The Writing Process 280 members · 902 stories
Comments ( 16 )
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Let's say you are a pony living in Ponyville in a nice warm home while there is a storm outside and as you are looking out the window you see a pony outside in the rain with a limp, just trying to find shelter, what would you do?

Would you invite them in or leave them out in the cold?

6848886 I'd go to the pony and say, "Hey there, poor thing. I'm always on the lookout for ponies in need, and you definitely qualify. Come with me inside. You can weather the storm in my home. And don't worry if you don't have any money. I only take natural payments. Come with me, and I'll show you what I mean. I know your first instinct is to run, but you have a limp and wouldn't get far anyway. This is going to be easier on both of us if you don't struggle."

Then, I'd take out a taser in case the pony decided to struggle.

6848905 Are you grateful for my comment? Don't worry if you don't have any money to show your appreciation. I don't accept money. You can show me your appreciation in a different way.

*takes out a taser

I would do the right thing, help the injured pony, and the next day once it's done storming, offer to take the injured friend to the hospital and get medical attention. That would be the right thing to do, right?

6848925 I was just going to have some fun with the pony, but you'd actually take pleasure in injuring the pony. So much so that the pony would need medical treatment. You're a sadist.

And yes, dropping the pony at the hospital is the right thing to do. That way, there's a chance you get to use the pony again in the future. That's smart thinking on your part. Now we know where he got his limp in the first place. What did you do? Did you spank the pony with a baseball bat? Kinky.

No, I'd offer the pony a place to sleep for the night, then take the pony to get medical attention if they are still limping. I'd also ask how they got hurt, so I can let the pony doctors/nurses know, unless the pony can tell his/her side of the story.

6848935 I see. Rape drugs to make the pony sleep. Then mental abuse by faking ignorance. I see your game now. I tip my hat to you.

Bad Dragon! Bad! :rainbowlaugh:

Jokes aside...

...I would make a bad pony. I wouldn't do anything that moment, is she a changeling? Some other monsterous horror in pony shape? I don't know. When night comes I'll leave my roost and see if I can find them again. If it is still the same pony i would fly her to the hospital.

A limp doesn't necessarily imply an injury. Regardless, I'd hop outside to, at the very least, see if anything was the matter. If they were in need, I'd offer to let them warm up at my place, if only until the storm died down.

Dolphy Blue Drake
Group Admin

I'd help out, of course. Offer the pony a place to stay until the storm blows over, ask him/her how (s)he got that limp and let him/her use my body as a support. If the limp came from an injury, I'd provide first aid, if not, I'd just make sure my guest was comfortable (either way, I'd set my guest near the fireplace to warm up). I'd then double what I'd have just been cooking for myself to give my guest dinner, give up my own bed and sleep on the couch, and then if the limp still required medical attention by morning, help him/her to the hospital and stay by my friend's side until everything was taken care of. I'd even pay the medical bills myself.

Group Admin

Bad Dragon, Come near me, and I'll make sure you get glitches so badly you can't even move.

Mmm, 6849214. I like you. So feisty.

Group Admin

I will glitch you out.

Group Admin

Ugh, and the worst part is I have a limp rn, XD

I swear if you come near me, I will unleash Tartarus on you. And believe me, not in a good way.

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