this money.”
“And I still need their love. And money.”
“We pretend nothing happened?”
“Yes, let’s do that.”
“Also, I want a permanent 20% raise.”
“And my own office.”
“Don’t push your luck.”

Name: GWFan (The Softcore Brony)
Prompt: In the middle of the night, something crash lands in Fluttershys back yard
Story title: Aftershock

Fluttershy startled awake to the sound of a loud crash outside. Her first instinct was to hide under her bed, but the thought of the critters outside gave her enough courage to merely shiver in bed with the blankets pulled over her muzzle. What could the crashing sound have been? She remembered hearing a terrifying story from Rainbow Dash about horrible creatures from outer space that latched onto ponies while they slept and sucked the nutrients out of their victims in order to take their shape. Fluttershy had had trouble sleeping for quite some time before she finally realized that it was just a story. But now, it all seemed too real.
As Fluttershy thought about all this, Angel bounded into her room and hopped up and down in front of her, pointing out the window.
“There’s something outside, isn’t there…” Fluttershy said softly, hugging the covers tighter. Angel nodded and pointed outside more forcefully. “And you want me to go look?” Angel waved his paw as if to say he wanted her to follow him. “O-o-o-o-okay… we’ll go together.”
After about two minutes of not going anywhere, Angel finally dragged Fluttershy down to the backdoor where they stared out into the moonlit night. That’s when they saw it. Something was sticking out of the ground. Whatever it was, it had destroyed the chicken coop.
“Angel, wait,” Fluttershy pleaded as Angel hopped out to inspect it. “It could be a monster…” As Fluttershy followed, she fond herself frozen in fear at the sight. Sitting on the ground was something that looked like the back end of a pony. “The body snatcher!” Fluttershy cowered and covered her eyes. She jumped when something touched her. “No! I don’t want to be body snatched!”
Angel crossed his arms and glared at her before pointing at one of the twitching back legs on the pony behind. Looking at it more carefully, the tail looked familiar. Fluttershy inched forward and realized that it was not a pony’s rump sitting on the ground but rather the only visible part of somepony who was struck in the ground. Feeling more curious than cautious, Fluttershy put all her strength into pulling on the tail until something popped and she collapsed with a full body pony above ground again. When the dust settled, Fluttershy saw exactly who it was in the moonlight.
“Fluttershy?” Twilight responded with eyes that looked derpyer than Derpy’s. “Is Spike around?”
Fluttershy looked. “No.”
“Can you take a letter for me?”
“I guess.”
“Okay.” Twilight’s head wobbled back and forth as she dictated. “Dear Princess Celestia, today I learned that I should never try to read while flying. You’re friend, Princess Twilight Sparkle.”
“Is that all?”
Twilight nodded “Good. Just stop dancing in place, okay?”
“I’m not…” Before she could finish, Twilight fell back into the hole she had made with a thud. Her back leg continued to twitch though she made no other sound.
Fluttershy sighed and smiled. “Let’s get her inside, Angel.”

Name: Dvan56
Prompt: In the middle of the night, something crash lands in Fluttershy's back yard
Title: The Aftermath (sequel to Saving Tom(my June Entry))

“Was that really necessary,” Discord said as he materialized next to me, staring into the night sky.

“I don’t know, probably not. Though it did feel good,” I replied.

“I still can’t believe that she made you soil yourself, that was priceless,” he said with a giggle

“Yeah yeah, laugh it up. Pinkie got what she deserved. Now I need to leave before -”

I was cut off at the sight of the pony I was trying to avoid. Rarity was walking up with the clothes I had changed out of just moments ago. Her eyes filled with fury.

“You heathen! I spent a night making these for you when you first arrived and now this!” Rarity said with much rage to her voice as she threw the clothes down in front of me.

Yeap still smelt like shit.

“You get these cleaned this minute or so help me!”

“Stop getting your panties in a bunch,” I replied sarcastically.

Ok, maybe I was just a little tippy from a celebration drink after dealing with Pinkie and not thinking before speaking.

“Why you!” Rarity said, her face redden from anger.

The next thing I noticed I was suddenly getting lighter and everything turning a shade of blue...o shit.

“RAAAAA!” Rarity yelled out as i was flung into the night sky.

She put a lot of umf into that throw as I was thrown both very fast and very high. I could see all of Ponyville from this height and the view was breathtaking... till i started falling. And not only was I falling but falling in the direction of the Everfree Forest.

