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If Spike never gotten over his crush on Rarity, what yours second choice for him and why?

sweetie belle: she is intelligent, similar age range and she isn't so involved with a business that takes most of her time and attention.

Moondancer, she was his first crush before moving to Ponyville, I think after passing the time they could send letters to each and other.
Or a background Pony, I always think if he some times passed the time in Ponyville while the girls are on an adventure, he may know everypony over there and may have a marefriend which is a background pony. Like the same style of Big Mac's crush. XD

Any of the CMC.

Maybe Starlight Glimmer? They do seem to be pretty close

Gabby, both are outsider among their people and are great assistant.

Starlight Glimmer, both done things they're not proud of and are able to keep Twilight in line.

I think Sweetie Belle would be an excellent pick.

Hard to tell, really, especially with so many unanswered questions, like how slow does Spike age? Because unless he's fine losing every love to time, he'd have to get with either an immortal or another dragon. However, ignoring that, there aren't exactly that many characters he's interacted with that... connect with him in that way... but then again, I'm probably thinking too long term, but your question was what MY choice for him was, not who would get with him, who he would get with, or who he'd want. SO with that, I duno... I want him to get almost anyone, as long as he's loved, and I can see him with just about anyone, from Celestia to some random background filly, and everyone in between. It all really depends on the situation that brings them together and the bonds they form between them.

I say Princess Ember, cause spike could learn how to be a dragon and he can show ember how to help the dragon kingdom become better. I just feel that they're a great match, both sides will benefit and plus they look like an adorable couple to me

I have to give my vote to Scootaloo or Glim-Glam.

Either Starlight Glimmer because they seem to have that sort of friendship where they could easily fall into something more romantic, or Sweetie Belle because of how poetic it is.

Someone really has a problem with the CMC apparently (referring, of course, to whoever disliked your comments).

An AU Rarity
Okay, no cheating. Probably Twilight or Applebloom. More inclined to say Applebloom because I ship TwiLuna too hard, but still.
Would also consider Discord would Fluttercord would not have been in my head-canon.

Barring full AU I tend to prefer my ships to as canonically plausible as possible... Which, given recent episodes puts twispike on the far back of the pile. Of the CMC, I kinda prefer Sweetie Belle... But I'm fond of her fanon ship with Button mash... So I don't want to break up that couple

I haven't watched the show since season 5. Have Spike and Twilight had a distant relationship or something recently?
Honestly I've never quite understood the SweetieMash ship. Sweetie just doesn't seem like she'd be into video games - but hey, that's just my opinion. I prefer to ship Scootaloo and Button Mash together.

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I think some people don't like the idea of paring Spike with any of the CMC because he rarely interacts with them in the show, and there are no evidence that he's in their age range. I don't ship them either, especially with Sweetie Belle do to very obvious reasons.

For me, I ship Spike with characters he interacted the most like, Starlight, Ember, Smolder, and sometimes with Twilight.

in Father know Beast, they seem to indicate that Spike and Twilight have a mother-son relationship.
In Twilight's Seven, they indicate that Spike and Twilight have a brother-sister relationship.
Since Spike work for Celestia, this would put him at sixteen years old and Spike being the Equestrian ambassador to the dragons and changelings put him at twenty-one years old.

Well you know what they say, incest is wincest. :trollestia:

The Dragon Warlock
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Ember would be my second choice here. I think she's a great lover for Spike. He showed her friendship and is always so affectionate around her. I personally think that if Sparity fails, SpEmber would be a great second alternative.

I can only see Rarity in the prime reality being with Spike. But if I absolutely had to settle on someone else, Ember would be it. I think she has a tough softness that both her and him could learn from and I love how Spike rubs off on her.

hmmm tough one its maybe Ember, Fluttershy or Smolder

I would say Sweetie Belle or Smolder. But I still hope he ends up with Rarity

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