Humans falling in love with ponies. 6,117 members · 2,427 stories
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I’ve been thinking… this is a dangerous thought and may have possibly more opinion based thoughts than anything else. I wanna know if people think it’s possible for a human and a pony to have a baby naturally. These ponies are biologically similar to humans thanks to magic. So I must know if the seemingly possible, is impossible.

They could be centaurs

Like Tirek? I can see that going on. Intresting

Yeah heck you can find out that the lands Tirek came from had/has humans and ponies that were/are married to each other

Here is the thing, with magic in the equation the usual genetic incompatibility kind of goes out the window. It also makes the result quite open to interpretation.

There is a lot of room for creative ideas here.

Hmm… so there is no right or wrong? Because the magic in their world trumps natural biology?

It's not that it trumps biology, it's that it fundamentally changes it in ways that makes what is impossible, possible.

Specific spells for the purpose of having kids don't even need to come into play either. That said, the option would also exist.

The way I handle this generally that humans and ponies can have foals together, but they are usually just that, foals. Hybrids such as centaurs don't really occur, but only because I have no ideas involving that outcome.

I have by no means ruled it out, I just can't work with it right now.

Oh good. I'm actually feeling some relief right now. :rainbowlaugh:

I'm pretty bad at explaining things usually. :rainbowlaugh:

Yeah, it be like that sometimes.

Anyway, I actually have an O.C. that is the human daughter of a powerful unicorn mare, she is a unicorn queen in truth, and a human woman. A powerful spell was involved here and Mary is an absurdly powerful spell caster as a result.

And that is another thing to consider as well. How the pony parentage affects said offspring. Because there will be an effect.

Those effects have to be carefully weighed or it can cause problems.

As I believe, it all depends on the factors.

For example, humans are considered as an omnivore (mostly a predator), and ponies are herbivores and therefore the fetus itself will not be able to accept an alien gene (It's easier with griffins)

Also, we must take into account that a person does not have magic (perhaps even is not susceptible to it), so according to your words “These ponies are biologically similar to humans thanks to magic” makes the process no longer possible

If everything works out, then I believe that there will be no hybrids, but there will simply be a random, or rather whose gene will be dominant, there will be a purely human child with magic or a foal that does not possess magic.

In general, there is one queen here who can make a whole swarm of children

Honestly, I don't know why I decided to leave my opinion, maybe I haven't talked to someone for a long time. Okay, I went to bed

You could say 50% chance of anthro like number 2-4 on this chart, or 50% centaur.

That is another way to deal with it yeah.

I go with "crossbreeding potions". Baby can come out As a pony or human, but with looks borrowed from the other parent.

Click on my profile and look for my story, Family of the Blanks. I had art done of them for my story too.

They take the potion before live making, and it allows conception and will make the embryo. Works for various species but it is expensive and not commonly sold in stores.

Perfectly for story wise.

Are you asking with RL genetics in mind? The answers involve data we don't have. Like how many chromosones a pony has, and how similar those happen to be to human ones. This is at once both simple and complex. We are our code. We are squishy biological programs of assembled biological legos. It's amazing, really.

If you take the instructions for a castle and the instructions for a ship and just... try to run them at the same time, the result will fail as both a ship and a castle. The hybridization failed. It gets worse when some of the instructions, most of them really, have different steps in different orders. If you try to do any two at random, you will, most of the time, end up with a mess that doesn't work.

It's not because they aren't made of the same legos. They are! But trying to follow instructions out of order and in different ratios of things and things stop working, fast. It's already a miracle our plans work just on their own, and even that isn't assured.

So, rewinding here, you'd need the instructions of 'how pony' to match 'how human'. Same number of chromosones, ideally, in about the same order. You'd want ponies to be so similar to humans that you have wolf->dog->coyote similarities. Then it'd work!

Or you can just shrug and say 'magic' and move on. Not the most satisfying answer, but it works.

I was thinking RL biology. That’s a really intresting insight.

There is no right or wrong answer because it is all up to whatever the writer wants for their AU.

7835262 7835416
Persanaly I would do with Anrtro,
and centaurs and 1/4 Human and 3/4 pony

p.s. 3/4 Human and 1/4 would be huMARE
looks just like a human, with a colorful-Tan / colorful-Stain on their skin, and colorful anime hair/mane
earth-humare: nothing different, but stronger
unicorn: theirs a little bomp that you can't see but fell, and the can do magic
pegasus: they have wings the same color as their hair/mane
7835258 7835306


Ponies can eat WHITE-meat, like fish, and chicken, but most ponies think that’s weird and inhumane
half-ponies and half-meat eaters can eat red-meat, but it’s hard to find and other ponies are judgemental of them


It seems like some of your idea could be applied to me O.C. Mary. One version of her anyway.