I started to fall like a rock, faster and faster.


Something ran into me in mid air and now caused me to go straight down instead of into the forest. I don’t know what it was. Maybe a passing by pegasus that saw me falling or another unicorn’s magic, maybe even Discord. At the time however I didn’t know what was what and it scared me. So I screamed. Screamed like a little girl all the way to the ground!

Whatever got me quickly turned my body around so that I would be landing on it when we hit the ground. Which I did, and to my surprise caused me to bounce a foot into the air before harmlessly falling back down on my back.

Then I felt something jump on my lap. Something pink and smiling.

“Hiyah!” Pinkie shouted.

I just groaned and laid my head back on the ground. I don’t know how Pinkie got out but i was too tired to question it at this point. I had had enough for today and thought that this place was as good as any to pass out for the night. However life just had to throw me one last curve ball to make my relations with the ponies even more awkward now.

I heard a door open and the soft innocent voice of the pegasus known as Fluttershy was heard.

“What was that loud noise just... Oh, My... I’ll just leave, sorry to interrupt.”

I heard the door slam shut before passing out.

Name: Dr Blankflank
Prompt: 2) In the middle of the night, something crash lands in Fluttershy's backyard.
Story title: Nocturnal Maneuvers

Rarity was not used to waiting, but she was not about to start without Fluttershy. It was unlike her to be late for their usual spa date.

After what seemed like an interminable wait, Fluttershy finally dashed through the door and wilted in the foyer in front of Rarity. Rarity goggled at the sight, then composed herself. "So glad you could join me, Fluttershy. It appears you could use a good spa treatment this morning."

"Oh, I'm so sorry for running late Rarity! I just haven't been myself this morning," Fluttershy said breathlessly.

"I...erm...see that," Rarity said, still giving her friend a peculiar look. "Did you have a rough night last night?"

"I'll say! It was the strangest thing; w...well, I had just gone to bed when I heard a terrible noise coming from outside. I was so scared! But then I heard Elizabeak and Heathcomb making an awful racket, and I just knew that I had to go out and investigate."

Rarity cringed, "How dreadful! Did you...take anything with you?"

"No, I didn't even stop to think; I just rushed out into the yard. All the chickens were running around know how they get when something ruins their schedule. It will take weeks before they start laying eggs again." Fluttershy drifted away, brooding over her frightened chickens.

Rarity quickly brought the conversation back to matters at hoof, "My heavens! What happened to your chickens, darling?"

"Oh! Right - sorry. Well, we...I looked at their coop, and I've never seen anything like it; it was just a big pile of kindling. The poor chicks! It was a lucky thing that nopony got hurt."

"Hurt? How?"

"Oh, right," Fluttershy dawdled, and pawed at the ground with a single hoof. "I guess it's kind of silly now that I think about it. I stopped at the library before coming here. Twilight told me that it was a meteorite that landed in my yard. At the time, I was so scared that I just ran away. I guess that's why she laughed at me."

Rarity was barely able to conceal a laugh herself, but rallied in the face of her poor suffering friend, ", never mind, darling. Where did you go?"

"I don't really know - I ran into the Everfree forest first, but that scared me too. So I just ran around. I’m not really sure."

"Oh my dear, what an awful story! You poor thing, all by yourself in the middle of the night!"

Fluttershy grew coy, "Oh...yes. By myself. I haven't slept much at all, so I'm going to just take a quick bath today, if it's okay with you."

"That's just fine darling. You take care of yourself, and maybe later we can ask Applejack for help rebuilding your chicken coop, hm?"

"You are so sweet, Rarity."

Rarity thought about leaving things at that, but her curiosity was piqued. "I do have one final question, if you wouldn't mind?"

"Oh, no. Not at all."

Rarity put on what she hoped was her best noncommittal expression, and said "Your story is fascinating, darling, but it doesn't exactly explain why you are wearing that...saucy police-pony outfit?" She tittered, just a little bit, at the word “saucy”.

Fluttershy slowly looked back at her shoulders and flanks. Rarity had just enough time to see the look of horror on Fluttershy's face before she bolted for the exit.

