Cheesepie 89 members · 107 stories
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Bluegrass Brooke
Group Admin

It's your neighborhood CheesePie author, Bluegrass. I realized recently that there hasn't been a lot of CheesePie activity for some time now. This group only has one thread! Thank you Pinkie's Drifting Heart. So, being the wordy, and motivated woman that I am, I thought it might be fun to do something CheesePie related. And, as an admin, I felt like I needed to do something useful for the group. :derpytongue2:

Anywho (yes, that is my favorite word), I've come up with a fun little idea for us to get back into the CheesePie spirit. I notice that a lot of us CheesePie authors (and readers) get stuck in a style rut so to speak. We write (or read) stories with the same consistent "mood" to them, often in the same genre and universe. When you stick to what you know, it produces a consistent product, but it also limits your experience with other "moods" and genres. Personally, I think that makes me rusty in areas I should be up-keeping. Just because you don't need the extra car right now, doesn't mean you should let it rot in the scrap yard.

So, in light of this, I propose an activity that you may or may not find enjoyable. Why not "swap" preferences with other authors and readers? For authors, we'd write a short description about us, and our preferences. Then we'd give a brief description of a typical scene you might write in one of your stories. Then, another author (preferably with an opposite interest) would take that scene and write it out. The scenes would be short, no more than 300 words or so. The author who had their scene taken writes the other author's scene. That way, we get practice writing different genres, moods, and whatnot.

For readers, you'd write a brief description of your preferences on stories, and link to a CheesePie story you enjoy. Then, you'd find another reader with a different interest and read the CheesePie story they link to. Feel free to dig out as obscure or old stories you can find. Go on and publicize those long since forgotten stories that need some love.

So, for the readers, it would be
Name : Reader
A brief description about yourself
Why you read/enjoy CheesePie
Preference in genre
Preference in mood/emotions/plots
What you don't really read often, or don't like reading
Link to a CheesePie story you enjoy

And, for the authors

Name : Author
A brief description about yourself
Why you write/enjoy CheesePie
Preference in genre
Preference in mood/emotions/plots
What you have difficulty writing, or just don't like to write
What you consider your strength in writing
Description of a short CheesePie scene you might write

I'll start this crazy train off. :pinkiecrazy:

Bluegrass Brooke: Author

I'm a slice of life aficionado, with a love of slow paced romance. My stories tend to be really long.

I like CheesePie because I feel that the only pony capable of truly understanding and appreciating Pinkie is Cheese. Plus they're cute together.

I prefer slice of life (obviously), romance, and dark genres

What I look for in a story is a serious tale, interwoven with dark/gritty elements, with a powerful focus on the characters and their relationships

I have extreme difficulty writing comedy or action, and won't touch HIE with a ten foot pole

My specialty is weaving together an emotionally complex, long running story with darker elements in the background

A scene I might write would be Pinkie snapping at her sisters for calling Cheese a hapless drifter

Group Admin

4003760 I think that's a fun little idea my friend! And you're right, there hasn't been a lot of Cheesepie material much. :pinkiesad2: But I can join this little activity. :pinkiehappy:

Bronycooper : Author

A writer who enjoys Cheesepie and loves having her imagination run wild!

I Love Cheespie because the pairing fits so perfectly! There's no reason why it wouldn't! Plus it's so cute! :rainbowkiss:

I like romance, comedy, and some other things. Except dark, or gore. Those give me the willies. :twilightoops:

In a story, I would like to see a non spelling error rushed fic. I like something warm and slow, and sometimes really weird! Yeah, something warm. Like a Cheespie fic! It makes my heart ache and give me the fuzzies. :rainbowkiss:

What's hard for me? Welp, it's the structure of the sentence. Mostly the dialogue. Really hard. But I'm trying!

Hmmm, I'm not sure. For something that's not MLP, it's definitely thinking of the problem and characters. I guess, for MLP, the story? :applejackunsure:

A scene I might write is Cheese kissing Pinkie's forehead goodnight. Awe! :pinkiehappy::heart:


Bluegrass Brooke
Group Admin

4003974 I'll take your scene seeing as how you're interests are fairly contradictory to my own. In the spirit of the activity, I'll try to write in your preferred mood; happy.

