Struggling Authors 3,680 members · 25,267 stories
Comments ( 16 )
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Well, I have a fic that has five chapters (link here), about twenty-four thousand words, but only fifty-two views and a total of three likes to two dislikes (Caused by people who I'm fairly certain didn't actually read the fic, as they appeared within moments of me releasing the first chapter), over its lifespan of eighteen days (as I first released the first chapter on the 7th). Yet other fics that are also brand-new have upward of twenty-five to sixty likes and over four-hundred views. I'm unsure what caused it to be so avoided. (It's especially discouraging since it's my first actual fic (note: I've made a ton, but not published any of them since I felt they didn't reach my standards in terms of quality))

It's not so much that your fic is being avoided, as that those other fics have reasons people are seeking them out. New fics that get high numbers of views and upvotes right away are nearly always from authors that have written a lot of previous fics and so have a following and a reputation. I mean, it took me eight years and 70+ fics to get to where I am today, and you've still probably never heard of me. :twilightsmile:

I will say also, though, that the grimdark style of story suggested by the "sex, gore, violence, profinity, dark" tags you've got going is very much a niche taste and will always do poorly compared to stories closer to the original spirit of the show. Those kinds of stories will always have less potential readership than more fluffy fare.

Having it be based on Warhammer etc., which is something not all readers will be into, further narrows your potential audience.

True. I work almost solely on the concept of "Write something you yourself would want to read instead of what others would want to read", but it also helps explain why I find so little on here that I enjoy reading (Good ol political intrigue, Athenian warfare, and grimdarkness).

My last story wasnt even up for an hour and it had SEVENTY FIVE dislikes and 21 likes. I took it down lol

While the darkness of your fic will turn people away, your long description is also just... a lot of information, but nothing that really draws my attention. There's a lot of words, but nothing that really distinguishes why this fic is good or why I should care about anything in here. Okay, so the Kingdom of the Moon has six orders of knights, but why does this matter? There are free merchants, the technocratic Changelings, and pirate fleets, but is there anything important about these or are these just suppliers? Why is the nation thrown into civil war because two orders, whose relation to the two kingdoms hasn't really been established, decided to fight each other? While "alphabet soup" doesn't really apply perfectly, it kinda describes the impression I'm getting reading this. It's throwing a bunch of disparate things at me, but it doesn't give me a reason to be invested in any of them, and you end up boring and confusing the reader before they've even started reading.

I ask the above questions not so you can answer all of them, but so that you can make the right decision as to which ones actually matter. Don't come at it like a history book. Maybe take the perspective of the Kingdom of the Moon, since that seems more important here. Draw ties to the other things in this story. Describe their conflict with the Kingdom of the Sun. Describe the conflict between the two orders in terms of how it affects the Kingdom of the Moon. Having a civil war while in the middle of a war with someone else would very much be a wrench in their plans, so maybe bringing it up would add some urgency or drama. Tell me why the four ponies you listed connect to this conflict. Are they random joes? Are they part of the order of knights fighting to stop the civil war? Who are these ponies?

Personally, I wouldn't even put their names in your long description.

Well, I put a lot of this in there because it's going to be relevant to the story, first, while it's a mostly a personal thing, I enjoy the darkness... Second, most of the reasons for the conflict are made clear in the story, Third, I'll better go into the details regarding the two kingdom's relationships after the siege, because a civil war is the perfect thing to disrupt a cold-war peace. Fourth the characters are expanded upon within the story, and each has different reasons and aren't even working together all the time, MM and CS are fighting on one side of the civil war BB on the other side, and to talk about WR's role would be a bit of a spoiler. Fifth I mention all of the suppliers because they to some extent play a role (Like the Changelings who turn out to be the primary villains of the story, or the Pirates who are important because you need to know that the militaries of these two kingdoms have been used to fighting poorly equipped raiders and aren't prepared for a war with themselves). Sixth, I like long descriptions because I want to know as much as possible about a fic before I read it, because already two fics I liked have been ruined for me because of strange plot twists or strange directions that I don't agree with, thus I'd like to not do that for my audience.

Sometimes to get popular, you may want to pay attention to your audience and how they react to other stories.

Something involving Twilight and Spike? There's a large audience for that.

Sunset Shimmer? Large audience.

Does it involve sex? This RGRE whatever stuff? Incest?

Anyway by understanding what readers are looking for, it'll help broaden your thoughts on how to take over this website.

That's just if you want to get popular though. If you love what you write, continue. Just think about what people want to read. It's the same way on finding an audience for what music you make.

The goal of the long description is to entice the reader to actually read your story. If they look at your long description and you haven't really told them even what kind of story it is, they aren't going to spend the time to read your story to get the information, especially with the tons of other stories out there. Give them a hook, something that says, "I'm worth your time to read." What's the central plot that the story will revolve around? You've given a lot of different actors, but just kinda threw them on the table without really telling anyone why they should read more to learn about them.

