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Say, a portal linked our world to Equestria. Some Ponies moved to Earth, some Humans moved to Equestria. And eventuality, a Pony marries a Human. I'm curious: How would you folks feel about that? Do you think it would be right or wrong?

To be clear: I'm not asking about the real-world sexualization of fictional Ponies (such as so-called "clopfics"). I'm asking about a hypothetical situation, where Ponies and Humans are both real, and both living on Earth.

Well morally it is clear even if they were the ponies we know, and it would be a new frontier of ethics and would be a new can of worms.

I wouldn't have an issue. After all, 1 Corinthians 13 4-7:

4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

No, you think it would be wrong? Or no, you think it wouldn't be wrong?

7344504 That would depend solely on ONE thing: can a couple bear offspring?
If yes, then yes, absolutely.
If no, then not a chance.
I base my decision on this logic: if God wants two species to marry, he will make a way for them to be fruitful and multiply. If a 'spell' is required (which the show has clearly demonstrated is a legitimate science and not mysticism), then that is acceptable.

Fireheart 1945
Group Admin


No. Each species was meant to recreate after its own kind. As such, I don't believe that different species should intermarry.

In those few instances where animal species are able to... make offspring, that offspring is impotent and unable to make more of itself, which I believe is evidence against species intertwining.

It's a little more complicated then that. For example, I (probably) have a bit of Neanderthal blood. I'm not joking, most people do. Neanderthals are often classified as their own species. That didn't stop my Neanderthal ancestors from having kids with my non-Neanderthal ancestors.

...My first instinct is A big, fat, NO!!It shouldn't happen EVER!

But, after a little more consideration... what the others have said does make some sense. Will they make babies without magic? I mean, I'd personally still be opposed to it. And I'd find it a bit weird. But, that's about the extent of it.

From a government/ legal perspective, what two consenting sapients choose to do is not really their business. They may choose to recognize human/ pony unions.
The more philosophical/ theological question comes to the churches. Are ponies and humans capable of becoming physically, emotionally, and spiritually unified in the eyes of God?
I know the Catholic Church has affirmed baptism is universal. Once of the modern Popes said they would baptize an alien, "no matter how many tentacles it has." That does imply that some spiritual blessings are available to all beings with souls. That could apply also to marriage.

In reality, this would lead to massive schisms. Each denomination would choose its own idea to enforce

Interesting responses. Here's mine: I'm a man. And I like the Human female form, for obvious reasons. I'd rather marry a Human woman then a Pony woman. However, I would love to have a Pony cuddle-buddy! I'd love to pet him (or her), scratch his little ears, etc. I think anyone who's had a cat or a dog to snuggle with, knows what I'm talking about.

Form this I think we can conclude: The opposite gender is designed for sex and marriage. The pony (if ponies were real) is designed for a different type of intimacy. So generally speaking, better for Ponies to marry Ponies and Humans to marry Humans.

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For you folks who are skeptical of a Pony-Human marriage, I have a related question: Do you think it's okay for Superman and Lois Lane to get married, seeing as Superman's a Kryptonian and Lois is a Human?

Hi. Superman fan here. Allow me to answer that.

Yes. Kryptonians and humans are mostly identical for the most part. It's Kryptonian cellular/molecular (whichever version you're going with) structure that paves the way for their powers via higher absorption of solar radiation.

Occasionally there will be stories where their biochemistry is different enough that they can't actually conceive a child together, but given that in mainline canon they currently do have a son that they conceived together, I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that's been circumvented. Maybe. I might need to check up on my lore again.

Would there be issues with bigotry? Yes, from some people at least.
Legal issues? Dunno, they might not be able to marry, but common-law would be fine. (The law would have to expand so things like credit scores and passports would include ponies lol)
Moral issues?
Unless harm can be demonstrated, no there would be no issue. Edit: Male or female, human or pony, as long as the participants are able-minded consenting adults it’s all good! Really this is no different than Goku marrying Chi-Chi, Sarek marrying Amanda Grayson (Spock’s folks), and (as mentioned on the thread) Superman marrying Lois Lane. Yes a pony is a fair bit more different than the above examples appearance wise, but biologically a pony and a Vulcan are equally alien compared to a human.
Could children be conceived? Probably not naturally. Sprinkle in some magic, or advanced technology, or both, and children could probably be conceived. Not all married people choose to or even can have kids though, so offspring viability doesn’t factor into it at all. The pony/human couple could always adopt! :rainbowlaugh:

One thing to watch out for would be the potential danger of a virus jumping species. As we’ve seen with Covid 19, inter species virus mutation can really ruin a planets year. This isn’t unique to ponies, any alien relations would have to be approached with caution. In Star Trek by the time of Voyager it’s Star Fleet policy that the chief medical officer is notified of and must give approval for interstices relations when one of the species is new. This policy was clearly not in place back in Kirks day!

Question: would it be ok for one of the Equestiran pony’s to be intimate with an earth pony (like a non-sentient non-magical regular pony from our world)?

They are still alien, but physically resemble each other. Would that be bestiality, because it’s a sentient animal getting with an instinct driven animal?

Well, would it be okay for a human and a chimpanzee to have sex? No, that would be bestiality. Same goes for an Equestiran Pony and a horse.

No it wouldn’t be ok, because the chimpanzee isn’t sentient and therefore can’t consent.

Comment posted by Solarfollow deleted Oct 16th, 2020

I don't think that's the real reason bestiality is wrong, for two reasons:

#1: If it's wrong because "animals can't consent", then animal-animal sex is also wrong. Because the animals can't consent to having sex with each-other. And that's absurd.

#2: When's the last time an animal consented to being killed for his meat? Or to being shot at by a hunter? Or to a thousand other things us humans do to animals? If it really did boil down to consent: Bestiality would be okay, for the same reason that eating meat is okay.

Sorry, I don’t mean to suggest that the only reason bestiality is wrong is due to consent. It’s also a health issue with the risk of diseases jumping species (like Covid and i think HIV).
There is also the risk of injury.

Then there’s the reasons it’s illegal that have nothing to do with morality. There’s the ‘ick factor’ that most people (including me) experience when thinking about bestiality. That’s also why many people (including me in the past) take issue with homosexuality and many non standard kinks.
There is also the argument that it’s unnatural, which fails to demonstrate harm.

An "ick factor" doesn't necessarily mean that something's wrong. But it is a red flag, it should not simply be disregarded!

I agree that it doesn’t necessarily mean somethings wrong, and I definitely agree it shouldn’t be disregarded!

The ick factor might mean that it’s simply something you’ve never been exposed to, or it might mean it’s something you aren’t into (or ready for). Definitely important to listen to it and communicate with your partner.

Consent should be enthusiastic and if something is grossing you out then it’s hard to be enthused.

Someone can feel an ick factor, simply because something isn't to his tastes. But an ick factor can be a sign of something far more searous that that! That's the real reason that it shouldn't be disregarded.

Yes, that too! As long as the ick factor is then contemplated on and isn’t used as the sole justification to declare something illegal and limit other people’s rights, I totally agree.

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