But, can I write something so short? :twilightoops: We shall see!

There was sweet, and then there was intoxicatingly sweet. Pinkie's coat was definitely in the latter category. Cheese was certain she bathed in a vat of cupcake perfume every day to get the smell to seep out of her like she did. Not that he was complaining. As far as he was concerned, it was the best smell in all of Equestria. So, it did not bother him in the least when he carried her home on his back.

The party had definitely been one for the record books. Weddings were not all that common in Ponyville, so they made sure to plan the best after party Cranky and Matilda could ask for. They were happy, at least Matilda was happy, Cranky was just happy she was happy. As usual, Pinkie overexerted herself trying to please everypony. He admired her dedication, though he was not so certain he shared it.

Cheese looked up into the darkened sky, trying to count the stars. It was a little game he played during his travels to pass the time. Chuckling, he adjusted Pinkie on his back and stepped towards Sugarcube Corner's door. The lights were off as he entered, and he was careful to step lightly across the floorboards.

His hooves moved mechanically up the stairs to Pinkie's room. It was dark inside, though Gummy blinked a greeting from Pinkie's quilt. Rolling her gently onto the bed, he tucked her in. He could not help but smile at the way the moonlight reflected off of her coat. She really was the most beautiful mare in all of Equestria. Without thinking, and without hesitation, he planted a soft kiss on her cheek. "Goodnight, Pinkie. Sweet dreams." With one parting glance, he set off towards the next town, praying he would not be gone long.

HAZZAH! 300 words exactly. How did I manage that? Anyway, there it is. It's a lot harder than I thought to write something happy. Was it happy enough? I hope it was. This was great practice. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

4004135 It was so cute! That was good! :raritystarry:

Oh god
I'm doin it
Name : MLPSofie (Sofie)
I'm a reader who is usually very lighthearted and happy. I love to make jokes and be weird:derpytongue2: I'm not much for gore either because I'm to happy:pinkiehappy:

I LOVE LOVE LOVE CheesePie and the fics because I usually read the happy, cute and lovely fics with lots of fluff, and that makes the ship even more adorable!! Also they have history with each other, and they are both party ponies. AND HE HUGGED HER AJSHFJCKDN!!

I really love fluff and light hearted fics. And I love feels stories without them being tragedy. I also love HUMAN OR EG!! I feel like I ship them more in a human world I have no idea why :rainbowlaugh:

I think a plot with Pinkie being very oblivious to the crush Cheese has on her is very adorable. She acts all happy and cute around him, and he is always blushing, and she has no idea why!

I don't read a lot of tragedy or horror/gore CheesePie fics. Pinkie and Cheese are just to happy and adorable to be very sad or gory. The gore and tragedy doesn't make sense with CheesePie:twilightblush:

Ugh I'm on a phone, but I really love Slow Dance and The Looking Glass World of Cheese and Pie (both EG :rainbowwild:)
Thank you *bows*

Bluegrass Brooke
Group Admin

4005372 The warm fuzzy feels are always a bonus. It's neat to hear from someone who enjoys Equestria Girls fics. I myself don't really read many, but I can definitely appreciate them. The Looking Glass World of Cheese and Pie is one of my favorites! I haven't read Slow Dance yet. Now I'm curious. :trixieshiftright:

Thanks for sharing. I love to hear from the variety of readers we have in the CheesePie world. Sounds like you fall into Bronycooper's happy camp. That's awesome! I wish I could write happy stuff more than I do. Keep on smiling, friend. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

4005640 You haven't read Slow Dance yet? It's really good. Well in my case really. But I always read every cheesepie fic that comes up. But now there hasn't been much you know? :applecry:

Bluegrass Brooke
Group Admin

4005721 Yeah. Dry bones indeed. I myself have moved on to Twicord. They're more of my OTP then CheesePie. I find their chemistry far more intriguing than Cheese and Pinkie's. Though, I will be writing another long running CheesePie. It's really dark though.