The one that was born of a unicorn and a human.





Mix Race

I like the idea of ponies being able to inherit certain features from their parent other than just looks

Candy's an earth pony but got her father's unicorn traits (cloven hooves, fetlocks, long tail)

Nidra's a batpony/alicorn and got her mother's feathers, fetlocks, and long tail and got her father's bat wings

Starburst is a pegasus but got her mother's unicorn traits (cloven hooves and long tail)

Sugar is a unicorn but got her mother's earth pony traits (lacks normal unicorn traits and has a stronger earth pony build)

Anthea is a unicorn but got her father's earth pony traits (has a short tail)

Cloudy is a pegasus but got her father's unicorn traits (fetlocks and cloven hooves)

Nighty is a unicorn but got his father's pegasus traits (feathers and tail feathers)

Sorry for the inactivity! Just kinda taking it easy for my first week of break XD


and for wings

Okay, so that first image made me laugh a bit. The reason being is that when I do a "mock up" of this version of Mary in a video game, like Elder Scrolls Online or Diablo 4 (open betas) she has tattoos.

It's an interesting coincidence as a result.

This version of Mary is also a ridiculously talented spell caster.


Okay, so that first image made me laugh a bit. The reason being is that when I do a "mock up" of this version of Mary in a video game, like Elder Scrolls Online or Diablo 4 (open betas) she has tattoos.

Lol that's funny

It's an interesting coincidence as a result.

and it give me the ideal for ZebraCorn (half Zebra half Unicorn) to have the straps to glow when they do magic

This version of Mary is also a ridiculously talented spell caster.

make sure to not make her O.P.

Is your character a Mary Sue? (Gary-Stu Mary-Sue Gary Stu) (Paragon) (OP Over Power Powered overpowered overpower)

This was not meant to target anyone. Just fyi I’m trying to see if such a fantasy is even likely naturally. With magic anything is possible. Im sure even Lyra and Bonbon had a canon kid somewhere at the end of the show, cause Lyra is a unicorn. I do not target. Don’t cancel me. Please don’t cancel me.

I was just answering the question if it was possible or not by saying it is all up to what you want for your story.

Oh…. Sorry I thought I offended you.

Mary is a battlemage, so will likely come across as O.P. at first, but that will dissipate very quickly.

Her roster of spells is very limited as a result.

No. You didn't. You're good.


Im sure even Lyra and Bonbon had a canon kid

they already had for a long time
Tootsie Flute

TAnd Tootsie Flute Makes Three
Lyra and Bonbon start talking about family.
dlazerous · 5.5k words  ·  484  19 · 13k views




a What ?

edit: how to make an O.P. character work

A battlrmage is both a spell caster and a warrior. Those of us in the table top role playing community call them "half casters" because they have both magical and martial abilities.

Bluntly put, Mary is both a swordswoman and a spellcaster.

Mhm... they can fight Wizards and Muggles


So, they are rounded

Yes, the trade off is that battlemages aren't as good as those who focus on either one.

Two mares having a bio kids?,...............


makes sense

what's the problem
I'm just pointed that the Fans already give them a kid sense before... Season 2

There are always trade offs of some kind.

can't Max out all of your stats at the start


Not unless you're playing with mods or using console commands. :rainbowlaugh:

Realistically? It's impossible.

The viability of cross-species interbreeding depends largely on how many chromosomes there are in your gametes (AKA: sperm/egg cells).

Human gametes have 23 chromosomes, whereas pony gametes have 32 chromosomes. In other words, human gametes simply don't have enough chromosomes to be compatible with pony gametes.

It's debatable whether or not magic could allow for human/pony interbreeding, but it's definitely impossible without it.

If magic were to make it possible, then the whole halfbreed thing (IE: centaurs, satyrs, etc.) would also likely go out the window.

The spell would either have to create new chromosomes to boost the human gamete up to 32, or it would have to remove chromosomes from the pony gamete to get the number down to 23. In either case, the resultant child would likely be a fully-fledged pony or human; just with some mild traits from the other species. Centaurs, satyrs, and the like realistically wouldn't happen.

Not to mention the possibility of screwing up some genes and accidentally creating a horrific genetic abomination.

But it's magic, so you can just ignore some parts of realism, if you don't like them.

Huh. Very realistic. That’s probably going to be the logic for my content in the future. Thx man!

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