Your Human and You-verse 1,911 members · 84 stories
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I've been thinking about making my own little contribution to the YHaY-verse but I think that maybe a switch in main characters would breathe a little fresh air into the concept. It's always regular jackoffs with varying amounts of combat training/abilities but none have gone to superhuman bounds yet. I've got two ideas in mind for the main character.

One is a mutant(a la X-men) dropping into said universe and using mind powers to nudge the humans towards gaining sentience.

The other idea is a child Saiyan being dropped in, his herculean strength/hunger frightening all the poor pony overlords as he ventures around trying to save his "friends" being kept by the ponies. Being nearly impervious to most forms of attacks due to his natural skin density, it would be rather funny to see guards desperately shooting beams at him only for them to bounce off of him harmlessly.

As it stands, I don't have much in the way of plot planned out but I am up for suggestions on directions to take or twists to implement. Seeing as this forum is dead most of the time, I think some inane conversation would be welcome too! :pinkiehappy:

3166292 How about a conduit?

3166309 I am unfamiliar with what that is.

3166392 Ahh, that's why. I never owned a PS3/PS4.

How about a Jedi? Put a clone of Starkiller in there. That'll do the trick.

3166292 3166503 The mutant and jedi are just humans with 'magic'. YOu want to bend people's minds, how about an ape from planet of the apes (or a depowered Gorilla Grodd or Ultrahumanite).
A mode locked changeling as a human, but with an infiltrator's full intellect and cunning.

A dragon cursed into human form. Or if you really want to mess with people, a totally OP alicron (red and black) prince, stuck as a unpowered human. Or how about Sombra not turned into a cloud, but an immortal human?

If you want different, swing for the fences.

...I just want to see a somewhat mentally-unstable clone of Sith assassin and rebellion instigator Starkiller in your universe. Being like "WTF WHY IS THIS HAPPENING GET AWAY FROM ME". Except with massive force powers.

LOLno, generous application of Force lightning and Force push clears that problem right up.
—And then Celestia shows up, but she still doesn't make much of a difference because he's fucking Starkiller.

And then everypony panics. Which of course makes the confused Starkiller panic. And then shit happens and Discord laughs.

3166579 I don't know. I'm not very well versed in Star Wars lore so I don't think I could do him justice. I'm leaning toward a child saiyan like young Son Goku running around beating up guards for being mean to humans and learning about his ki powers by accidentally entire buildings, mountains, castles, etc.

3166292 How about an ape from planet of the apes (or a depowered Gorilla Grodd or Ultrahumanite).

A mode locked changeling as a human, but with an infiltrator's full intellect and cunning.

A dragon cursed into human form. Or if you really want to mess with people, a totally OP alicron (red and black) prince, stuck as a unpowered human. Or how about Sombra not turned into a cloud, but an immortal human?

How about one of those guys here?:pinkiehappy:

3166677 Well, as for the first choice, I want the main character to be able to be mistaken for a human at least.

Secondly, changelings posing as people/ponies is just done to death in the stories I've read.

As for a dragon, I've always felt meh about them though it would be funny to see a dragon start to tear up from a paper cut since they're so used to having that armor buff from having dragon scales.

The other options....I don't know. They just don't interest me. Thanks for the thoughts, though!

3166579 Your Earth bender and You?

3166854 Honestly I thought the method of bending was lame beyond belief. I'm gonna wreck your shit... through interpretive dance!

We could always do Jack Sparrow, lol

How about Tom from The Last Apprentice? Or hell, let's do this the right way and just send Morgoth or Sauron (before the fall of Numenor) in there? Bobby Pendragon? Bartimaeus? Prince Aleksander of Hohenburg? (Leviathan*) Will Treaty? (or other's from Ranger's) Jarlaxle? (or other from Drizzt) Kal Skirata? F'nor and Canth? Hiccup and Toothless? Uncle Iroh? Finn? (Incarceron*) Conor Broekhart? Artemis Fowl? (please*) Tonks?

etc et al

3166682 Now that be a good story, eh. :moustache:

3167690 True, I've already read that, but look at that last update! Over a year ago!

But yeah, this one would be more hilarious, as it'd basically be a mash-up of LoHAV and YHaY. Except for the villain isn't a cosplayer, or a human, but a god hellbent on taking over the world or destroying it until nobody else wants it.

