Displaced 4,433 members · 1,269 stories
Comments ( 99 )
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Group Admin

It's time for a change. As of today, once you submit a Displaced story to FiMFiction itself, you will be required to share the story, whether it be on FiMFiction, G-docs, or Quotev, with TWO Contributors. As such, these contributors will check it over, point out anything questionable, help fix grammar, anything that is needed to make your story more presentable. However, they will only be working with you on THEIR time and a THEIR discretion. However, certain Contributors may be more available than others, and you are allowed, if you so choose, to pick ONE admin to join a contributor. Now, here's a new list of regulations on the stories-
(Admin's feel free to add something or suggest changes)
1. From now on, your story will go through our approval staff after it goes through FiMFiction story approvers. As such, I will be making a folder entitled 'Pending Review' for any stories submitted without anyone looking over them.
2. A suggestion, not a rule, go back over and look at your chapters a few times before publishing.
3. IF you have any ideas related to the MULTIVERSE you will be required to message Jsyrin and get a response on if this is acceptable or not.
(There will be more to come on the G-docs).

Contributors, (Check the members list and figure out who you are), I know this will tax you guys, which is why I am opening the group to Contributor Applications. Once we reach 30, yes, 30, they will be closed. Any current Contributors that do not wish to partake in this may message me and return to user status.
Current Openings: 11 10

(This is NOT spur of the moment. This WILL be implemented. IT is a major change, but it is needed.)



I appreciate the attempt of a change, but maybe just a review before they're accepted into the displaced group, if they want to be a displaced story? No need to stop them from posting it on fimfic if they want it to be non-displaced costume or something.

That would also significantly reduce the number of stories you'd be making your contributors review.

Okay, about damn time we get something like this in place.

But I feel I should ask (no matter how redundant):

What about pre-existing stories? Those all good, or are they going to be looked over?

Group Admin

That's what I'm basically saying. The contributors will be allowed to give suggestions, however, the pre-approval process is still there. This is the first step to improving Displaced image. Improving the stories.

Group Admin

They are good. For now.
However, if someone chooses to look over those, they may feel free to do so.



Okay, I can understand reviewing it before it's put into the group itself, but you don't need three people looking it over. You also don't need to review every single potentially displaced story before it gets submitted to fimfic itself. If they want to submit it to the displaced, I think a look over by a trusted contributor/admin who knows what they're doing relatively well would suffice. I don't think grammar and such need to be flawless, but they should need to be comprehensible, and the plot maybe not as stupid as some of the ones already here.

Group Admin

Very well.
I'll lower it to 2.



And reviewing it before it's even submitted to fimfic?

Are you keeping that rule? Because that seems like a really bad idea.


Yeah, how about you just review it before its allowed in the group, but let it be put on fimfic regardless?

Group Admin

No. Forgot to edit that out.
However, I suggest, if they want it to looks its best, that they either do that OR post it on quotev and PM it to one of the Contributors.

Group Admin

Yes, I've changed that.
They'll be going through the Pending Review folder.



Well, it's not a complete fix but it's a start.

I suppose the next thing you should make sure of is that your contributors won't give a story approval simply because it's their favorite fictional character who's the protagonist. Because that seems to happen a lot here.

I'll also keep my contributor position and help out with this if I can.

Group Admin

And yes, I'll attempt to keep bias out of this.

Group Contributor

4793397 That honestly seems like a huge hassle for no reason.

Why not just say, 'If you want your story to be considered Displaced, it must have decent grammar, decent writing, and not be riddled with errors or look like a seizure on paper?'

Saying, 'Its has to be checked over or your story is denied' sounds a little off putting.

Having the option of choice is key here.



I'm not sure all writers are able to tell if their story is shit or not.

Having it looked over by one or two people before it gets accepted seems like a good idea.

4793397 contributors aren't exempt from these rules I assume? If they were, then that would be unfair.

Group Admin

It won't be denied. You will be suggested to make edits.
Once those are done, it will be quickly checked over if those mistakes are fixed and then accepted.
Besides, that first thing is actually harder to follow through with, to a degree.

By doing this, we can help people avoid cliches that will doom their story. We can avoid Lore being messed up, we can help suggest plotlines that aren't over done. It may seem off-putting but I believe it will help.

Group Admin

No, no they are not.
Admins aren't either.

4793397 What I would like to know is why we are doing this? It seems unnecessary. Especially the part where we have to wait on someone before adding it to the group.


