Write For Fun, Not Fame 1,248 members · 5,523 stories
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Now, before I begin, let me just say that I AM NOT ADVERTISING MYSELF. I am going to talk about a story I wrote, but I did not write this story for the sake of criticism. I wrote this because I'm trying to say something I wanted to get out there, and I figured it would be best to put it into the form of a story.

With that being said, the point I tried to get across is that there's a difference between a bad character and an unlikable one. Because after seeing all those stories parodying the infamous "Black and Red Alicorn OC" thing that bad writers do, I really didn't understand why people seemed to genuinely think that simply because it was a black and red alicorn, that it was okay to literally torture the character like it's an evil person. They're not saying "This is a shitty OC.". They're saying, "I desire to take this OC, chain him to a wall, tear his entrails out and scatter them across the floor.".

So I wrote a story. And the reason I'm talking about it is because I didn't write it for fame. I'm not looking to receive feedback on it, because that's inevitable—I'm looking to see how people feel about what I wanted to say and whether or not they agree with me.

So if you feel like you want to say something about what I wanted to express, read the story here.

I wrote this because I'm trying to say something I wanted to get out there, and I figured it would be best to put it into the form of a story.

Well, that's pretty much the point of telling stories. We call that a "thematic statement."

4616966 I tried to give this message across with my I Ain't Your Sacrifice.

I went about it a little differently than you. You're trying to build a mirror for the hating bronies, so they would see what they are doing. I tried to simply prove them wrong.

4617499 I like that you know how to do image-url hyperlinks. It makes me feel less alone on the internet.


I didn't write it for fame.

There's a group for that, but one of the rules loosely translates to: "the first rule of not writing for fame is not talking about not writing for fame." Or, that could be fight club... I haven't read the rules in a while.



I solemnly swear not to talk about Fight Club... Which I only found out about because of the reference to it in the Puss In Boots movie that I watched when I was 10.

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