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Group Admin

It's simple. If it involves politics or religion, it goes here.

Government shutdown stops FDA food safety inspections

Just thought I'd put this here as a general warning. While foreign food inspection and egg and meat inspection is going on, domestic food inspection isn't, so it might be a good idea to keep that in mind when getting food...

--Sweetie Belle

Have you seen all that shit on the tables during the president's meeting in Texas? An amount of narcotics that equal to twenty-one lethal doses, undeserved money earned from said narcotics, and machine guns. That's all the bad stuff that comes into the U.S. and why we need to up the border's security, wall included, because border patrol deals with terrible stuff a lot. I feel sorry for that man who recently lost his brother, an innocent, to the cartel. And again, props to President Trump for going down there and talking with those people at the border. That's the kind of things I like to see him do. Still, Demo's definitely won't give him the money he needs, despite giving billions to other countries.

Group Admin


Thanks for sharing that link. It all the more makes me realize that Trump just needs to forget about his 234 miles of wall that $ 5 billion would cover and worry about paying federal workers. No one should have to work for free. That is not working, that is SLAVERY. The US is supposed to be the "richest country in the world" yet we can't even pay some federal employees just because Trump is throwing a fit over money for a wall that would only stretch a bit over 10% of the border. Oh well, he's filthy rich so why should he care, right? He gets everything taken care of by the taxpayers so why should he care about us common folk? He never has and he never will.

I find it interesting how the same Trump supporters who defended and even applauded his frequent examples of profanity are criticizing a new democratic congresswoman for saying that she wants to "impeach the motherfucker" in reference to Trump. Politicians using profanity is nothing new or particularly shocking if you have even the slightest understanding of history. I have several ideas for proposed books about history that I might write at some point in the future, perhaps one of them could be a history of the use of profanity in politics. If I write it you bet I will do my best to make it as informative as it would be hilarious.

I don't agree with what mr. Donald Trump is doing, I mean I have a friend in West Virginia who doesn't even have a job.

Group Admin


I think there are a lot of us who don't. It sucks that so many government employees are either furloughed or even worse, having to work for free. Like what I said earlier, forcing people to work for free is slavery.

I most certainly agree

Hoaxers Slip Breastaurants and Dog-Park Sex Into Journals

ROFLMAO this is the most hilarious troll job I have seen in years, I wonder if I can get something equally bogus published?
I have to track down copies of these for the lulz.

Government shutdown in a nutshell

Pushing people into the arms of radicals


What grounds are there to impeach him in the first place? Has it been demonstrated that Donald Trump has committed a crime while in office?

I'm not saying the man isn't guilty of something. Everyone's guilty of something. But it's got to be a pretty high crime, somewhere in the neighborhood of treason, to result in impeachment.

Group Admin


I'm going to admit, I never have liked Trump. I thought he was an asshole from the moment I first saw him on "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" back in the 80s. I thought he was an ass when he went up against Vince McMahon when he wrestled him once on WWF, I thought he was an ass on his reality shows and I think he acts like an asshole child as POTUS but being an asshole ain't enough to get you impeached. Even if the dems were to pass articles of impeachment, the Senate wouldn't convict him so that would be a complete waste of time.

IKR? I mean, the Congress is willing to fork over 1.2 BILLION to help fund your Wall or Fence or whatever, and have stated they are for increased border security, but nope, Tweet and demand 5 billion

Group Admin


My wall? Don't you mean HIS wall? I personally think his supporters should be funding it. Here is the thing, the $ 5.7 billion he wants will only fund 234 miles of wall for a border that is over 2,000 miles long. I did the math, I took the number of people who voted for him and divided it by 2,000. If everyone who voted for him would chip in roughly $ 800, they could have their wall without using any taxpayer dollars. What I do think is necessary is higher pay for border patrol (that is an extremely hazardous job), enforcing our immigration laws as they are and one thing conservatives won't tell you, many of our illegals are not from Mexico. Many of them are from people who simply overstay their temporary visas.

If we really want to cut down on our illegal numbers, maybe we should keep better tabs on people who we issue those visas to. Now the southern border is a dangerous place and that is where many of the "bad hombres" as Trump calls them come in but shutting down the government over 234 miles of fence is ridiculous. Walls can be tunneled under and in the case of that length, they can simply go cross somewhere else. Now if he were to demand that $ 5.7 billion be used for beefing up border patrol or perhaps repairing or reinforcing existing fencing, that would be a much better option and I'm sure the dems would support it.

IKR? Hell, the Dems DO want to spend the money on increasing border security, but no, Trump wants a wall. And everyone is suffering for it

Group Admin


He is going to address the nation today and offer some concessions to the Dems BUT he isn't caving when it comes to the demands for the wall. I know why he is doing this though. Over half the country is blaming him for this so he is going to do something to put the ball in the democrats' court and if they don't accept, he thinks the country will then blame them. He truly isn't genuine about wanting to get the government open again, he simply wants to do something to get people to shift the blame.

So basically Trump is a big idiot, OK I understand now

Do any Republicans still like him? Aside from diehard conservatives and aside for his money?

