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Do we know their Names, at all? For reference:

I imagine they don't have official names, considering how they only appear for one small scene in the very last episode. However, usually the Community gives these sorts of Characters their own names. Do they have any, yet? :rainbowhuh:

I’m still waiting on that since I’m working on my fanfic on Luster for December.

Yep, same here. I already wrote a short story about the Student dynamic between Twilight and Luster but wan't to continue it with a few more chapters. I can't really do that so long as we don't have names for Luster's friends though.

Griffins name is Jonathan.
The kirins name is Margrethe.
The pony with the orange hair goes by Ronald Weasley.
The big cow thingy-do is called Bob the bovine bakugan.
And the unicorn mares name is Lack Luster Performance.

I haven't a clue honestly. I haven't even begun season 7 yet.

Dost my eyes deceive me? Rain Shine has a daughter!

I'm calling the griffin Gray

7024928 7024942 For the record, when I saw that griffin in the classroom scene with Scootaloo, I noticed eyelashes on the eyes, so I think that said griffin is a female.

Okay, yeah, it was just for a second or two while the "camera" panned across the class, but I know I saw eyelashes.

Also, if you look reeeeeeally closely at her in the picture above, you can see them on her left eye.

So given what we know about naming conventions in mlp, it's safe to say that the Kirin likely has a name comparable to that of a pony, while the gryphon (who is absolutely rocking that scarf by the way) likely has a name starting with G, and the yak probably has something Scandinavian/Viking-esque. Beyond that, I havent been able to find anything so we'll just have to see what becomes popular over time. It will probably be a few months or even a year before something is universally accepted by the fandom.

Yeah that Gryphon is female for sure, the build of her body supports the claim as well.
Perhaps then something along the lines of Abigail, Geiri, Gertrude, Grinda, Gira, or some other nordic name starting with a G.

In other news, I think that's the first time one of my comments has gotten exclusively dislikes. I'm actually kind of proud. Thanks guys.

Image please.

First name, Christian !

7025172 Yup, and true.

7025308 Grey is a good name, actually.

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