The Unified Creators Alliance 495 members · 1,845 stories
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I sometimes think about the person behind the avatar. We come from anywhere and everywhere in our fandom.

So without sharing too much tell us what your occupation is. I think it could be fun to share and talk about work.

I left social work πŸ˜– to train to be a mechanic 🧰. It is actually pretty cool. We have a shop but we also travel around and fix large machinery. Those giant dump trucks are amazing.

Sometimes we get to visit some pretty remote places. Soon we will stop having fun and be visiting farm fields every day to repair broken farm equipment 🚜. That will keep us busy until June πŸ–.

Blackjack, Craps and Texas Hold'em dealer MGM Las Vegas Nevada. Welcome to Sin City if you're ever in the area.

Group Contributor

That is pretty cool 😎. I hope things pick up a little when this flu scare blows over.

As do I.

Gardening. Hate every second of it, so I started taking animation classes.

I'm a lawyer! Previously I've been a criminal prosecutor and a family law specialist, nowadays I'm an in-house advisor for a university.

Group Contributor

You a master gardener? I used to be one, but I let my accreditation run out.

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Group Contributor

I manage a small farm, and sugarbeets are our main focus. We also do research in sugarbeets for a couple companies on the property.

I'm afraid I've never done anything to keep the lights on. I was never able to hold a job, primarily because of the mental stress (I seem to draw cruelty out of people and while some people can take it, I can't). I've always had these "profound" thoughts that were intelligent but had nothing to do with everyday life. I have always felt like I were someone who watches the world go by by who can't seem to ever participate. I did my best to make something of myself; I even have two academic degrees (one from a world famous university)! But once again I failed.

A little over two decades ago I applied for disability on the assumption that something simply HAD to be wrong with me mentally. I may be on the spectrum. I mean, I know I'm not fully autistic, and even as an Aspie I'd be classified as high functioning. But anyway, I've been living on disability ever since. And yes, I feel quite bad about always living off others but not contributing anything myself. And now in my early 60s I am now physically disabled as well. My mobility is very poor. I'm not in a chair, but I simply cannot walk or even stand for any length of time without gasping for breath.

That's why I call myself "The Enduring Man-Child." I still live with my mother (she'll turn ninety this month). And needless to say, getting my first home computer and getting on the net was a G-dsend to me.

My experience in the brony community has been every bit as frustrating as the rest of my life. I have never in my life been so affected by fictional characters, and I've always considered cartoon characters as my friends. I really truly LOVE those ponies, and I was literally bawling my eyes out a year ahead of time when I heard the show was ending. I was actually hoping that with the Net, the Brony community, and YouTube I would finally get my long-desired fifteen minutes of fame, but that didn't happen either. I don't know how to make a video and have never been able to really feel a part of the community. I've written a few fics and some other things (which were rejected). Seeing other "ordinary people" become celebrities through the show while I still could do nothing really broke my heart. And I have only one Pinkie plush (the official one) and greatly envy the pony collections of most other bronies. And I've never been to a convention. I was planning to go to one (even bought the ticket) but the venue pulled the rug out from under them at the last minute, so I didn't even get to do that. I'm afraid I've never even seen another brony in real life.

I'm truly one of "life's lonely misfits." I know now I'll never find friendship or (gasp!) love and I'm trying to accept things as they are and be satisfied.

I've barely ever written anything here before. I sincerely hope I want regret doing this should some cruel person use this information to attack or ridicule me.

I have lived my life. It wasn't what I would have liked, but that's the way it was.

Group Contributor

Very cool. We really do cover a large gambit. :rainbowhuh::rainbowkiss:

Group Contributor

Thank you for sharing. πŸ™

You know what I do, but for those that don’t, it depends on the time of year. Sometimes I just do computer inventory in a parts warehouse, but I also travel, selling and demonstrating heavy equipment to potential buyers.

I also do blackjack dealing at a local bar on the weekends.

I deal blackjack on the weekends. A little bar.

Group Contributor

Amen to that.

Master? Naw. I just pull weeds, dig holes, plant plants, rake leaves, swat bugs, pick fruit, trim branches and all that garbage.

Group Contributor

I used to do landscaping during college. There was not much I could do with my sociology degree :rainbowlaugh: until I got my master’s in social work and counseling.

