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The reason totally not being turning Tokyo into Mordor 2.0.

So which of these...

Has the highest possible chance of successfully conquering Japan and plunging the Land of the Rising Sun into complete darkness?

as well a crushing their pathetic excuse of a Military...

Come to think of it, this definitely has potential as a story for a crossover manga.

XHunter #2 · May 5th · · ·

Based on what was shown, sombra. With his mind control helmets, he could easily get knowledge on how the military works and how to use the equipment, plus building his own army at the same time.

Several of the the other depend on the foe having magic or don't have good feats when alone.

Based on what was said, Grogar. He possessed every quality the other villains had. Even without magic to absorb, he can raise an army of monsters that are dedicated to countering the military equipment. Ie, bullet proof super birds.

Grogan is actually Discord in disguise.
I see Chrysalis (without her army) as more a couple detat type.
Tirek....Japan doesn't have magic. This will handicap him.


Tirek did sweet talk Discord into allying with him, and the centaur had only drained a few unicorns at that point so he was still at his weakest at that point.

TalB #5 · May 5th · · ·

I don't see what they would gain from doing this.

Leave Cozy Glow out of this. >:/

I guess Tirak. Nothing says that Japan is screwed like a kaiju.

grochek1 #8 · May 5th · · 3 ·

I think this question has a lot more nuance than most seem to be giving it.

There are several factors that could influence the answer. Some of those include:
1) Does the magic of Equestria function in Japan?
2) Are the abilites of the villians magical in nature (and do they function in Japan)?
3) Where in the timeline do these villians start and do they have access to resources from their homes (such as mind-controlled Crystal Ponies or the Changeling Swarm)?
4) Is there any possibility of communication between the villians and the Japanese (i.e. can the villians actually convey their demands to the Japanese such that the Japanese can understand them)?
5) How does the Japanese citizenship respond to said invasion / attack?
5a) Specifically, would this invasion create a wave of patriotism such that the JDF's ranks swell with new recruits?
6) Will Japan be allowed to call in military and other aid from their allies / trade partners such as the US, Australia, South Korea, or even Russia?
6a) Will the villians attack the bases that said allies maintain in Japan, thereby invading sovereign territory of these other world powers?
7) How long is said villian willing to lay low to study Japanese society?
8) How do the villians arrive in Japan? Did it happen as a displacement with no way back or is there a portal where they could return to their home base?
8a) Could Equestria or another nation send reinforcements to support Japan?

Given the above here are the likely scenarios for each villian (and a couple more not shown). Please note that in all these instances, I am assuming that communication is possible. If communication is not possible, then there is no real way for these villians to conquer Japan. However, they could commit a genocide and exterminate the people of Japan, based on the below described win conditions:

1) Storm King - The only chance I can see the Storm King taking over Japan is if he has a fully powered Staff of Sacanas and this staff can control celestrial bodies the same as in Equestria. This is due to the fact that he can threaten to destabilize orbits of asteroids, the moon, other planets, or even the Earth itself. However, he is likely to only have short-term success in his conquest as no nation / group would accept such power in the hands of the Storm King and he is likely to be assassinated relatively quickly.

2) Queen Chrysalis - The only real hope she has is if she still has access to her Swarm, have access to the changeling shapeshifting ability, and she is very patient. She will have to lean into her namesake (look up the mythology of changelings) and have her subjects start replacing young children (I am talking infants and toddlers here), allow these infiltrators to "grow up" and become part of Japanese society. This would have to happen slowly over several decades to possibly a couple of centuries. The reason for this is that, if she is intelligent, she will be able to influence Japanese society by having her subjects gain positions in business, the government, military, and most other aspects of Japan to influence Japanese culture such that they are more accepting of her rule. Additionally, she will likely have to remain hidden or transformed throughout her "rule".

3) Grogar - Grogar is an interesting case as we don't actually know his personality (since all we saw was Discord cosplaying). As such, we don't have any idea of his motivations, ambitions, or any other aspect of his personality. However, I will base this analysis on the assumption that Discord was accurately portraying Grogar and the backstory we got was accurate. I may also likely be dipping into G1 Grogar for some of my analysis. That said, Grogar's win condition requires that either a portal from Equestria exists and magic works / magical creatures can survive in Japan. Basically, Grogar's only chance to win is his monster creation ability. Thus Grogar will need to have his bell so he has the magic he needs for that ability. Basically, Grogar needs to throw his creatures into the meat grinder, wearing down Japan until such point that they capitulate. Thus the question would be how fast can Grogar create monsters vs how fast can Japan recover & build-up after each monster attack. Now, Grogar maybe able to use his "Palantir" to see how his monsters are defeated so he can create new monsters that don't fall to the same things. Thus we may end up with the plot of Pacific Rim here.

