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Comments ( 428 )
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Comment posted by Switch Swap deleted Dec 6th, 2020

Hey everyone
I’m kinda feeling a little down
I think that someone on FIMfiction doesn’t like me

We all get a little upset with our current situation sometimes, and that's OK. Problems and hurt will come, but that all depends on our ability to handle it. Besides, things will get better one day, but until then all we can do is sit back, relax, and try to spread as much positivity as we can. :twilightsmile:
You're always welcome here! And I'm very sure that this group is one of the few positive gems out there where everyone can relate, vent, and just be pals. The endless support circulates here! :heart:

Awww you need a hug there, friend?:fluttercry:
*virtually hugs you*
You always have a friend here, no doubt about it! :twilightsmile:

I keep getting dislikes on everything I do in some way

23 KM To Nerdiness
Group Admin

I don't know what to tell you, that happens all the time to alot of us. I do see you in tons of people's pages saying and doing the same thing:

"Do you like detective stories?"

~Proceeds to force your stories/group into people's faces~

So I would suggest just chilling out with all that, I can understand how that would annoy alot of people. Just sayin...

I am not forcing them to read it
It just seems like I am

23 KM To Nerdiness
Group Admin

I know, but that's my advice. From experience, starting or bringing up your own fics or groups don't tend to end well.

Well, forcing is constantly telling them to read my stories on the spot, which I don’t do

23 KM To Nerdiness
Group Admin

I have seen that you mentioned Nyx to tons of people and all, but whatevs...

Yeah, I only mentioned it

23 KM To Nerdiness
Group Admin

But to nearly everyone you chat with?

And another thing is that I only bring it up to people who actually like detective stories

23 KM To Nerdiness
Group Admin

I get that, but it's kinda for the best to just let the creation find its audience on its own. Keep ya safe from those people that you never know will get aggressive and shout "No, looks like trash" or all that rude nonsense.

That still should not be a reason to dislike every single comment, whoever this is has even gone and disliked other people’s comments, check the Detective Nyx group and some of my blog posts
If you want to, that is

23 KM To Nerdiness
Group Admin

I saw, and it is ridiculous.

Ignoring it is all you can do.

Disliking my comments: Fine, whatever
Disliking the comments of others just because they don’t like me: Okay, that’s too far

23 KM To Nerdiness
Group Admin

Well what can ya do? If only it was possible to stop it.

23 KM To Nerdiness
Group Admin

Actually, there is a way, but I know you're not gonna disable your story's comments.

No way
But the disliking doesn’t only happen in my story’s comments

yo im here to chill. this guy was really sad. so i wrote a poem for him. he said "Sometimes I just can’t seem to get happy. I have fun but sometimes I think of nothing to do with my life and feel like it’s a big wast."
and i made a poem to make him feel better :rainbowkiss:
"Life is a series of tunnels. All ranging from long to easy to hard to sad. But in a the tunnels there is another light on the other side. And every tunnel we enter. A new choice is formed for someone down the road. Every alternation in you path of life. Will create a opening for someone else. So always remember. Even if your path did not come to a huge close. You gave someone else the chance to do it, or to chose a life oh there own. Always see, you gave someone a choice. And choices are everything."

23 KM To Nerdiness
Group Admin

Alrighty then 👌

I hope you're right.

Group Admin

That user is right: We can't prevent problems from happening no matter how careful we are at avoiding them. But what can be controlled is our behavior towards the problem. We can either be down about it or we can persevere against it. At the end of the day, the strongest beings in the world are those who never quit in the face of whatever adversity is thrown. Those who falter are those who succumb to the misery, thereby discouraging themselves of the promise that a better tomorrow will come.

I'm in a very awkward situation, and it makes me feel both confused and ashamed of myself. Back in 2017, I learned the hard way that I had a fairly... ungodly quirk, and I hate it. I grew up with it, and I still have it. I wish I could get rid of it, but I can't. It makes me feel like Rudolph, an outcast who can't control what makes him an outcast. It also makes me feel lonely. I'm almost certain that I'm the only brony on this site who has this specific quirk.

