Spankfics 336 members · 518 stories
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Alright. I'm a little out of my element here.

I wrote the story Guilt and Forgiveness, and ever since then, I'm been considering other possible spanking related stories. But unfortunately I have a serious lack of knowledge on the subject. So I kind of need some feedback before I can see about writing any other stories.

What I'm looking for is information as to the therapeutic aspects of spanking between consenting adults. Any information would be helpful really.

4762063 It could have the same role as an angry sex. When two are bickering, they're both holding frustrations inside them. That's bad because it can ruin the relationship on the long term. Angry sex (or spanking) could allow them to vent their frustration.

Besides, spanking is fun.

Well what I'm wondering is more of a therapeutic angle for the one getting spanked, like serving as a manner of stress relief, by forcing it all out. Is that an actual thing?


Yes that is very much a thing. While its most commonly used for stress brought on by guilt or some form of self depreciation, it can also be used as a pick me up. Either to encourage positive thought, or in order to use a "loving touch" to bring about happy thoughts and a sense of self worth. As for pure direct stress relief with no other factors, it would depend entirely on the person. If spanking is calming and helps them get into a happy mind space then its very effective.

That's kind of what I figured. I've got this specific idea for a spanking story where Rainbow Dash is all riled up and tense, unable to relax, and Twilight suggests the unorthodox approach of being spanked, explaining how its very cathartic, and how it's done her a wonder of good in the past. I just want to be accurate in my presentation so its believable when she's presenting the notion of a bare bottomed spanking being a good thing to experience.

4762063 Spanking is a good spice for a sex. It gives a powerful stimulation for buttocks. And yeah, it's fun.

It's like an a angry sex but in some ways even more effective. In every relationship their is always a leading side which define the course of the situation. If the one of the partners is starting to suppress the other one, than such a relationship may have a crack. A spanking can give two parties an opportunity to swap places and an offended party can have it's revenge and feel the sweet taste of superiority.

I am speaking this especially for RD's case. We know how she is: I feel like practically in any imaginable shipping she'll try to be the "stallion" and to have things her way. Plus, she can be rather obnoxious and unreasonable so here goes a spanking for her. The only pony, who is enough level-headedness and have enough nuts to handle her is AJ. That's probably why RD x AJ shipping always works.

For your particular idea I can recommend to read Warmth of the Sun. Their Princess Celestia used a spanking to prevent adult Twilight from having one of her infamous anxiety-tantrums. Must say, it was not something serious but more like a good butt tapping to make Twilight drop out of the funk.

Also consider the fact that an act of a spanking is a very intimate thing. A spanking between two consenting adults will always be one way or another connected with sex, because of that one can't come out of the blue just like that and offer an unorthodox approach of being spanked as a way of getting over a depression.

4762491 What's wrong with a cup of hay-infused chamomile and honey-vanilla tea?

I can understand the tension, based on dreading a punishing spanking, and the release of getting it over with(and then the reassuring coos and cuddling), but suggesting what is traditionally a punishment as a stress relief seems to me like quite a stretch. Isn't that what jilling off is for?

"Riled" suggests to me 'angry/offended'. So the theme would be 'you are over-reacting and you need to be punished for it'?

"bare bottomed spanking"? I take it 'we are talkin' Anthro here?

"a good thing to experience"? What is wrong with massage?

Well what it more or less boils down to, is the fact that there's plenty of stories about ponies being into and getting into weird kinks and interests, but so few stories portray the introduction to such in a way that seems believable. Everyone's just way too quick to jump into something most of us would have a lot of questions regarding. I like to do stories that are inversions and subversions of standard tropes and cliches where the norm is turned on its head as a new perspective is introduced. And with a mature subject it's a lot easier to do that with spanking than with sex and such, because I'm not good at writing those sorts of details.

5544041 Ah. The gears of logic. You're one of those thinking writers. Good for you!

"mature subject" being a consenting mare or stallion, you mean?

You mean you could do non-descriptive 'vanilla' but not the 'dirty details'?

Anyway, I presume you have abandoned this scenario, as you 'couldn't make it work'?

I'm always thinking. In fact I'm often overthinking. I've nearly driven myself nuts a few times with such.

Mature subject as being something not appropriate for discussion in front of younger readers. Stuff that would never be seen or even mentioned in the show.

Potentially, but having never bothered with writing porn before, I don't really know what I could do.

Couldn't make it work as in simply not having sufficient time for putting as much thought into it as necessary. I've got several other stories being worked out that need my focus.

5544673 Sounds terrible. Thank teh gawdesses I'm brain-lazy by nature...

I suppose it was the phrase in context which threw me. 'Mature rating' would have worked better for me, I think. But then, my reading comprehension isn't the best.

Me either. And I don't care to find out. Incidentally, some of those on the other side like to try to elevate it with the term "Erotica". But I'm with you. It's all just 'clop' to me...

Oh well. Que SerĂ¡, SerĂ¡. As springs by a river to the seas, so may your thoughts be.

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