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I want to write an article on what separates the brony fandom from all the others, and what makes it as great, friendly, fun, and large as it is. Lots of people do articles and videos on what makes the show good, but what about the fandom. What makes us so much bigger and more creative than others. What we produce? What we stand for? I want to get some outside opinions on this topic. After all, this is about the fandom, so why not get the fandoms opinions. Keep in mind your posts may be quoted in the astical, which I hope to get on Equestria daily. Most importantly, have fun :pinkiehappy:

What makes us bigger than the others out there? Hmm.. well, let me put it nice and simple.

Yes, we watch a show about pastel-coloured ponies that teaches us about friendship, and that's all people see us for. What they do not see however are the beautiful things that we create from what we have watched.

Music is one of our most glorious things with art and fanfics not far behind.

It has been said by some "anti-bronies" that we create some of the best music out there. In fact, they said we create the BEST music. Okay, not like big-named music artists, but YouTube-wise, we make the best. It's all due to our creativity that didn't spark until we began to watch the show.

Art. We make magnificent art (some gruesome and dark while others are light and cheerful). Once again, due to our creativity, we can accomplish such a small feat like a sketch or a full-fledged picture with colour and background and the works.

And then there's the fanfiction. We vary in taste a multitude of ways. We aren't like most fandoms who stick to a single tag (i.e. dark), but instead, we've branched out to having stories that no matter who you are, you are more than likely going to love it depending on your own personal preferences.

That's my opinion.

cR Gamer_Luna

3850186 there is one thing the fandom creates that I hate. Immature people who complain when their waifu is paired with someone other than them.

3850232 Like everyone who hates Flash Sentry? I do to, but that's because he has no personality.

3850209 Yea, I think that's a big part of it. The show is fuel for all these awesome show inspired creations that just don't compare to many other fandoms. Thanks for the impute.

3850239 more than that.
I can agree that he doesn't have a lot of personality, but many of us try and fix it. You have to give us credit there.

3850247 Yea the fandom does do some things better then actual canon. Which is a good point, I might have to put that in. The fans often know what works and dosn't work for a show then the writers themselves. They try something knew that dosn't work, and then we try to make it fit with head cannons, stories, art, animation, and analyst.

3850257 I'm not even a brony, but I enjoy writing stories. Actually, let's make this better.
I watch the show and write stories, but I don't obsess(sp) over it like some do.

3850261 Look, a brony is a term for a male fan of the show. If you're on this website, male, and writing stories, then it's fairly clear that you're a brony.

3850261 I can obsess over it, but i don't push it on others. I dislike that people hate on bronies when they no nothing about the show, but I wont dislike someone because they don't like it. I know lots of people who dislike the show (and some the people who watch it) but there still cool. Most of the time. I don't go around school talking about it or telling people it's the best thing ever.

3850276 I'm not saying I'm not, but I'm not the obsessive kind.

3850278 I don't go that far. I keep it to myself for the most part.


I'm not saying I'm not


I'm not even a brony,

3850284 how about this. I see two types of bronies.
The ones that obsess over the show and the ones that have other things to do.
I'm in the other things to do category.

3850289 There is only one word 'brony.' I fail to see how there are two types. You can try to classify them all you want, but most people here view you as a brony for writing here, whether you like it or not.

3850293 I classify them into those two categories cause there are those that also have a life outside of a fandom. I have college that keeps me busy, especially now that finals are in a week, which means, I'll be around less cause of studying.
Ones that obsess over the show will (example, not saying I'm right) sit around watching it not doing anything with their lives.
Now, I may be a brony, but I have a life outside the fandom like I said and that life is my main important issue.

That explain it?

3850278 sorry if my categorizing is a little mean



as great, friendly, fun, and


This fandom has good people, and it has horrible people. Quite a few bronies are straight up assholes. Many are basement-dwelling fetishists that fit all the worst stereotypes. The fact that the fetish-forums tend to be some of the most popular doesn't paint a very flattering picture. Just like any other group, there's good and bad, and I would advise against generalizing an entire group, even in a positive light.

One of the things that surprised me when I started posting here, is that a lot of folks are older than me. I knew this fandom was populated by those who fall outside the intended demographic, but I kind of expect the vast majority of bronies to be teenagers. A lot are, but teens and people in their early twenties still pretty much dominate the Internet.

