Starving Authors 311 members · 2,709 stories
Comments ( 19 )
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This is something that i've been meaning to do for awhile now, ever since I got the idea from a reply "Kolwynia" sent me some time ago.
Can someone give me a list of some authors on here that have written some pretty good stories but, sadly, their work went un-noticed or has been greatly underappreciated?
I'm in the mood to read something awesome (as long as it isn't romance or clop, I friggin hate those) and if i've learned anything since joining fimfiction, it's that the greatest works of art usually aren't found in the Feature Box.
Not sure why, but that appears to be how things work around here.

819909 I'm tired and using my tablet, so I don't much feel like providing links, but I'll recommend The_Changeling_Prince_2, Tangerine Blast, TheQuesioner, and the story Spies.Jr.
If you need links, I'll provide them. I'm just lazy (and American).


Yeah, what's on the feature box is not the way to go.
Garnot is probably one of the most under appreciated authors on this site. His fiction is wonderfully crafted, but his views and likes do not do this work any justice.

You could always give mine a shot, It's currently being reworked with additional chapters and a few changes to current chapters. Guardian of the Hearthfire

819909 You can read mine if you'd like, id really it when people refer my work to others. I will look at your stories as well in return.

Zelda Spectrum
Group Contributor

819909 A series I would recommend is the Maledictum Insania series (written by Nero Darkard), starting with Maledictum Insania: The Creation. These stories have some honest-to-God effort put into them and deserve more attention. (I just hope you don't mind gore)

I love just about anything that's well written, not rated E, and doesn't fall under "Romance" or "Clop".

I honestly think that everything i've ever written was a joke.
A waste of my time and everyone else's.
I would however appreciate it if you took a look at some of the stuff written by my editor.

Imma self-promote my story here although, it's a HiE, soooooooo...

But give it a shot anyway. You might like it!
Alas, if you'd like for me to check out your stories, I will. Just give me a bit of time and I'll comment as my proof of having read yer work.

My stuff sucks if you ask me.
You really don't have to read it.
I'll get to yours eventually though.


My stuff sucks if you ask me.

Don't say that. If you truly thought that, you wouldn't even be writing.
I think we write because we have something we gotta express, no matter what.
Saying it sucks... it just makes you feel bad in an unnecessary way. You don't need to feel bad or put yourself down. That only springs up because we're our own worst critic.

Sometimes, ya gotta accept that you can't please'em all. But the peeps that DO give your stories a chance and enjoy your work, they're the ones worth pleasing in the end.

Ah, what a wonderful place to self-promote! Shamelessly, of course. :twilightsmile:
This is the story I am currently working on that has the least views. And have no fear for there is no romance at all. Just dark and tragic. :pinkiecrazy:

Ah, 2 out of 3 of my favorite categories ...
The third being sad

Zelda Spectrum
Group Contributor

820055 I do know there is a tiny bit of romance between a certain mare and stallion in Maledictum Insania 1 (sequel to "The Creation"), but it is rather down-played and does not get in the way of the main story. The romance is not introduced until much later in the story and it's only used for character development; plus, it does not go much farther than a light kiss every six chapters or so (based on memory).

That's fine.

I do have to agree that there are far too many gems that get hardly any views, all while incest clop-fics fill the feature box.

:ajbemused: This fandom. :ajbemused:

Anyway, I'd like to recommend SoloAcapello and his amazing mystery fic, Everdale. It's a genuinely intelligently written whodunnit with OCs that actually work.

I'd also like to recommend Cloud Shaker and his fic, Ascendence: the Starswirl Chronicles. It's an origin story for Starswirl the Bearded, but with some awesome lore. This fic started out with 2 downvotes and no upvotes. Why? I have absolutely no idea.


Hey, Hingard! Read the new 'Pinkie The Match-Maker' update yet? :rainbowwild:

822273 I started but never finished I'll go and do that now.

The most underrated author I can think of is Educated Guess. I really like his writing style, but his stories just haven't gotten a lot of readers. (I'm assuming it's because he's mostly written OCs so far.) If you like well done world-building and smooth, clever writing, I recommend his stuff.:twilightsmile:

Also, since joining the Authors Helping Authors group, I've been exposed to quite a bit of great stories that have not gotten the attention they deserve.

822273 Looking at the Feature Box depresses me. (Also, it keeps me from joining the Humans Aren't Bastards group.:trollestia:)

820055 Maybe you'd enjoy Spellbound by KamFiction. It does have a romance tag on it, but it's nestled safely between "Dark" and "Tragedy" tags, so you might go for it. Basically Twilight joins a cult and starts going down a dark path. (If you play the Elder Scrolls games, the cult kind of reminds me of the Dark Brotherhood, except they are not a bunch of assassins.) I'm enjoying it for the writing and seeing the dissolution of Twilight's character.

Comment posted by Dainn deleted Mar 31st, 2013

Thanks for telling me about the insania stories.
The creation one is pretty good

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