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After asking myself if I want to do this, than I decided that I will. I got the premise, and decided to have Twilight as an Alicorn for this one, because it will work the best for me. But I need help with a title, I could call it "Opposites Atracks" but that would be a bit generic,

Here is the premise:
Twilight has been an Alicorn for a month now, but has had trouble with her duties, Celestia notices this and decided to have Blueblood teach her, but she will also have Twilight teach Blueblood how to not act like a snob. But neither of them know that Celestia is also trying to get them to hook up, will have comedy in it.

If you have a title tell me and I might use it.

The Etiquette of Royalty? (Minus the question mark) Yeah, I are unoriginal when it comes to titles, sometimes. :twilightblush: Anyway, this sounds interesting kinda! At first, thought this may have to do with one of Aegis Shield's stories with Twilight/Blueblood pairing (though I have yet to read the second one), but glad to see that's not the case! :twilightsmile:

776833 I got some crummy titles:

Sparkling Blues
Lesson Learned
Royal Secrets
Endeavors in Etiquette and Equestrian Romance (That one was stupid :ajsleepy:)
Well Well...
Arrangements in Paradise

776876 Hey, I actually like that Endeavors one!:pinkiehappy:

I keep going back to the acronym S.N.O.B. Which where I live means "Slightly North Of Broadway", but I change it. Goes like

S.N.O.B.: "Sparkle N- O- Blueblood."

There's my suggestion, if you can figure something out with it and want to use it, go for it!:rainbowdetermined2:

Learning your Place
Love is a learning Game
I'm Sorry, Have We Met?
BlueLight Special (sorry, couldn't resist)

Equestria's Most Eligible?

You could call it "Opposites Attack!" and have it be some sort of battle royale--No? Oh, fine then :pinkiecrazy:

My mind keeps thinking up "A Match Made in Canterlot" for some reason...
If a more Blueblood/Twilight shipping title is what you're looking for, then what about "A Lesson in Blueblood" or "A Blueblooded Lesson"?
... Titles are hard. :twilightsheepish:

"Bruised Pride and Blue Wings" :rainbowwild:


Appealing to the masses


Twilight has been an Alicorn for a month now, but has had trouble with her duties, Celestia notices this and decided to have Blueblood teach her, but she will also have Twilight teach Blueblood how to not act like a snob. But neither of them know that Celestia is also trying to get them to hook up, will have comedy in it.

Why would Celestia do that to poor Twilight? She's always been incredibly kind to her student. :fluttercry:

If you had a comparatively naive, inexperienced friend/pupil, would you try to hook them up with the biggest jerk that you know? That's not even a joke. That's a real bitch move, Celly.

And honestly, getting the biggest stuck-up snob in Canterlot to teach her how to act like royalty? Ick. Twilight will actually take Celestia's request seriously, just by virtue of its source. Which is bad. And Celestia knows it.

Seriously, don't do that. Even as a comedy. There needs to be a non-OOC premise, for any genre.

Have Blueblood get the idea on his own to 'show Twilight the ropes', using his vast and superior experience. It's arrogant and power-grabby. The sort of thing it's easy to picture Blueblood doing. Have Twi essentially go along with it, once, to humor him, so she isn't rudely blowing him off. Then have Blueblood actually provide a real bit of wisdom somewhere in his stream of insufferable pomposity, which gnaws at Twi until she goes back looking for more.

Cue the other alicorns worrying, and trying to dissuade her, but Twi insisting that there's more she could learn. All the while, she's baking Blueblood in the glowing warmth of friendship-radiation, and unknowingly making him look at his real self in the mirror.

Lots of room for comedy and feels, without going into the very worst side of the Trollestia stereotype.

778250 I was tginking about what you said, and I agree, with the Trollestia part, so I decided to still have Celestia have Twilight and Blueblood teach each other, but them dfalling in love is a thing that Celestia doesn't want and tries to break them up, with Luna's and Rarity's help.

That sounds a bit OOC as well, for Celestia to work against it.

Celestia is old and wise. She sees potential in ponies they are not aware of themselves. So if there is potential in Blueblood, Celestia would most likely know of it. She also is not one generally to rush things or meddle directly. She wants her ponies to do things for themselves, to experience things for themselves, when possible. She does not want them dependent on her. She does not want to rule them with an iron fist, making the decisions for them, even if those decisions are for the best. They have to be allowed to screw up, so they can learn.

If anything, Celestia would offer sound advice, chuckle at the silly things the young do, and allow it to play out, for her ponies have to learn things and do things for themselves. She might caution (that's polite phrasing for threaten) Blueblood against hurting Twilight, she might warn Twilight about the heartache that could result, but I cannot really see her going further than that. And she'd probably act to stop others from interfering as well.

Luna, now she would interfere. And if you want another confederate, might I suggest Shining Armor? He'd be protective of his little sister, and no doubt, while performing his duties as Captain of the Guard, he's had a few run-ins with Blueblood. Easy enough to provide him with some reason for visiting Canterlot, and even if it takes place over an extended period of time, the train-ride doesn't seem to be that long.

That's possible, for Celestia.

Depends how insightful you want Celestia to be, I guess. Not all writers want to make her into a deeply perceptive mastermind. One of the reasons that 'Tia is so popular is that there's a lot of ways to interpret her character.

Also of relevance is how much she tolerates/hates Blueblood. We haven't ever seen them interact. It could go either way. For all we know, she's eagerly waiting for him to have a kid, then die, so she can help make the new heir less of a pain in the butt than his/her father was.

Total agreement about Luna though, and Shining Armor. Though there might be issues with the latter being around for the entirety of time of the romance. Which is too bad, because there'd be potential fun for him trying to protect Twi from the boorish Blueblood, and butting heads with Cadance, who might be all for the romance.

It certainly is possible that Blueblood has disappointed her enough times that she has given up on him, but even so, I think if she saw signs of progress emerging, she'd give him another chance. She worked things to redeem her sister. She gave Discord a chance. I think she would do the same for Blueblood.

Mostly though, I can't see Celestia scheming to sabotage a relationship. It would be a bit too much like, well, Trollestia. There's also the matter of just what Celestia could do if she did want to interfere. I mean, if I was her, the first thing I would do is put some serious distance between the two. State trip to everywhere but here, Blueblood. On the other hand, having Celestia run interference, Luna can't do that sort of thing...

And from a story point, I think neutral interference-running Celestia would open up some potential things as well. Rather than having the deck stacked against Twilight, those working against Twi would now have to work more secretly. That could lead to more complicated and/or sillier plans, and said plans going wrong in crazy ways.

Though, obviously, it is all up to Hamcon what he wants to do :)

Also of relevance is how much she tolerates/hates Blueblood. We haven't ever seen them interact. It could go either way. For all we know, she's eagerly waiting for him to have a kid, then die, so she can help make the new heir less of a pain in the butt than his/her father was.

And that's why she's pushing the Blueblood + Twi romance! *ducks*


And from a story point, I think neutral interference-running Celestia would open up some potential things as well.

Actually, I admit that would be pretty funny/cute. Luna and fellow conspirators sneaking around to avoid 'Tia's disapproving glare, and assertions that Twilight is a grown mare, well able to make decisions about her own life.

I would say that she might still caution Twilight... but... Celestia must know the weight her words have on Twi. So, a strong case could be made for her staying silent, yeah. As you said, it's up to hamcon. No matter what he/she does, someone will complain about Celestia. :facehoof:

And when they do, we can slap on turtlenecks and thick rimmed glasses and say we were doing that before he even published the story. :scootangel:

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