Name: Draconaquis
Prompt: In the middle of the night, something crash lands in Fluttershys back yard.
Story Title: Ignorance is Bliss
Ignorance is bliss

Thump! Fluttershy looked up.
“Oh my, what could that have been?” She apologetically got up from her activity and trotted over to a window. In the small backyard of her cottage, lay what seemed to be an animal. It moaned, and Fluttershy gasped.
“It could be hurt!” She rushed to her back door, opened it, and was halfway outside before she turned around.
“I’ll be right back.” With that, she hurried into the night, to the side of the injured creature.

Which turned out to be Rainbow Dash, and another yellow pegasus she didn’t recognise.
“Oh my goodness! Are you alright?” Both pegasi nodded, and tried to stand. Unfortunately they had landed on top of each other, and whenever one tried to move they tripped the other. They gave up, laying back down with a Whumph.
“Where did you come from?” Fluttershy asked. Rainbow Dash raised a hoof, pointing upwards. Fluttershy followed her friends guide to a small, somewhat bedraggled cloud, barely hovering above her cottage.

The two had managed to stand now, and Rainbow spoke first.
“Umm, Fluttershy, this is Spitfire. Spitfire, Fluttershy.” The fiery maned pony nodded, and Fluttershy muttered a small “Hello.” She couldn’t tell in the pale light of the moon, but both of her late night crash landers were blushing furiously.
“Ummm, if you don’t mind me asking, what were you two doing up there?” Spitfire seemed to choke, and Rainbow Dash spluttered.
“Uh, talking! We were talking.” she said, and Spitfire nodded again.
“Oh. What about?” Rainbow Dash looked at a loss, and Spitfire spoke up.
“Dash here was asking me about joining the Wonderbolts. We could really use her talent.” The animal caretaker looked up at the sky.
“In the middle of the night?” Now both ponies were at a loss, and Dash finally said,
“Well, Flutters, it’s been fun, but we gotta go. Important...Wonderbolt stuff to do.” She glanced between them both and said,
“Oh. Ok.”

The Wonderbolts trainer and the Element of Loyalty both flew up to their cloud, and started to fly it away from the cottage. Before they were quite out of earshot though, Fluttershy heard Spitfire say to Rainbow Dash.
“ She was kinda cute. Do you think she would like to join us?” Dash scoffed.
“Fluttershy? Naw. She’s too... Innocent.”

The yellow Pegasus trotted back to her cottage.
“Would I like to join them?” She scoffed as she opened her door. ”Please.”
“So, Princess.” She turned to the blue Alicorn who lay panting on her bed. “Where were we?”

Name: Aethraspex
Prompt: 1) It’s the fortieth annual kite flying/ fighting competition in Ponyville. It’s a battle of the century between two characters of your choice.
Title: Lightning Strikes Twice

Afternoon in Ponyvile was a calm, collected affair with a steady breeze under a slowly setting sun. Beneath a tree, Big Mac was putting the final touches on his kite. Crossbars were adjusted and sails straightened by a gentle, yet firm hoof. Details were added step by step, piece by piece, while Fleetfoot watched on from a distance.
Even though she had a kite to prepare of her own, her eyes were tuned to the stallion and him alone.
“Fleetfoot,” Spitfire mumbled at her side, “What exactly do you see in him?”
“Gee, I dunno,” she muttered back, “but I feel like I’ve been struck by lightning...”
“How again, are you planning to win his heart?”
“In the contest...”
“Just... Try not to hurt yourself again,” Spitfire sighed.

Kites, forty of them, rose towards a crowded sky. Legions of nets and birds and low-flying clouds turned the field into and aerial obstacle course. Most kites went down in the first minute, but Fleetfoot flew loops around the danger. Now there were thirty, now twenty, now ten. Over time, they disappeared too, but Fleetfoot endured and kept close to her crush and kept him safe. Pirouetting through the sky, Fleetfoot eliminated the final fliers.
Quite obliviously, Big Mac watched his creation flit about on the wind, humming an old country tune to himself. Rising winds washed over the two kites as the wonderbolt twirled hers closer to his. Spiraling towards her crush, Fleetfoot snickered gleefully. Their strings began to entwine.
Under the red sunset, Fleetfoot gazed at Big Mac, whose eyes were set on the kites. Various ponies watching them gasped as the kites shuddered and drifted out of control. Within a second Big Mac had started moving but found himself crashing into a pegasus within the next. Yonder lay a lightning cloud seconds away from a collision, and he and Fleetfoot were tangled in each other’s hooves...

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