Group Admin


Yeah there are still republicans who like him, more than you'd think. With many of them, he isn't as bad as the democrats are. It is mainly the moderates (known as RINOs) who don't like him.

Trump has ALWAYS been an idiot, an egotistical narcissistic idiot who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

What does it mean when somebody is born with a silver spoon in the mouth?

Group Admin


He was born into wealth and has never had to worry about a thing. Unlike a lot of folks, he had never once had to worry about putting food on the table and keeping a roof over his head.

6731059 I will admit that I am surprised that Trump is actually following through on this, sure it is a huge boondoggle that won't help anything but it is rare to see politicians actually do something they promised to do. Frankly I prefer the Ron Paul approach of ending the drug war and taking care of the welfare magnet.

6731161 The phrase usually refers to someone who is spoiled and selfish largely because they were born into privilege. Donald Trump did indeed have a rich father which gave him quite the advantage, as for his business record though it is rather mixed. He has some successes, but also some spectacular failures like Trump casinos for example.

Yup, didn't he file for bankruptcy a few times?

Group Admin


He has filed for bankruptcy multiple times.


I will admit that I am surprised that Trump is actually following through on this, sure it is a huge boondoggle that won't help anything but it is rare to see politicians actually do something they promised to do.

When Trump brought up a wall, I thought he meant one that would span the whole length of the border, not just around 12% of it. Yeah it is better than nothing but still, people will simply go around it. There are some areas in Texas where there is no fencing at all, areas where they simply use the Rio Grande and the rough topography as a barrier. If anywhere needs a wall, it is there.

So it would only cover 12%? Why doesn't Trump just take the first deal, and use the money instead rk beef up existing border security

Group Admin


I have no idea in hell. With him, it is always a matter of who knows what the hell he is going to do.

6732329 True, with most presidents I have a relatively good idea of what they are going to do but Trump has surprised me in some negative ways but also a few positive ways. I love the fact that he is taking troops out of Syria for example and if he keeps it up he might earn my vote in 2020 despite his various other faults.


A Presbyterian discusses ethics with a Pentecostal

Presbyterian: "I'll say one thing for you, Pentecostal; your conversation is totally predictable! You're like a deranged child, always talking of killing, revenge, destruction!"

Pentecostal: "If I were you, I would be dead..."

Group Admin


I personally think Syria, Iraq and the whole Middle East is a lost cause. We can have troops there forever but terror groups will continue to exist and I don't care who is in office, I know the real reason we will always have a presence there, OIL. Ok maybe not in Afghanistan since I think all they have is lithium (wait, that is a rare earth metal so yeah, we'll be staying for it). One thing is for sure, if the Middle East didn't have a single drop of oil, it would be nothing more than a desert wasteland that no western nation would even give a shit about.

6732352 That is one of the many reasons why I think that Nikolas Teslas papers should all be declassified and released to the public, he came very close to developing a free unlimited energy source by tapping into energy from Earths ionosphere. In the meantime though I am willing to vote for pretty much anyone who will propose fewer troops in the middle east and around the world in general than those that want more.

IKR? Hence why I prefer Tesla over Edison

6732460 Same here, I don't know how much of what is attributed to Edison is stuff he actually accomplished and how much of it is stuff he stole from others. Edison was out for himself, while Tesla was working for the betterment of the humanity.

Group Admin

Ever since the government shutdown began on Dec. 22, Trump had said repeatedly that he would not re-open the government without the $ 5.7 billion for a border wall. He kept that up clear up until today when things ground to a standstill at La Guardia and also pressure from Senate republicans seeking re-election in 2020.

What this proves is that if things start going down the toilet for Trump if he does indeed close the government again come February 15, the democrats know how to handle him. Keep things shut down long enough and republicans seeking re-election begin to worry about the 2020 elections, Trump won't win.

The only good thing I recall him doing is giving a phonograph to Helena Blavatsky

Well, the shutdown is ending

Posted here, just in case.

Dragon Ball Super Broly voice actor hit with allegations

Well... it's ending until 2/15. The government might shut down again at that point.

--Sweetie Belle

Yeah. You can imagine where that puts government employees at the moment. There's an article about that here.

I think the long term take away is getting a job with the government is a really bad idea. Contractors with the government have it even worse, though, because they probably aren't even going to get back pay.

The people who shut down the government get paid whether it's running or not, tho'.

--Sweetie Belle

Both the Democrats and Republicans are getting on his ass. Thoughts?

Also, thoughts on the fact the government may shut down...again, in less than 2 weeks?

Trump trying to bypass Congress for his Wall

Yeah, declaring a non-emergency emergency that's got enough Republicans upset that it's probably going to get him in a lot of trouble.

The government is staying open, at least. Though they were only able to get Trump to sign it by not paying contractors back pay for when it was shut down. Which does mean he's running things like one of his businesses, as he's been sued multiple times in the past for not paying people.

--Sweetie Belle

6749584 It is a violation of the separation of powers, congress is supposed to have the power of the purse.

Which some Congress members are saying it is an emergency, and that they will allow Trump to do this. Granted, the States could also sue

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