Scootaloo 2,578 members · 3,273 stories
Comments ( 17 )
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Alright I'm gonna finaly start the gangster Scootaloo story. Thank you all for your suppor and suggestions I will put each of them into consideration. All try to make it have a few surprises as I can but no garantees, also I would apreciate it if some one would provide a cover art for it.

Okay thats it so keep an eye out for it when I get it posted!

Depemds on what your definition of good is. If this story is gonna be made I was thinking that the gang was an anti-hero gang meaning they won't kill anyone that supprts the gang or is innoocent but they will kill rival gangs and other threats but only as a last resort. Also they might rob a bank or other heist to strenghen themselves and the poor.

Is that what you mean or okay with?

5356506 Sorry trying to get use to responding to comments, the one under yours was suppose to be a respones to your question.


A way to start off the story could be that scoots sits in prison, and members of her gang bunk her out. Either by paying money or by simply breking out. Also i like the idea of scoots being either in a gang, or a gang leader. You could write chapters from different perspectives (investigating cop/ scootalo) or put it like there is a spy in the gang. Also you should think about the age scoots is in in the story. (As example: youngster gangs 8-13 years do minor stuff. They thread people of their age for their school money n stuff. Teens, (14-17/18) do other stuff already. Spraying and robbing small shops are things they would do. Then the adults (18-30) do heavy crimes. Rob, murder and drug smuggle. Also bank robberies might be a part. Theese are just recommendations on what id like to read in such a fic. If u have further questiones please feel free to pm, or message me on kik. Its DashApples there.

Some gangs have their sixteen and seventeen year olds do heavier things. Then, when they turn 18, their juvenile offenses don't follow.

5356478 I enjoy the idea and I would read it!

I think in MustLoveFrogs' comic/drawings universe, she eventually ends up in one:

5357026 where did you get that pic it looks awsome.

The artist's name is MustLoveFrogs

5357066 alright I'll check them out thanks,oh and in case I can't find it what is this comic called if its a series.

It's not really a series: her pics just take place in one continuity (though it involves a comic series called The Junior Gala, but it takes place earlier). It's also not in a chronological order: sometimes, like here, there's a pic where they're teenagers, then we get them as kids.

"CMCeeee... Come out and plaaaaaaaay!"

I just tought after reading this... Scootaloo in a gang and Sweetie or Apple Bloom in something like the police or apprentice of the guard. Searching for the gang without knowing that Scoots is part.

I say definitely give it a go. no harm in trying it. my only suggestion is make it a secret from Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle that they eventually stumble across without Scootaloo knowing until it's too late.

Perhaps she can be heir to a prominent crime family

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