4) Cozy Glow - Cozy is rather interesting. I can think of 2 scenarios for her. The first is obviously her alicorn form. We know from the cartoon that alicorns are magically and physically strong, durable, and manuverable. Thus, she may be able to start an attack on Japan and take out most of the JDF. However, this assumes she knows where to attack and how to counter most of Japan's military hardware (which I doubt). Thus, I don't put much stock in this scenario actually working as I don't think she would put in the time and effort she would need to make this work. I think she will have some early success, before the JDF studies her and learns both her strengths and weaknesses. Once they know that, they are likely to overwhelm her (similar to how the Mane 6 did in canon) and defeat her. Her more likely win scenario would be to play off her acting skills and her percieved vulnerability. If she were to portray herself as a lost child such that she was not "disappeared" to be studied by "top men", then she would likely be able to gain a massive following in Japan, especially among Japan's youth and young adults. Using this popularity, she could then gain a following to allow hersef to become a major cultural icon and influence Japan's culture that way. With that, she would likely gain a lot of money and influence to affect some policy decisions made in Japan. However, she would have to keep up the charade 24/7 and I don't know if she can do that.

5) Tirek - I don't think he has a win condition. The only possible scenario for Tirek to win would be if he has aquired all the magic of Equestria (i.e Season 4) so that he has massive stores of magic to draw from and the physical strength and durability. This would, of course, require that he can maintain his magical form in Japan. However, given that Japan is the home of Godzilla, I doubt the people of Japan would capitulate to a mini-kaiju, but instead use their knowledge of how to fight giant monsters to eventually defeat Tirek. However, there is a wild card in if Tirek is able to get the support of his father, King Vorak. If King Vorak is supportive of Tirek and supplies an army of other centaurs that are also powered up, then they may be able to overwhelm Japan, forcing capitulation.

6) King Sombra - I don't know if he has a win condition. While he may have the Crystal Empire as the source of an army, or he may be able to take control of a town in Japan, I doubt he will be able to conquer Japan. The reason is because it was shown that when he takes control of a sentient, they lose their individuality and access to any higher reasoning they used to have. Thus all he can do is capture bodies to throw at the JDF and the civilian population. I believe that Japan would quickly realize that these ponies and people are under mind control similiar to hypnosis / brainwashing and that they do not have the ability for independent thought. Thus they will be able to deploy non-lethal traps and containment for these people until such time as they can free them from the mind control. However, given his ability to melt into shadows, I don't know if he can be captured so it is likely that he will turn into something similar to an insurgency that keeps flaring up across Japan until he ultimately dies.

7) Dazzlings - The Dazzlings may have one of the best chances to succeed in Japan due to their special power (of course this assumes magic works in Japan). Their hypnotic ability is similar to King Sombra, but they are able to control how much control they have over their victims, thus allowing them to subtly take control of Japan if they are smart. They could start out as pop stars. If they are successful, they could then start their plan by holding lots of concerts to start hypnotising large groups of people. As they gain more and more of the country, they can start to take control of Japan by having their "followers" vote as they are told as well as start taking control of the JDF (especially if they put on some concerts specifically for the troops). I believe they have the best chance of conquering Japan, just so long as they don't forget to move slowly. If they try to move too fast (such as they did in EQG), they may tip their hands and give the government of Japan enough of a heads-up to take them out (or turn them into living weapons like Weapon X).

8) Mane-iac - I don't see a chance for this villian to ever actually conquer Japan. She is more likely to just cause chaos until she is captured and imprisoned / killed (like her inspirations, Joker, Doctor Octupus, and Two-Face).

9) Principal Cinch - She is a school principal. She can simply be thrown in jail. No win condition.

10) Opaline Arcana - Similar to alicorn Cozy Glow, I don't think she will be capable of overtaking Japan, but she will likely cause a great deal of destruction before she is put down.

11) Wendigos - I think the only other villian / antagonist that may have a chance are the wendigos. However, these entities are more likely to cause Japan as a nation to figuratively commit seppuku. The reason for this is that if they get a chance to start influencing the Japanese citizens, then it becomes a self-reinforcing loop of distrust and paranoia until Japanese society implodes. However, getting the loop started may be hard to do. However, trying to counter their influence will likely be a Herculean feat by the Japanese people, as the Wendigos do not have physical bodies, but are almost pure spirits.

As for the other minor antagonists in the series such as the Sphinx or the Chimera or even the Diamond Dogs, I don't think it would take much for the Japanese people to overcome those issues.

How to defeat Sombra (Or kill): Use Flashbang

How to defeat (Kill) Chrysalis: You bugs like flying huh, get that CIWS out.

How to defeat (kill) Tirek: Those Type 90s ain't to be messed around with.

How to defeat (kill) Cozy Glow: Line her up with a crosshair.

