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Honoring the life of Robin Williams on the anniversary of his passing.

Allen Parrish-Jumanji

"Human Tales"? Humans don't have tails, they have BIG big bottoms that they wear with bad shorts and they walk around going "Hi Helen!!"

-Ferngully, The Last Rainforest

TEN THOUSAND YEEAAARS!! Will give you SUCH a crick in the neck!


Group Admin

The world will always remember Robin Williams and his work. How he tried to hide his pain in order to give us a smile.

That man could own some wacky characters.

He was a hardcore Legends of Zelda fan. Who even named his daughter after Princess Zelda. He was a true gamer. He would've loved LoZ: Breath of the Wild.....:pinkiesad2:

Not to mentiom it was quite wholesome to see Robin William genuinely laughing and having fun spending time with his daughter. Just having good time like any good father would.:fluttercry:

Its quite the tragedy really The Man spent his whole life bringing smiles, laugher, and happiness to millions people around the world yet the only person who couldn't bring happiness.........was himself.:pinkiesad2:

Good god.... imagine Pinkie Pie going Pinkamena, but went down a much, much darker path.....oh dear....:twilightoops:

--Sweetie Belle

Group Contributor

How can I not forget about Robin Williams I remember watching Aladdin Jumanji FernGully and so many movie is that I remember I can't name them all but still he was really good rest in peace to him and may God have mercy on his soul

Some of my favorites were:
Good Morning Vietnam
Death to Smoochy
Mrs. Doubtfire
just to name a few.

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