Some bronies are computer programmers, engineers, professors, some are in the medical profession, and some of us are stock-persons with a possible problem with alcoholism. Some of us really, really like cartoons, and some of us would have never checked the show out if there wasn't so much hype surrounding it.

I think the only major difference between this fandom and others is how those outside the fandom perceive it. Trekies and other fandoms still get flak for cosplay and being a little obsessed with something, but it's becoming less of a taboo to be a part of those subcultures. Much of the reason that bronies tend to get a lot of criticism is because people are homophobic, sexist, and generally ignorant enough to believe that anyone who doesn't fall in line with what's supposed to be acceptable for their age and gender, is wrong.

We've also got our R34 crowd and run-off from the cesspool that is 4Chan.

Another thing I noticed about this fandom is the amount of creative content that's made by fans, not just with fanfiction, but with PMVs, music, art, and even games. I don't have enough experience wit other fandoms to know whether or not this is specific to this fandom. I never thought to sit around and watch fan-made Star Trek content on Youtube while drinking beer.

3850186 There are two reasons I love this fandom so much:
1) This is a fandom that has fans of all races, genders, nationalities, and creeds. This fandom was created out of love for an amazing show and was created out of a spirit of friendship and acceptance that the show represents. It is this sense of friendship that the show creates that transcends all boundaries of difference and leaves little room for hate, which I believe the fandom shows.
2) Aside from a few rare instances, this is by far the friendliest fandom I've ever been a part of. Fights and arguments are few and far between, and people are generally accepting of each others opinions and behave kindly to one another. Looking back at reason 1, this is because of the show itself. It's all about companionship, and I think that that is reflected in the behavior of its fans.

3850364 Thanks for the input

3850380 I see a lot of this as well. Most people in the fandom are understanding and vary friendly. I think it's because, like you said, it stems from the show. It's all about making friends. That's where the love and tolerance comes into play. Respect thy brony :rainbowlaugh:

3850186 First and for most I would like to say good luck with your article.
Now with that said there is not one single thing that makes The MLP fandom know as Broniens and to a lesser extent Pegeasisters are from a vast and come form many backgrounds. These individuals are inspired by this show, that was made for a younger fan base, to show off their verified talents.
These talented individuals work are shared and in turn inspire other to do equally inspiring works. Yes that sounds almost simplistic but in my defense at lest for me it is true I am a writer still honing my craft and I live in a unassailable rural area it is this fandom that put me in contact with other that can help me become a better writer.
The fandom also touches many other groups, such as those who are in the military or how have a shared experiences
It not just the show that makes this community but the fans themselves that they keep redefining and changing what it means to be a part of the fandom.
Unlike other fandoms that require you to know the source material any thing can draw you into it, the art, the writing, the cos play so much.
do you remember the first episode that you watched or got you hooked? For me it was "Baby Cakes" It was the first episode that I saw and the two little foal's Pumpkin and Pond grabbed my attention.
I hope that I was able to help you and not just ramble on.

Good luck again.

3850417 Thanks for wishing me luck. There is no rambling on here, everyone is adding to the conversation and voicing there opinion. Thank you for doing so.


made by fans, not just with fanfiction, but with PMVs, music, art, and even games. I don't have enough experience wit other fandoms

As far as all of these go, every fandom has fan fictions, music videos, art, and games. However, other fandoms don't reach the abundance of creative arts as MLP. Another factor that separates us from other fandoms as far as arts goes: the visual representation that comes with the fan fictions, PMV's, art, and games. With the other fandoms, such as Star Trek and Doctor Who, they are very limited to type of videos they create. While they might have the couple of animated short clips- that a convenient fan just so happens to make- they are not willing, or daring, due to the standards that the fandom places on its followers, to create videos beyond the ideas of the show (this includes creating self-generated motion picture). The MLP fandom has a very vast variety of talent that our people aren't afraid to share.


I believe the episode that got me hooked would be "A Friend in Deed", mainly from Pinkie Pie's song. That was the most well developed song Hasbro made for MLP, in my opinion, and it was capturing with its melodious cheers and Pinkie's buoyant attitude. I believe this was the reason I became enticed with Pinkie's overall character was because despite her random personality and cartoon-ish character, she puts forth an attitude that will make anyone smile.