Contributor stories will be reviewed by me PERSONALLY. I am a very unbiased person, I might like someone, but if TGM sends me a story riddled with mistakes (there probably won't be any, but just an example as I like TGM) the story won't get into the group.

Group Admin

Its to improve our image. You may have to wait, but trust me. That will help in the end.

We HAVE to improve our image or, like stated in a PM I got, Displaced will explode and cease to exist.



I think the system midnight is going for is that there will be a 'pending review' folder that your story will get added to. You won't have to wait to have it added to the group, but you will have to wait before it gets sorted into any of the folders.

Because of the terrible quality of stories lately, we are improving our image and getting rid of trolls, spammers and people destroying this group's image - I'm preventing the thing that killed LoHAV indirectly, like an illness backed up by cancer.

Group Admin

Admin stories can be looked over by other admins as well.
Or, if you choose, you can do those too, but I'm always open to help.

Group Admin

Will there be a thread for people to ask for contributor help? That way people can just ask there which would make in easier for both contributors and Admins to track.

Group Admin

Yes. Once we get all thirty, I, or someone else, will make the thread.

Alright good to know. Also I think any Contributors should also let people know their personal strengths on that thread for helping with editing and reviewing.

Group Admin

4793436 And sometimes it just takes an outside view to helpfully point out what points of the story could use fleshing out and a few grammatical fixes. Having someone else to help bounce ideas off of is also a great idea since it can help you think of new twists to put in your story that you might not have thought about on your own

4793397 I must admit, this is the second time I've seen "contributor" and not known what or who that is. Would you mind pointing me in the right direction? I must have missed a thread or something.

4793397 I'd probably be interested in being a contributor... though my current schedule would only have me available to review stories at night or on weekends, so it's possible I wouldn't be able to be set as a contributor

Group Admin

Contributor is a position, actually on FiMFiction's members list thing in groups, between Admin and Users.
In this case, I'm creating another reason for us to have them.
Well, for now, that'd be fine. We get a fairly steady inflow of stories.
(Funnily enough, you're already one)

I believe that the contributors are the ones with the plus sign on the members roaster.

4793495 Oh, so it's just another position. I thought it was term you made to describe these people that will be helping. Shows how much I know about fimfic groups :derpytongue2:

Anyway, if there is still spots for that position, I'd be up for applying. This is definitely something I could get behind.

Group Admin
Group Admin

Good to know.
Your application is accepted. :twilightsmile:

Group Contributor

Alright. I haz first pending story. Iz I approved?

Group Admin

Pm two contributors.

Seems like a step in the right direction.

A step?
More like a leap.

4793459 Wait, what killed LoHAV again? I think that happened before my time, so I'm a bit curious as to what went down.

4793457 I sincerely doubt that this will in any way improve whatever "image" we have due to the fact once people decide on it (which they already have) they aren't likely to change it. *sigh* Welp, may as well offer to help. So where is the place you go to to apply for contributor status?

Group Admin

As for that, by doing this we can prove to the people that listen to those people that we aren't as horrible as they say.
You just applied. I'm not being overly judgmental about it.
If things work out, great. You stay. If not, you go. Simple.

4793522 Maybe not immediately, but I think that it'll probably have something of a long-term effect. I could be wrong, of course. Either way I think this is good for the group.

4793528 Ok fair enough. Well okay, if you think so. I'm just worried about potential newcomers to the group, seeing that their work must be reviewed before it's accepted here might scare them off.

Group Admin

Personally, if it does, then they shouldn't be here, not trying to sound rude. If they truly want to write a Displaced story, they ought to be willing to cope with a few rules.

Saw this, panicked for a sec. Then I read it.
Nighty, I can't remember what my status is, but hey, I'm up for this.

Group Admin

Its contributor. You and GameJunkie7.

I may not be an author (couldn't write something I'm personally willing to tolerate to save my life) but I have been following things more or less since the days of LoHAV and you wouldn't believe how happy this is making me. I have seen countless interesting if not even fantastic concepts in this group but far too often I have had to give up on them because they end up being unreadable.

I'm sorry if this insults someone but this group has needed something like this for a while now. I honestly hope that this will get some of the authors to at least try.

4793490 And that is a big part of the reason I'm constantly asking authors to get an editor for their stories. Of course there have been a couple of cases where an editor hasn't been enough to help.

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