The Writers' Group 9,331 members · 56,850 stories
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*Post approved by mod CosmicAfro*

Good day Bronies,

The MLP:FiM Fan Fiction Documentary is in full swing now with the following interviews lined up:

Wanderer D

And Kkat, of Fallout Equestria, will be contributing in a smaller roll, follow the thread link to find out more.
But wait, there is more. We have need for stories to use in the background and to reference in the documentary. So please submit your own story that you would like to see in the documentary here. Or email us at, but please use the format from the previously linked group page.

I expect the cutoff date to be in late May - mid June. Though after the end of May the chances of getting your fic in will go down as we begin to incorporate fics into the documentary.

If you have any questions you can, of course, ask them below. Just be sure to comment off of my little post here so that I know you have something to add.

This is a very good idea!
I have a little question: what stories exactly do you mean when you say,

But wait, there is more. We have need for stories to use in the background and to reference in the documentary. So please submit your story here. Or email us at, but please use the format from the previously linked group page.



We need stories to feature. A lot of stories. So if you have one that you are proud of submite it and there is a good chance that it will appear in the documentary. I added a bit more above.

Um...Does the story need to be complete first? :unsuresweetie:


No, but it cannot be canceled, or on hiatus. We will also review the content first. So if something has a poor rating then we might use that as an example of how not all stories are at the professional level and how some stories could use improving but still bring joy to many.

Remember you are submitting a fic that you are proud of. I have dyslexia and ADHD and have come a long way since I first started writing here. I chose a lesser known ongoing fic as an example because I was really proud of it. It’s more recent and well received by those who have read it. However I could have used my more well known but poorer quality story. There is a comment section when you submit the fic and I could have left a comment about how I have grown from chapter 1. The story was a big part of my growth as an author and even though it is littered with lewd humor for a first time fic it was well received and surprisingly popular.

What we want is for you to tell your story, we hope to capture some of that in the documentary.


(...)example of how not all stories are at the professional level and how some stories could use improving but still bring joy to many.

That's me. Sending in a story now.

When you are asking for a fic, do you mean your own or someone else's?


Your own. If you take a look at the guidlines you get a more detailed picture of what this entails.

Well I would submit one of my fics but I don't really know if any of mine would really stick out. My latest one might but it isn't published yet.


It doesn't need to stick out. It just has to be something you want to post. If a dinky story got no views, and was only decently recieved but you want to submit it, then by all means do so.

Shoot. My only completed story is still being reviewed, and it'll be a couple weeks at least before it's published. When is the cutoff date?

878462 Well I don't know I don't think any of my stories really stick out. Most of them are filled with at least partial head cannon. My best one is my fifth fanfic and it's rated Teen and has several cuss words, I tried to keep it PG13 but I don't know if most 13 year olds parents would let their kids read it.

Good question:
I added this above

I expect the cutoff date to be in late May - mid June. Though after the end of May the chances of getting your fic in will go down as we begin to incorporate fics into the documentary.


So PG-13, as per movie ratings, actually allows for a limited number of some cus words. The Dark Night movie was pated PG-13, and even though the producers thought it should have been rated R it had to go with the PG-13 rating. If the story is not DARK for more than a few key scenes and if the cussing isn't excessive it will be fine. Though I prefer the summary for the story/cover art not have anything graphic.

And head cannon is fine. In my example its my troll fic, as in a troll from the everfree. (:facehoof:)

878973 Well I'll see. I won't be too surprised if my recomendations get shot down.

That might work. Thanks!

Is there a requirement for how long submitted stories are? I've got (just) one, but it's only at 11,000 words :unsuresweetie:


That's fine. Short or long if the story fits it ships.

Definitely going to submit a story of mine.. When I finish it.

Comment posted by Detective Chmilewsky deleted Apr 14th, 2013

878204 Huh. Alright then. I don't think I have anything to add here.


As to why, that is a mystery only you can solve.


All right then.

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