How to defeat (kill) Grogar: Okay this is a hard one to be honest; Close air support? Or a suicide drone attack? Alright, you know what I'll let some guys else decide.

How to defeat (Kill) Storm King: We need all of the Air, Ground, and Navy; Either take down their airships with, Patriots, SM-6s, or the F-2s; Shred through their army with rocket artillery, then crush their navy with Harpoons or Tomahawks.


How to defeat (kill) Cozy Glow: Line her up with a crosshair.

No. Just NO.


Alright, no bloody ending. How bout we throw her into a POW camp.

Maybe. But no extreme.

Discord isn’t in it, so none of them; their relatively pathetic magic can’t beat guns. And no matter how strong you want to pretend they are, it doesn’t matter because they could be assassinated from miles off. Not to mention Japan’s allies.

You're giving too much credit to the Storm King. A single fighter jet would ground his entire air force. It would be like if you sent an F-35 back to WW1, except we had guns in WW1.

No. Just no. What Japan lacks in modern military weapons makes up for in a society that when faced with certain death a good chunk of it will fight till their last drop of blood for their existence, and will rather be extinct than be under the direct control of an outside force.

JSDF maybe be a bit of a joke, but most ponies aren't exactly wizards even with a spell or two under their belt. 80's weapons are more than good enough for the average brainwashed pony infantry.

Also Japan has an alliance with the US and has good relations with all US allies, if alien ponies and other things prove a sufficient enough threat to the rest of the world and Japan suddenly somehow looses control of their main island then America, Canada, and Australia are going to go there to carpet bomb them straight back to their impudent gods.

Sombra has the best chance at being a genuine threat here, and he at best would probably devastate several parts of Tokyo before he is forced into hiding and taking a more covert means of controlling Japan. Ironically his best shot is forming a cult, his human followers will become key at taking over the country form the shadows.

And this is just real Japan.

Fictional Modern Japan can have an endless amount of anime/tokusatsu bullshit. Kamen Riders or Gojo Satoru are going to make MLP Villains question their life decisions. (And here I am merely mentioning fictional works set in contemporary Japan in urban fantasy/superhero sci-fi.)

That made me think of an Axis & Allies game session where the Axis troops deployed 15 Airplane units to a country with 1 infantry. The Infantry shot all the planes down.

when you say "devastate several parts of Tokyo", I take it that he turns the city into a spitting image of Mordor, complete with am active Mount Fuji constantly gushing out lava.

Pfft. No. Sorry but Sombra simply doesn't have the knowledge of the land to do that. He can use his crystal magic all he wants but in the end he doesn't know how to erupt a volcano, or understand enough of the Earth Tectonic Plates (much less his own world's) to actually make that happen. He literally would have to brainwash several humans in secret and have that information divulged to him, then he would have to carefully go about moving said Tectonic Plates in such a way to get that eruption going. This can take him from weeks to months. Again impossible without human slaves to give him this information.









Hey guys do you want me to write a story having Kamen Rider fight MLP villains?

I'd answer that, but...I haven't actually seen Karmen Rider.


The reboot anniversary movie is good enough. If you have Amazon Prime I recommend it.

I have no problem with you writing a crossover like that.

A single fighter jet? If you count in air-to-ground missiles or JDAMs, yes. But guns only, not so much; their ammunition capacity is about 200 rounds, for example, a 20mm Vulcan gun can empty its load in seconds, so unless the pilot knows where he/she's shooting at, we're gonna need more than a gun run.

I never said it couldn’t resupply. I meant that it wouldn’t ever have to worry about the Storm King even being able to touch it.

In that case, you'll need three A-10s. they can give Storm King's Army hell without resupplying. The amount of weapons it can carry can flatten his army into absolute nothingness.

I'm not even exaggerating.

also, Sombra's attack on Japan or any part of the Human world would resemble a Zombie outbreak more than a military invasion.

I hardly know anything about Karmen Rider. :/


Yes and no. Sombra has to himself or his minions place a brainwashing magical device on their heads for that to even work. Which removes the spontaneity of the bacterial/viral infection of an American Zombie Movie. Sombra would have to capture a ton of people and subject them to brainwashing. He can't brainwashed them all at once while they are either running for their lives or just walking about their busyness.

Which ironically means that if Sombra wants to brainwash a ton of human, he has to trick the disenfranchised of Japanese society to join a cult that he would make.

Why do I insist on a cult?

Japanese culture has a history of Cults becoming criminal or anti-government organizations.

Shintoism has horse like yokai, kami, and legends that Sombra can easily exploit to his benefit. And the popularity of UFO sittings in Japan might allow an Alien Horse with Psychic Powers to gather a following of traitors to humanity from the less fortunate of the Japanese populous.

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