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Comments ( 36 )
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So we start off with you being in equestria when discord was first imprisoned when this event went down you were helping celestia and Luna battle discord.

You were buying time for celestia and Luna to use the elements and suddenly your hit with a magic attack from discord you didnt see coming.

Celestia and Luna see You fall to the ground and use the elements to imprison discord in stone for the next Millenia.

They rush to your side as you look to your hands and see them start to glow gold.

What do you say/what is your speech?

All hail King Midas!

I want to see this happen plz!

"Prepare...*inhales for dramatic effect* for unforeseen consequences"

then fall back and regenerate laying down

New face for a new era

Also, I would love to see a story like this

* screem realy loud*
*Ending it right when you finish regenerating*

For thows of you who do not know that is a hilander reference.

I would too but no one will make it though I might try one if no one gets inspired by these posts

"Well...Here it goes. I wonder how I'll end up. Will I stay Human or become a Pony? I hope I'll at least be a Unicorn. I love Unicorns."
*Looks towards Celestia and Luna*
"Do me a favor girls...when this is done, I'll be a little confused and dazed, but it'll still be me. Help me however you can. But first, I need you to back up a bit."
*Head glows with regeneration power*
"Heh...I hope I'll still have a taste for grapes."

*looks up sees them starting to tear up*
Now now no crying...you know how much I hate sad goodbyes. I have to go now but please...let my last sight be your smiles.
*Princesses make weak smiles*
*Doctor smiles*
"Thank you"

Turns into a swirl of golden dust

Comment posted by BlueSaiyan deleted Jun 25th, 2019
Group Contributor

You post waaaay too many questions.

I hope I'm ginger

Actually that is a He-Man referance.

*Watches as the glow covers the rest of the body*
Now this is rather unexpected. I wonder what I'll be. Pony? Human? Abasinian? And what will my personality be. Serious & no nonsense? Or outgoing & no sense.
Oh well nappy time.
*Falls asleep and regenerates*

I mean I like the what if aspect.

And I'll be doing this 12 more times so dont worry after I'm finished I wont be posting forums for awhile.

"Why'd it have to be Dr.Who? Why couldn't it be... Quantum Leap?"

And to clarify I don't mean posting 12 times all at once I'm talking like posting every once in a while I won't be linear about when I post I could post tomorrow or I could post next week that's what I mean by posting 12 times not 12 times in a row.

The reason why I clarify this is because I don't want someone just think I'm going to post 12 times in a row because I know that there's this one person that's going to think that.

"Gods be damned I was just getting used to this body! Curse you Janus, and your timely wimey bullshi-!" Regeneration

Because I have no idea what Quantum Leap is?

Quantum Leap is way better.


: coughs: "Well, that was unfortunate. Sorry girls, should have been a bit quicker on my feet, eh?" A small smile masking a grimace is highlighted by the gold of Time Energy. Celestia and Luna look on with tears in there eyes, with Luna whispering, "No, no we can do something can't we? 'Tia, can't the Elements heal him?" Celestia looks to Luna, considering, but they hear a rough chuckle, "No, no, this was bound to happen, perhaps it's best now rather than later, though later it may happen again, tends to when you're me. Though, I suppose the different face may take getting used to." The gold is now streaming from hands and feet, as the familiar face of the Alicorn's friend becomes harder to see.

"Don't fret, after this, I'll still be me. Mind you, I'll be a fair bit addled, so please try to be patient while my brain settles and all that. Who knows? Might even be a Pony, might be a dragon...Oh! You think gems might taste like Jelly Babies? I do hope so if we go that way." The glow is now blinding, the sisters unable to look directly at the figure on the ground. But they do hear one more thing, "Nothing to fear girls, just another step on this adventure, and I can't think of anyone else I'd want to see with new eyes. As for me, well...Doctor, I welcome you."

The gold light explodes...

Group Contributor

is it me.. or is everyone using quotes and not their own original? I mean a Displaced Dr. Who is NOT going to say the same thing and it'd be weak copout to quote one.

If I were writing, I'd try and make it a very instant kinda thing like whenever the 6th straight up regenned from blunt trauma. No last words, just the crushing fear and the massive confusion.

Comment posted by psvitafanboy222 deleted Jun 25th, 2019

Wll I'm glad you have you have something you like the most.

This was supposed to be a displaced si/oc post and some people are using the doctor for it idk why but it's something they are doing and I dont mind that they are doing it but its was ment to be an oc/si post oof

Group Contributor

Better idea.. What if the twelve doctors instead of being one displaced with personality changes. were twelve people displaced into one, but only one can be awake and aware untilll he or she dies, then the next human will be in control.

Well, if you do make one or find one that someone made, send me a link will ya?

And I like that idea alot

If I've not told them about it before hand then I'd turn to the princessess and say something like:
"A'ight, I'm kind of immortal but I change face and some personality but I'll still be me. There's a chance I could be very different in apperance ranging from basic looks to maybe a pony or something. OH! By the by I always wanted to have four arms so if that's gonna happen I'm sure I'll be happy. If it does and I'm not then tell me I'm a dipshit. On the bright side it's a hell of a light show, now if you'll excuse me I've gotta turn into a living sparkler for a minute."

If I have told them about it before then I'd say something like:
"Welp, here it is. To be honest, I've got that excited/scared feeling. Like 98% excited, 2% scared. Or maybe it's more. It could be, it could be 98% scared, 2% excited but that's what makes it so fun."

"Oh crap! I thought I last a little longer damn it! Oh please just let me still have thumbs! Oh, and if I can stay human that'd be gre-oh that tingles..." *Regeneration explosion occurs*

*Looks to the girls.* "Girls get back, stay back until it's over.-*cough**cough* I-I'd hoped you two would never have to see this *wheeze* ever in all our lives together. I know it hurts so much right now to see me like th--*hack**cough*aghahuhn ugh." *coughs blood as light grows stronger* "Please just love each other, pr-protect each other and stay safe."
*light is near blinding* "Every time t-this happens I'm almost another person bu-*cough**cough*but at my core and in my m-memories I AM ME." *light is too bright to look at* "J-just p-please remember me... please." *light explodes*

(zoruatrainer66 here. I teared up writing this.)

"Ah.....Goodness, wanst expecting this to happen yet....." I stare at my glowing hands then to the to monarchs looking over me.

"Don't worry you two, I'll be fine! just a few changes here and there....and everywhere..." I say with a grin,

"I know this is confusing, but....." I groan painfully as another burst of pain hits me as a nearly collapse.

Both Celestia and Luna quickly try to help me stand.

"STAY BACK!!!" I yell a fierce warning, a small amount of a golden glow being expelled from my mouth, as both alicorns halted.

"Sorry, it's just, what's about to happen I can't and really shouldn't stop..."

I stagger away from the two confused and worried princesses.

"Whatever happens next, Whoever I become, make sure you keep me out of trouble. In return, I'll do my best..."

I turn around to look at both princesses, each looking at each other with confusion.

"Thou will do Thy best to do what?" Luna asked, her old-timey speech a comfort as my last few seconds draw near.

"Indeed, Thine words make little sense!" Celestia said as her violet and magenta eyes look at me in confusion and worry.

With one last smirk, I look at the two friends I had made, ones I hope will continue to be friends till the end.

"At being me of course!" I say as one last surge of pain hit my body as my entire body is engulfed in the golden flame and light.

A few seconds later the glow subsides as my features are completely different from before, much to the shock of both of the monarchs.

"Right......What were we doing?" I ask with my new voice, seemingly oblivious at what just happened.

To Be Continued......Maybe

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