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If only because it irks me to have so many loose threads untied, I pulled this list and checked it against the stories added to this group. This isn't a perfect solution, as one of Tumbleweed's later blog posts indicated that several people had to drop out, and I don't know which ones those were. I also had to add a few names as I went through the stories.

User(name)s that have posted their story:

No Raisin
Razor Blade the Unicron
Kris Overstreet
Flash Notion
Guardian Talon
Punk Rock Prom Queen
Autum Wind
River Road
Orbiting Kettle

User(name)s that have not posted a story (that I can see):

Super Trampoline
Silent Whisper
DreamAlex (now Unified Dreams)
Jet Cannon
Impossible Numbers
Adda le Blue*

Interestingly, there are 25 stories in a folder that claims there are 27. Even if princeps' account deletion accounted for one, that's still one story that I ought to see that is absent (even with the mature filter off).

I suppose, to be complete, I ought to run this list against the people listed in story descriptions to see which recipients have not received one. *(Added Monochromatic and Adda le Blue to the list above, who were apparently recipients.) Edit: Names that are crossed out are those who are explicitly not participating as I learn of them.

Kris Overstreet
Flash Notion
Guardian Talon
Punk Rock Prom Queen

That actually works out to 17 who have not posted and 17 who have not received (16 counting out princeps, but likely two other people are involved in that exchange). I still have no doubt that inaccuracies could have occurred, as I do not have the complete/original spreadsheet or PMs that Tumbleweed probably received about people dropping out. More information from those who know is welcome so I can update this list. The keen observer might have noticed that I'm on the last list and considered that a motivation for making this post, so it bears noting that I am honestly more irked by the not-knowing than the idea of not getting a story at this point.

When this list is as accurate as I can hope, I don't know what the next step is exactly. I assume people have legitimate reasons for dropping out, so the numbers might be askew in the end.

Edit: Two more lists for ease of planning.

People who have posted stories but not received one:

Kris Overstreet
Flash Notion
Guardian Talon
Punk Rock Prom Queen

People who have neither posted nor received a story:


Yeah. I'll be honest, it's been a tad disappointing to not receive anything. Though I suppose my collected body of works didn't exactly make it easy for them. Hopefully this post might spur a few people on to get to work and start pulling their threads together.

Despite having more members in the group than people on this list, some of the people who have not posted a story aren't actually in the group, and thus won't see this thread in their feed. (E.g. Monochromatic, KingMoriarty. I'm not making that whole list right now.)

I suppose if anyone knows one of these people and I am not supposed to update their status in this thread, you can poke (you know, with encouragement, not guilt) them about it.

I’ve felt super guilty about this for a long time now. I’ve discovered I’m really bad at writing to deadlines.

I've felt very bad about this, but I'd never actually intended on joining because I didn't have time or interest. In the original post for it, I only left a comment to ask a question, and I didn't know that even leaving a comment already marked you as a participant until it was too late. I messaged Tumble to please ask that a story wasn't written for me as I would not be able to fulfill the request, but it happened regardless and I feel horrible about it.

You weren't listed in the blog list I pulled from, so I think something must have gotten confused somewhere in the process. I'll mark off names that aren't going participate so at least we know. If we can figure out who all will and won't be writing a story for the remaining recipients (and which of the recipients are still involved/waiting), I'll start thinking on how we can wrangle things to get enough stories. At this point, a declaration of intent is all I'm after, and for anyone on the writing end, the question is just if it'll ever be done, deadlines aside.

Group Admin

Hey, thanks for putting this together!

I kept on saying I'd write a follow up forum thing, but things have just been busy on my end.

Still, silver lining, optimism, and what have you-- I can start mucking around with the old data to see just who DIDN'T get a story, and ... well, I'm afraid I'm not up for writing a fic for ALL of them, but maybe there are some kind folks here who might take up the torch as a sort of backup? Or something?

Again, I apologize for not being more organized-- I mostly made things up as I went along. :P

I was always a little sketched out by the prospect of a contest that would make for winners and losers by virtue of some people getting stuff when they hadn't written and some people writing stuff when they hadn't gotten, especially since I have a 50/50 track record of making contest deadlines myself. By the deadline, though, no one had posted a story for me and I didn't see a story in the person I was writing for's account posted for someone else, so I just figured I could back out and disappear without feeling bad.

If there are folks that are still feeling sad about not receiving one, I could always just forget about the original assignments/deadline/give-one-get-one idea and try to write several for whoever wants them, but it's also summer shipping contest season and I'd feel bad again if I promised something and then never delivered. Maybe, though? Who all has written and not received?

I'll be frank: I'm more than a little late on deadlines and stuff. And it didn't help that I decided to enter right when finals were in full swing for me. I'm not a great person when it comes to deadlines. I'm still willing to write up a little something for the person that I planned to. It just probably is going to take a while due to other things going on in my life.

I had Princeps.

I intended to write something and actually got 2 chapters in. However, with life being the way it is, the project kept getting pushed back.

I apologized to him and told him it might be late.

By the time I realized that my motivation to work on it was gone, he had left the site.

In hindsight, the contest was a really neat idea, but I think I would much rather attempt it on a smaller scale with friends. That way I already have a good idea of their content and likes ahead of time.

I was sort of curious what was going on (and I had noticed your lack of posting anything on it for a while), but I first expected to find maybe 3 or 4 names who had not posted. Not 17. If I've managed to get everyone in the first two lists, I think the most helpful thing you could do is check your PMs and let me know who dropped out so I can strike their names properly. This goes for 6530597 , 6530599 , and maybe 6530888 as well, but I don't think we should get ahead of ourselves and start reassigning authors to recipients until we know what we have. I'll edit the post and add in a couple of lists for who has posted a story but not received and who has not posted or received. If those in the latter list appear completely disinterested in the Switcheroo at this point, it would be possible to remove them without skewing things if the remaining names get reshuffled at some point. I might send out PMs at some point, unless you want to handle that (and preferably after the PMs you already have are taken into account), to see where they stand.

@Czar_Yoshi & Unified Dreams
I can't speak for Tumbleweed or anyone else, really, but I think the promise of something written whenever you manage it is acceptable. We're far past the original deadline and I don't think "post the second round one month from now" is going to help anything.

(Also, for what its worth, from the original batch, you had about a 60% chance of being assigned someone who eventually posted a story.)

You know, after thinking about it a bit for a day, I realized that you do have all the information necessary to figure this situation out and I don't actually need to know any of it if you do. To be completely honest, I had sort of written you off as a solution after a couple of months had passed in silence.

It's too bad we were never able to finish this project. I was always curious as to what mine would be.

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