The Insane Creators Guild 641 members · 2,344 stories
Comments ( 17 )
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Just tell me what you don't like about me, roast me, do whatever you want. It is time to handle the consequences of my actions.

Group Contributor

no, even tho I don't know you, I refuse to hurt you.

have nice day.


Group Contributor

also my life is fucked up as it is and I don't want others to feel like I do so, yeah.

Group Contributor

I got a sentence that's only two words long but it violates site rules so I'm gonna give you a different word of advice:

Stop. 👏 Being. 👏 A. 👏 Self. 👏 Pitying. 👏 DOUCHE!

Group Contributor
sykko #6 · 3 weeks ago · · ·

Either be a drama queen or a people pleaser, you can't do both.

7971030 The two words are "Kill yourself", is it?

Group Contributor

I can't help but feel like you're the kind of person to poke a wasp's nest with a stick and then get angry at the wasps for stinging you.

Also didn't you post that you were going to leave this website several days ago?

7971063 I'll tell you something. It is better for people to ignore me.

Bad Dragon
Group Contributor

7971073 Unless you are thinking of something really bad....

I'm sorry for saying that, I'm a bit on edge right now. I know that you are not going to do anything that harms me.

Bad Dragon
Group Contributor

7971080 Don't, I'm really not in the mood right now.

Adan Druego
Group Contributor

But you're the kind of person who'll just post another thread lamenting the fact that no one responded to your ignored thread.

7971086 Look, something serious happened and right now, i don't want to deal with anyone sass right now. Ok?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well, I can help on that front...

--Sweetie Belle

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