Humans Are Bastards 214 members · 216 stories
Comments ( 16 )
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Group Admin

Excuse me a moment while I silently plan out this guys "mysterious disappearance"

Quite possibly just a troll

Group Admin

1999106 Ha, you actually think he was being serious?
Anyway, even if it is real an alpha male like that always gets what is coming to them, he will just end up with some entitled little cunt who after he marries her and has kids will leave him taking the kids and half of everything he owns ruining him for the rest of his life.
Poetic justice.

Group Admin

I prefer to consider stuff like this real until proven false. That way, I don't feel like a dick for not believing it if it actually happened to somebody.

The system works.

1999106 i would have whupped my brothers ass.

My Little Pony?Friendship is Magic? Who in their right mind would watch that?

That is all. Equestria is ours.


Group Admin


That is all. Equestria is ours.


That explains my sudden urge to suck some -PINGAS-

That is all. Equestria is ours.


Group Admin

That comment section :applejackunsure:

Eew. Reddit.

I don't know how you can read anything on that site, and I mean that literally; I can't make heads or tales of anything posted to that place. The layout is a fucking mess. I finally just gave up on trying to make sense of it.

1999106 Lel, you found the brony h8 subreddit. If ya must know, that entire sub is a bunch of assholes. They attacked an MLP depression subreddit, trying to get people to kill themselves. Yeah, just stay away from there, they aren't harming our image as bronies by any means man.

Group Admin

It was a link on 4chan.:applejackunsure:
I didn't know what I was getting myself into.

I don't really care that much, sometimes I get linked to a subreddit from someone, although I usually don't last long and end up bashing my head on a desk for several hours.

Group Admin

That was pretty much me after reading the subreddit I got linked to.

there's a reason the only time I visit reddit is when I get linked there.

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