The Goodfic Bin 1,255 members · 1,297 stories
Comments ( 14 )
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Group Admin

Since Shadowblaze has decided to step down from story approving, The Goodfic Bin is now in need of a story approver for the Submissions folder. The position also comes with an administrator role.

Now, before applying—please note that this role can be very time consuming. HapHazred—our "Self Submissions" (and currently only) story approver—manages to read through and review at least one story a day. The same will be expected of the "Submissions" folder story approver. Whilst it is a little less demanding than HapHazred's job, it is still a bit of work. Should you be appointed, you will also be expected to maintain a decision thread, where you explain your reasoning for either rejecting or accepting a story.

If you're interested in applying, say so in the comments below. You also must review a story—stating whether or not you would let it in—and your reasons why. The stories are: Fluttershy's Bad Patient or HapHazred's own The Pony Next Door. Take your pick.

Reviews should be submitted by PM to HapHazred, who will then decide who gets the promotion.

4170041 I would apply, but one of the stories up for review is mine. Might create a conflict of interests. :twilightsheepish:

In any case, thanks for the mention! :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

4170053 Yeah, I chose yours because I already read it, and knew what it was about.

BTW, can I have your consent for that?

Group Contributor
Group Contributor

Any specific points you want me to focus on

Group Admin

4170082 I tend to focus on all manner of things. The standards I'm looking for in stories is more than just 'it's readable': it has to be done well.

Redundant story elements are something that needs to be taken into consideration: grammar too. Characters acting out of character, poor pacing... really, anything that makes reading a story less than worthwhile.

Also include any reasons why flaws can be overlooked. A comedic bit might rely on poor pacing, for example.

That make sense?

Group Contributor

Perfect sense.

Group Admin

4170110 Sweety linguine.

And Awesomo Risotto.

4170072 Well, you gave it a great review before, so I don't see why not. Go for it. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin
Group Admin

4170053 Yea, hope you're okay with it. :twilightsheepish:

4170082 Basically what HapHazred said.

4170041 I'll be up for it! I spend most of my free time on here anyways

Group Admin

4171599 Good! Remember to submit your review to HapHazred. :twilightsmile:

4171611 already got my review PM'ed! I'm glad that there are groups like this out there to give good stories views they deserve!

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