Group Contributor

Did you work for a company, or were you a private gardener for an exclusive client?

Private work. Clients call in to get booked for a job that they need doing.

Group Admin


I know all too well how you feel. I too am on disability due to my epilepsy. I used to work in a call center until the seizures got too bad and I coded in 2008. I also live with my mom but I do pay multiple bills....that is what keeps me feeling like I contribute in one way or another, even if it is just to the household. All you can really do is keep on truckin' and not give up entirely. I'm sorry I can't give any advice or anything. I'm not good at doing so but just know that everyone here cares.

Thank you for the kind words. To tell you the truth, I was a little afraid to post that, since some people are very cruel.

Now that the show is over (which I'm still torn up about, btw) I'm not letting my failure to become a "celebrity brony" bother me like it did. Besides, the whole thing's kinda a non-starter for someone who doesn't know how to make videos.

Group Admin


Don't feel bad, I don't know how to make videos either....although a large part of that might be that I have no desire to do so. I'm one of those types that likes to fly under the radar. Yes I have 101 stories on here but none of them are going to give me Brony stardom and that is one thing I honestly wouldn't want. One big reason that I wouldn't want to become a celebrity Brony is that outside of liking MLP, I have very little in common with the fandom. I'm big into sports, I don't give a rat's ass about anime, I don't care about "Brony music" whatever the hell that is, I am not a gamer and I only have one or two actual friends in this fandom.....well outside of some folks I know on this site.

Don't be afraid to post anything on here. If people don't like it, they can go straight to hell. When I first joined the site, I had similar concerns but ultimately bad interactions became nothing more than words on a computer screen to me.

Wow . . . 101 stories? I've got, what, seven? Maybe not that much. Unfortunately all my creativity dried up years ago. Most of my fic writing was pre-FiM.

I'm pretty sure most bronies wouldn't like me either. I'm also pretty sure the cast and crew of the show wouldn't like me either (which hurts more).

Group Admin


Why wouldn't they like you? Political views, not a fan of some things that happened in the show.

Religion and politics, things best not discussed here (you might not like me either).

Let's just say I had to unfollow Tara Strong after the last election, though of course we're still Facebook friends.

Group Admin


I have actually unfriended some people because of their far right beliefs and mindless support of Trump....but yeah, it is likely best not discussed here.


I have actually unfriended some people because of their far right beliefs

Told you. :applecry:

Group Admin


I'll discuss all this later in a involves matters I do not wish for others to see.

Group Contributor

O noz. :derpytongue2: Poltikz!

I work in a workplace for the disabled because I myself have a physical disability and here in Germany people with disabilities whether they be physical or mental cannot go to university because they do not understand what it means so we are put in these workshops with other disabled people I really love it though.

As of now I am in a job training program that takes two years and I’m in my second year.

And then after my second year of the job training program I will go into a real job, most jobs are with in the workshop but some disabled people also go outside of the workshop to have a steady job but I think I’m going to stay with in the confines of the workshop because it is safe there and people do not discriminate.

Group Contributor

So it is like on the job training? In the USA a lot of people spend $100,000 USD on useless educations. Your way you get paid and have a new skill set. It is how I am becoming a diesel mechanic. I have classes and workshops on top of work and I get paid for it all. :rainbowkiss:

Not hit the switch? Seems pretty easy to me.

Group Contributor

I sometimes wonder what you do. Retail? Customer service?

I'm a full-time troglodyte.

But I do love money. Wanna guess again how I make it?

Group Contributor

Enough? Does not matter to me. All I know is I make twice what I did doing social work. And no kids telling me where they were touched on the doll. I do not miss that.

I always ways perferred working with adults. Ever work with special needs people?

Group Contributor

I was a social worker. And did counseling. I had a few families with a special needs person. A few crack babies πŸ‘Ά too many.

Group Contributor

So did I. :rainbowhuh::rainbowkiss:

Until I saw those poor toothpicks lolling around in their travel chairs. 🦼

Student, but here’s to hoping I achieve my dream of teaching elementary English.

Group Contributor

Out of the USA? Most elementary teachers here teach all subjects save a few. Gym, art, computers.

I’m not from the States, and where I come from, all primary teachers teach Math, English, French, History and Science. Guess I’ll have to settle for secondary school English instead.

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