Since we're just throwing ideas here and there how about kanye west in the yhay universe except he is more ignorant almost like how south park portrays him except worse.

3166914 It's actually martial arts, so even without their bending, they're black belts man.

Ooh, what about Monkey D. Luffy? I could see him flipping out in a desperate bid to free all the humans, his mind going back to fighting the slavers known as Celestial Dragons.

I'm favoring a story about a Saiyan, perhaps a full-blooded or descendant of Goku or Vegeta, that ends up in Equestria with his/her's abilities weakened or sealed due to being in another dimension. Mute by either magic or choice, not wanting to talk with ponies. You could based them off one those nameless characters from the opening trailer of Dragonball Online, which is awesome BTW. OR You could either have Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Goku Jr, Vegeta Jr, Pan, Bra/Bulla or even Kid Goku being send to Equestria.

I have one Your Unit and You, a military unit of about 300 soldiers land in the YHAY but the twist is that they are psy soldiers so they use their minds and their guns to fight so they have to get to their base which is in Equestria and find a way out and along the way they discover a dark secret from Equestria's past.

I'd like too see an ogryn in there big, tough as a tank, and can talk

How about an evolved from [PROTOTYPE], or a soul reaper from Bleach?

Oh my gods. Not only did you reference The Ranger's Apprentice, and Incarceron, but Artemis Fowl as well? Holy shit you are one cool dude. If only you had thought of what's her name from city of embers. (haven't read the book in a while) then you'd be awesome. And if you had managed to traverse the galaxy on less than thirty Altairian Dollars a day and still know where your towel is, you'd be one frood dude.

Your Unit and You, in my opinion, would be better if an actual military unit (however many troops that is) from the US army were to land in the Everfree fully equipped. It'd probably be a dark tag seeing as humans as a whole are pretty xenophobic, and soldiers are twice as likely to be xenophobic than as citizens. Especially if it appears that humans are slaves to the 'alien overlords.' Though ammunition would become a problem, no?


Heh, thanks. I could list some more if needed, like Uncle Tas, The Courier, The Bard, F'nor and Canth, Martin the Warrior, that guy from Under a War Torn Sky, and more! Well, more if I took the time to think anyway.


Sadly, you seem to have missed my not-so-hidden reference... For Shame.

Also, what about Septimus? Have you heard of that flying dragon-taming, time-traversing boat keeper?

ermergerd, Septimus Heap! I'd forgotten about him! And yar, Hitch-Hiker's guide. Least, I think that's the reference, haven't read that one yet.

Congratulations! You are one frood dude!
Now, how about Jon and Lobo? Heard of them?
or what about those lovely folks living near the big abbey inhabited by a warrior hero mouse?

3166682 I'd totally write something like that, but I don't know how to write the reactions of the ponies, or how to move the plot forward (because obviously I can't have them stealing his gear and putting him in a kennel or some shit because he weighs 300 tons and good luck knocking out a space marine) and not just make it a space marine who happens to be in YHaY Equestria

Don't recognize Jon or Lobo, but good ol' Redwall is actually relatively new to me.

How bout Beleg Cuthalion or Turin? Kal Skirata? Jakkin would be fun as well!

Jon and Lobo are from a well written but title known series starting with the book One Jump Ahead. You should read it.

I'll put it on the "to-do" list. It's a rather long list, so no promises on the expedience.

Your *insert here* and You!

My penis and me
My noscope and me
My dankscope and me
My fedora and me
My FaZe and me
My shitty fanfiction and me
My lens flare and me
My colour de-saturation with bloom and me
My colour filter and me

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