Group Admin

4005753 Yeah, I have other ships too. But Cheesepie was the only one that led me to write more short stories than the others. Mine are mostly the ponies with there gender roles. Like, Rainbow Blitz and Rainbow Dash. Or Twilight and Dusk Shine. Another one is with Celestia and Discord. That's mostly it. And uh, what does opt mean?

Bluegrass Brooke
Group Admin

4005762 One True Pairing. It's pretty much your favorite couple. Mine is Twilight and Discord. Some folks have multiple OTP's, but I think it's better to have one to focus on.

Group Admin

4005765 Oh, that's what that means. Huh. Well, what are you doing right now? For me I'm writing a chapter for cheesepie.

Bluegrass Brooke
Group Admin

4005772 Writing my TCARW chapter! Lots to fit in this one. :eeyup:

Group Admin

4005804 Oh cool, I'm just thinking of a cheesepie moment.:applejackunsure:

Bluegrass Brooke
Group Admin

4005808 PM me if you need help. I can come up with them at a drop of a hat. :raritywink:

4005721 I have to second that. Slow Dance is very cute and very good.It's a challenge to imagine Cheese and Pinkie in a human (ish) world, and a lot of fun.

Aww but i like your cheesepie stories and there has been a lack of cheesepie lately. btw thanks i really wish our shipping group would be as active as the others.

pinkiesdriftingheart Reader

A brief description about yourself: I like to read and write and i certainly love to ship and i am a huge dreamworks/disney fan as well

Why you read/enjoy CheesePie: Because it took me two whole years to realize what most people were saying about Pinkie ships of course knowing me I was too stubborn to listen because I believed looking pass pinkie's character i saw someone easy to ship I refused to see the problems. Then pinkie pride happen and entered Cheese Sandwich I saw the perfect stallion for her he would take time to understand her and he wouldn't get annoyed by her so easily he would listen to her and her crazy ideas. That's pretty much when I couldnt look at other pinkie shippings the same way again. because i started to see the problems people were talking about and i saw those problems as a red flag to an unhealthy relationship and pinkie doesn't deserve someone dismissing her getting annoyed with her 24/7. So thats pretty much why i read and only enjoy CheesePie anymore I just cant see my other ships the same way i see Cheese and Pinkie they are perfect for each other the perfect two.

Preference in genre: I will read just about anything comedy adventure slice of life dark tradegy romance you name it I am open to just about anything.

Preference in mood/emotions/plots: Well i look for a story that isnt rushed in the romance department or adventure department. I also want the characters to be in character its so annoying when you read a story where pinkie acts like she is channeling patrick star and breaking the fourth wall really guys stop treating her like a comic relief and treat her like an actual character. I like stories that tackle serious matters like Brooke's story tackled abuse and trauma real well and thats why its one of my favorites and how rock farmer's daughters tackled family issues and possessive suitors who coudlnt take no for an answer. I like seeing cheesepie in a darker light because i love watching my favorite couple go through tartarus and back and be able to stick together and be strong.

What you don't really read often, or don't like reading: Any story that makes pinkie out to be the comic relief and a complete moron i am sorry but pinkie is not patrick star she isn't your usual comic relief. I take pinkie being written well very seriously like i do with all the characters I really cant stand OOC moments from either of the mane six. Also any cupcakes spin offs or stories that rush the romance and shoehorn a ship in at the last mintue fics I really hate those. If you are going to add a ship please plan it first dont shove it down our throats and force feed it to us and expect us to accept the ship is there because you say so just plan it. Yeah I do have high expectations for how Pinkie should be written XD.

Link to a CheesePie story you enjoy
The Rock Farmer's Daughters
What Changes May Come
Slow Dance
It Bombed in Seaddle

You haven't read Slow Dance???
You're crazy!

Ok I'm just joking :rainbowlaugh: But you should really read it. It's really good! Cheesepie fics are awesome to read, and I hope more are made soon!

Group Admin

4006431 I'm just like waiting and waiting for someone to upload one. I just need something to energize my cheesepie ideas.

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