Archive of Discordia 152 members · 14 stories
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I was angry, but I'm done now. Drop your Discordian titles if you want to keep your dignity.

Group Contributor to stubborn to drop the title

I'm glad I don't have a Discordia stuff now



-not called Eris
-has a dick

But if you wanna keep it, that's fine. :pinkiesmile:

Group Contributor

4387752 K.M. thompson is a real author, not sure if i believe it.

Group Contributor

doesn't matter if girl or boy
still pretty cool person

and in case you haven't gotten it by now, everyone is a liar/hypocrite/asshole or all of the above

F4D3 #7 · May 20th, 2015 · · 1 ·

ugh... People just need to get over this already :facehoof: fuck sake

You people's massive butthurt is amusing to me.

4387752 Wait, are you mad cuz she is really a he? If so, that's a stupid reason to be mad.

4387818 Well, he is a pathological liar. :ajsmug:

God, i didnt even know about all this shit when i named my profile. Then all this drama happens.:rainbowderp:

4387854 I think you're fine.

Ember Q Discordia
Group Contributor

4387752 Never. I am loyal to the Golden apple 'til heat death!

4387752 In all honesty, the name doesn't bother and the gender...
surprising, but not the worst thing ever.

It seems kind of like a funny story. Atleast now everyone one knows Era/Erin H.

4387846 I was at first. Not so much now though.

Oh, ok.
Oh and this:

he is a pathological liar

Won't deny that but who isn't these days, eh?

4387902 See, you're lying already.

The UnknownVoid
Group Contributor

4387902 that's probably a lie

4387914 I'm lying about him lying, which makes me a liar but, I was telling the truth but so was he but he was lying about the truth.....Inception.

4387940 I'll call the Dr. (It's like my mind is in a spin cycle...and i like it.)

4387752 I don't know about this but wasn't it you that was stirring up shit in Pedro Hander's story? Blog? Or was it from somewhere else? Anyway you had the same profile pic so be glad I'm asking. Also FFP has already been on it so you're not saying anything new.

Is he permabanned now? Wasn't it just 2 months?

Black Ultron
Group Contributor

So people are upset because he wasn't a girl?

Most people who claim so hard to be girls are guys, and most people who claim so hard to be guys are girls. It's a fact of FIMFiction. Why does anybody care so much either way?

I'm beginning to suspect that the real reason there's a lot of outrage against Eris is because he had bad blood with another popular user. Whenever that happens, everything the other person does seems much worse than it really is; people make big deals out of not telling the truth about gender and stuff just because of that person crossed with another popular user.

That, or there's something that he did that nobody told me about.

4388008 Well the whole genocide thing was pretty bad.

4388031 The last time he got banned was when he did the whole "Muslims should be killed" rant.

Okay, that sounds horrible. However, FIMFiction has a record of blowing things out of proportion to manufacture outrage. Link please?

4388042 I don't have one. It was posted in TGDTDWWWWWW, probably buried, if it hasn't been deleted of course.

I'm sure you can find that among other heinous things in fimfic drama's blog post.

Also just personal experience, plus from what I've seen from lurking, plus what other people tell me, plus that blog for drama you mentioned, of course.

This website's a drama magnet, to the point in which a lot of people have built up their entire FIMFic careers revolve around just creating drama and then sitting on the sidelines to feed off of it.

Group Contributor


Drop your Discordian titles if you want to keep your dignity.

I'll pass. He may have lied to us, but...I'm loyal to the end. As long as he tries to stop lying to us all, I'm staying a Discordian.

Before you ask, I dropped the name because CodeG just works better for me. I'm still a Discordian.

4388123 Well he says he's gonna stop lying.

Only time will tell.

Group Contributor

4388008 I'm pretty sure the real reason everyone is so salty is because of all the lewd RP Eris did with other guys.

Blitz Habanera Tuscania
Group Contributor

There was a damn good reason I didn't do any of the RP'ing....

4387752 Get over it. Besides, I only chose my Martian alias since, yeah, I don't jump onto bandwagon like that.

4388254 Already over it.

Get here sooner next time. :pinkiesmile:

4388267 Blame two siblings who watch 15 minute-long videos. Also, my alien alias. Nope, not from scientology.

I feel betrayed. I will no longer be the Forgotten H Discordia, but instead I'll go by my OC's name, Sonic Pulse.

Aria H Discordia
Group Contributor

I'll drop dead before I drop the title. I'm proud to be a Discordia.

I find it vaguely amusing how I've pretty much been sitting here in this group snirking and snarking for months, but I think I ended up with the smallest dose of bad feelings.

Eris was not subtle, or deceptive, really. Maybe y'all saw a different side of her than moi, but I would wager not. She turned out to be exactly what she obviously appeared to be. A thirteen year old who finally got a taste for some of the validation and attention she always figured she deserved and went nuts trying to collect an army of little pets and boitoys to supply more.

I actually feel rather bad for Eris, more than anything. She might have entirely built this situation with her own two hands and is just reaping the rewards, but it still must be absolutely crushing. I find it hard to take joy in the sort of pain she's likely feeling watching all this, just or not.

I'm beginning to think you're right. :trixieshiftright:

Group Contributor

4387752 I dropped the name after the first fiasco.

>implying "Discordian" actually stands for anything


Eris is a guy, and yeah—he did mention he stopped watching the threads because it was upsetting him.


Eris is a guy

Yes, I noticed that. I think I saw a blimp floating around my city with that on the side. :derpytongue2:

But eh, if it Eris is happier being called 'she', it costs me fuck all to do it. I've been on the intertubes for waaaaaay too long to be scandalized by genders.

4388083 BRB going to fake my own death to get pity follows.

Catch ya on the flipside:moustache:

4388600 The whole world weeps for you

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