I say this somewhat because I think my first story's description suffers from a similar problem. Do what you want, but this is just part of why I think your story doesn't have much traction.

I could just be as blunt as possible and say "14th century, gothic, world-war 1, vampires, in space".

6865860 Here's the impression I get from your long description:

There's probably a story somewhere toward the end, but first, the reader needs to study this made-up history book.

My recommendation would be to start small. Think Lord of the Rings. It starts in a hole in a ground. It doesn't drown you with the whole world right away. Make it simple at the start and gradually more complex toward the middle.


If you want to roll with Warhammer stories, you have to accept that you're not going to be a darling of most readers here.
Write the best damn Warhammer stories you can.
There are folks here who want that.
I've seen the comments.

Make sure you have your story in groups that are a good match.
Be patient.

Writers want that sweet sweet praise, but you'll never get enough.
You'll never get as much as you want.

I've looked at the comments on your stories, and you got more than two.

Be happy you have some comments.

Yet other fics that are also brand-new have upward of twenty-five to sixty likes and over four-hundred views.

Some folks who do that also post threads asking why they don't have six thousand likes within two milliseconds along with two million views.
I might be off with the time span, but if you watch the threads long enough you will see people do that.

You are not alone with your desire for more popularity.


Your description is too long.

Good descriptions are like good movie trailers.
Just enough to seduce readers to give your story a shot.

Long descriptions are like advertisements not summaries.
Pique reader's interest.

This might get you somewhat closer:

The solar system is on the edge of war in which billions of lives might be lost.
Only four misfits who are the worst ponies imaginable might be their salvation.

Maybe your description should hint at one pony's problem?

Yesterday, White Rose was cleaning toilets, but now she has the fate of billions in her manure stained hooves.
White Rose thought that cleaning toilets for a living was hard, but when the fate of billions is suddenly thrown in her face, she would have to change her mind or not.

I know nothing about White Rose, this is just an example how to show readers a person and hint at what their problem is.

I feel the need for the description because there have been several instances where a fic I liked was ruined because of strange plot twists, also I feel that having a good summary and description is a sign of professionalism... Plus, I'm not sure how to shorten the description, if you have any advice for what would make a better description I'd be happy.

6866325 Readers want conflict in their stories. Your description doesn't portay that. It's very static:

There's a faction A. Then there's a faction B. Faction A has 6 sub-factions. There are some individuals who are between faction A and faction A. I shall now state the names of all these individuals and factions.

Where's the conflict?

My advice to you would be to print these 3 words in a big font:
- therefore
- thus
- consequently
and always have them in front of you when you're writing.

Never use the phrase 'and then'. Writing is not about making stuff up. It's about connecting parts with one another.

Your description feels disconnected. Instead of:
'there are two factions, yadda-yadda, this is so boring'
'The growing resentment for the banished made Luna rise against Celestia.'

It's not about the world. It's about the conflict. Make it about the conflict.

Does this work better

It has been two hundred years since the eve of Nightmare Moon's birth, and two hundred since the foundings of the Kingdom of the Sun, and the Kingdom of the Moon. Growing distrust of the Order Argent's actions, once seen as noble have become a necessary evil to prevent the spread of mutation through the Thestrals, however, those very same mutants have begun to protect their kin. Meanwhile, the two Kingdoms grow ever more reliant on Changeling support, as their cold-war continues in a perpetual frozen stalemate, waiting for one side to show weakness.

6866331 No, it sucks because you're still describing what there is and not the conflict.

Focus on the conflict.

After Luna accepted Nightmare Moon into her heart, the conflict between the two sisters grew wider. The harmonious queendom and its populace were split in apart.

The mutation spreads through the queendom of the Moon, enhancing the ones it infects. The Order Argent kept the queendom of the Sun free of the corruption thus far but is at its limit.

As the tensions rise, the perpetual stalemate starts to break.

Bad Dragon has given you good advice.

I'll add on to it, show the conflict and be brief.
Folks who read the long description want to know what the story is about quickly.
One sentence or two would be the best. Any longer and folks will just move on.

Also remember that readers sometimes just breeze by or just skim the long description.
That's why I tell folks don't put important details in the long description because they might be missed.

It has been two hundred years since the eve of Nightmare Moon's birth, and two hundred since the foundings of the Kingdom of the Sun, and the Kingdom of the Moon. Growing distrust of the Order Argent's actions, once seen as noble have become a necessary evil to prevent the spread of mutation through the Thestrals, however, those very same mutants have begun to protect their kin. Meanwhile, the two Kingdoms grow ever more reliant on Changeling support, as their cold-war continues in a perpetual frozen stalemate, waiting for one side to show weakness.

Too much info that should be in the story.
It doesn't show the conflict.
Takes too long to answer the question,"What is this story about?"

How do you show conflict?
Focus on somepony and briefly show their conflict and pain.

When you do that, readers will want to know about that pony's problems.
That will get readers to try out your story.

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