I would give more details about what the quirk is, but I'm hesitant; the nature of it makes it ungodly and immoral.

Hey, you can be open here, we're all here to listen.:twilightsmile:
But if you don't want to, it's fine, we respect that, but for me as a person, I would hate to have someone I barely know struggling somewhere around the globe and me not doing anything about it. I... Just wanna be a friend to people, that's all...


Some things are delicate to speak about. Mental health issues in my case, by example. At times, you may need someone special to speak to.

I do not know what is the issue, but if it is the kind that demand a professional touch, like a psychologist, do not hesitate to seek help. There is no shame about it.

Hopefully, I am not being hurtfull.

Yep, you summed it up for me, thanks.:twilightsmile:
Once again, you don't have to tell us anything, but if there's any way we can help, we will gladly do so.:twilightsmile:

23 KM To Nerdiness
Group Admin

Ask them to PM you. If it's that bad according to him, this should be taken outside.


Okay, so maybe it isn't that bad, but I'm still self-conscious about it. I'd say it's PG-13.

23 KM To Nerdiness
Group Admin

Still, I recommend you two PM it

Comment posted by PrincessPrettyFoot deleted Dec 14th, 2020
Comment posted by ElTabarnakos deleted Dec 14th, 2020

Feeling depressed again, in part because I think that FiM, which deserves to be recognized on a scale of Star Wars, MCU, anime, or even just Spongebob or Hello Kitty, is going to fade away into obscurity and be forgotten by all except me and a few other devoted fans, and the only way that won't happen is if the human race goes extinct within the next year or two.

Group Admin

Nothing good ever truly dies, as long as you keep the lovely memories you've made close to your heart.

Not only that, but as long as the fandom exists, FiM won’t ever fade away, don’t worry. There are lots of us that can keep FiM alive with you and I don’t see us going anytime soon :twilightsmile:

How long will the fandom exist?

Don't worry. The human race will certainly go extinct within the next few years.

This fandom seems to have a lot more talent, creativity, and dedication behind it than any other. It's hard to rule out a community with that going for it. That's like ruling out humanity in the game of evolution because of the Bubonic Plague.

Those are also the things that make this fandom special and worth being a part of. In the beginning, we got a burst of recognition because we were weird. Now we get recognition for things like https://www.reddit.com/r/MachineLearning/comments/fewkop/r_p_15ai_a_deep_learning_texttospeech_tool_for/ because we're awesome.

Keep creating and supporting creators. Keep finding new ways to apply your talents to the fandom. It's those things, not widespread public attention, that will make our fandom bigger and stronger.

I hope you're right. At the very least FiM deserves to be acknowledged for what it truly is.

Comment posted by annonymus deleted Dec 22nd, 2020
Comment posted by ElTabarnakos deleted Dec 22nd, 2020
Comment posted by annonymus deleted Dec 22nd, 2020
Group Admin

I'm sure it'll get an acknowledgment in some form. Even if it takes as many years as all the most famous fandoms of all time, Remember how long it took for Star Wars? Star Trek? Doctor Who? Need I go on?

I was a late arrival to Star Wars (pretty much when The Phantom Menace came out which I saw before original trilogy) and a MUCH later arrival to Star Trek and Doctor Who, so I don't remember how long they took, but I was under the impression they got to where they are pretty early in.

We can hope G5 will light the fuse of the G4 fireworks.

Group Admin

We've got a short bit of time before G5 is finally set to appear. Hopefully, it'll still make it's release in theaters (If any are around for that movie to premier).

If G5 can be popular enough to draw in more people in the dark, and then they trace its appeal back to G4...

23 KM To Nerdiness
Group Admin

Am I a bad guy? :fluttershysad:

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