God speed to you and your article. If you ever need help with anything, you can hit me up, and I would gladly help to the best of my ability. Need information on particular areas of fandom, or examples to follow up statements, I can and will find it.

From hell, to you, and back again,
Soto Konoha, Fort Impression On Everypony


Now listen here sonny, *spits out bubblegum and in the best old western hero voice* I have been through many fandoms, been in many places, and seen many people, But let me tell you right now...we are a very rare breed when it comes to us.

Yes, there are problems, and I will not deny that. DH7 is right that there are plenty of morons out there...but. In my life, I have found us to be just alittle more optimistic, a little more friendly, and a little more optimistic than most.

Let me put it this way. In the SATAM fandom, we created season 3 material for continuing the show. Here in the Brony community, we have a whole verse written by several people at once.

You think I would be posting here and talking to you guys in ANY other fandom? No, heck no. Heck...I would be in a stupid sex roleplay site instead.

Why? I don't know, maybe because what the show expouses is universal, maybe we just love it that much. Like how a moonie loves SM because of its themes.

I have noticed that there are lot more great or good fics out there than most (for me, its about 90% good, 9 % great, and 1% epic). Because somehow...we attracted a bunch of older writers to us. We have such a big world to play with.

Yeah, we have idoits, it would be naive to think ANY different. But...unlike some fandoms I have been a part of, I have noticed a lot less idocy and more people supporting and talking to one another and having a good time.


Honestly, I don't think we are much different from any other fandom. We have some good people and some bad people and some smart people and some dumb people, and we over-analyze and complain and make the occasional awesome stuff. I've hung out with various nerds online for a huge chunk of my life and aside from the general theme of ponies, this lot is pretty much the same as every other.

Fans will always be fans, what they are a fans of won't change that.

3850806 Thanks for the input

3850843 It's nice to have the opinion of someone with experience in other fandoms. Thanks for sharing

3851734 I still fell like there is something that separate us from the other fandoms on the internet. We just seem more excepting and understanding of each other them most fandoms, (not all of us, of course) a trait I fell we got from A: the influence of the show, and B: The fact that we're so hated on. We all know what its like to be hated on for being in the fandom, so why hate on those who are in it? It's like DRWolf says, we stand together.

3850186 Well I'd say that we are kinda like one big (Interesting) family! Take this site for instance, we have the pranksters (Trolls), grandparents and parents that make sure we're running smoothly (Knighty and his gang), older siblings that teach us how to improve our writing, and little kids (Newbies) who are willing to learn how to improve their writing skills.
We look out for each other, talk about stuff on our minds, and comfort each other through harsh times. :twilightsmile:

3853518 That...is a really good way to describe it. I never thought about it like that before. Thanks for sharing you're thoughts.


So, that makes me the weird older brother who drinks caffene a lot, is unemployed, but tells awesome stories and helps you out when you are down and gives out a small joke once in a while and still finds time to talk about the deep things. Oh celestia, I am the 90s older brother who is constantly stoned!

3850444 by the way where will this articular be so we can read it?

3854817 If things go well, Equestria Dailey

3853934 :eeyup: Not sure about the stoned part though.

3855552 Thank you for the information.

3857337 I never considered that our reputation could be a variable in the amount of content that the fandom makes. That actually makes sense. Thanks for sharing. Oh god, I just thought of pinkies share song....

What's so different about this fandom?

Our presence on the internet.

We have entire sites dedicated to fan made content, brony/pegasister analysts are a dime a dozen and we have an entere site dedicated to our fanfiction while every other fandom I've heard of has to share fanfiction.net with each other. Literally EVERYONE who's been on the internet for more that fifteen minutes has heard of us.

3852195 You have to shed many boundaries to admit to yourself that you watch a show for three year old girls. The negative outlook of the fandom doesn't help with that. People that can tolerate that about themselves, have potential to tolerate other things as well. Being tolerant has a lot to do with not having self imposed boundaries and bronies are inherently good at that. They have to be, otherwise they wouldn't become bronies in the first place.

We're not afraid to explore new things. There's not much reputation to uphold, so we don't let ourselves be held back by the norms of the society. We admit to what we like, and we pursue it.

Oh, and in case you don't know; our fandom is being studied by professional sociologists. Here are just some of their conclusions:

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