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Hello all, looking for a displaced fic where the displaced is Ganondorf. If I recall correctly the story was a longer one.

Any help would be appreciated.


while it is not hte story you seek (and i dont know if you have already read it) if you want to read a Gannon in Equestria fic, I highly reccomend The Power of Freedom The Power of Freedom - Fimfiction as it has Gannon Link and Zelda arriving in Equestria, pre-hearths warming. and they are not people reborn as them but actually them. I wont spoil how, but it happens in the very first chapter

Comment posted by DisplacedWriter deleted Jul 11th, 2023

This is probably my favorite Zelda based story. If anyone who comes across this, has not yet read it, do so right now. First off, these aren't humans turned, these are actually Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf themselves. And the best part of the story is how Ganondorf deals with the fact that he is considered a hero, no matter what he does, and how Link is portrayed is brilliant as well.

The triforce wielders all play off of each other like an old married couple. Like frien-emies who grew up with each other. Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf in this story are brilliantly done, especially as they snark on each other.


Indeed! Also one needs to also look at the side stories to TPOF, such as Golden Crusaiders

I read gandalf and was like: "what?!" But now that I read that it was actually ganondorf it took bacame a difrent kind of attention.

I read gandalf and was like: "what?!"


Are there any displaced as Gandalf?

I might want to read that. 😎

Group Contributor

Inb4 Displaced Gandalf yells "YOU. SHALL NOT. PASS!" and/or "FLY YOU FOOL!"

Hey guys, I read the suggestions and so far, they aren't the story I'm thinking of.

Any other ideas?


Group Contributor

I mean if you can't find by searching 'Displaced Ganondorf' in fimficton or google, there isn't much people can suggest other than you can try writing it. The only issue you'll run into is figuring out his powers since he always used different spells and powers every incarnation.


Indeed! Also one needs to also look at the side stories to TPOF, such as Golden Crusaiders

Hurm..mm...m. Wasn't a big fan of The Golden Crusaders. Wasn't bad, mind you. Just didn't think it was good either.

Whats your opinion on the ACTOR in TPOF? An actor playing the hero because no one was taking charge? My favorite character in the story.

i think it is safe to say that the actor will soon no longer be just acting like a hero, but an actual one, or at the very least a great mage. He IS after all being appenticed by Zelda


the actor will soon no longer be just acting like a hero, but an actual one

In some ways that would ruin the character. Its the fact that since there was no leadership and the town was being overrun that he chose to use his acting ability to "perform the semblance of an epic hero," yet he knows nothing about fighting at all, that makes the character. Should he learn, I feel it would harm the character in some way.

Although, his part is basically done in the story as far as leadership goes. All the hero's and generals have arrived by this point in the current story.


(Although I do want to see the faceoff between Zelda the war mage and Starswirl the bearded, head of the war mages.) Everyone, rattle the Authors cage for an update........Must see Zelda vs Starswirl

let us be honest, it wouldnt be much of a match, she'd stomp him as casually as she breaths

Does anyone know any other Ganondorf stories other that the above mentioned?

So far the story I'm looking for isn't any of the above and I remember reading it here.


Don't suppose you know who wrote it? Chances are that you did read it here but for some reason it was deleted off this site.

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