Human in Equestria 16,888 members · 17,082 stories
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I'm new to this whole thing I got here after My Little Dashie and Fallout Equestria so I now know what cupcakes is... And whole bunch of shit but one thing I don't get, is how and why does Lyria like humans? (Yes I know, I'm dumber then a bag of rocks.

in one episode lyra sits like a human on a park bench

Its a fandom thing, One time they saw her in the show sitting like a Human and well, Fandom explodes everything.

bro im sure your not stupid and im kinda wondering that too

Because bronies like to jump to stupid conclusions that make no sense.

1775979 cause this fandom has problems. There are plenty of races in MLP that sit like lyra did in that episode.


As you can see, she is sitting kinda like a human would.

And the rest is history

Because, well, besides the fandom exploding everything, and her sitting like a human.... What else is there? :rainbowhuh:

1775979 Headcanons get made man

1776026 That was a very good link that explained quite a bit. I was always curious about that myself... Thanks!

Close enough. And sometimes they do. Don't you ever slouch while sitting?

i find your lack of Bon Bon disturbing

1776085 did you know the hummy fandom thinks i like ponies because i sit like that, im also the best background human

Detective Chmilewsky
Group Contributor

1776023 herp derp no fun allowed.

1775979 I asked that exact same thing in a thread here once.


1775979 Because she sat weird at one point.

I think I remember that. Your opinion was basically that everybody was an idiot. How did you expect that to be received?:ajbemused:

Not to mention your opinion was kinda missing the point of what a meme is.

the benches have a back on them for a reason probably... why add a back to the bench if it isn't used

1777504 No... my opinion was that it made no sense and that people should stop using it because of that AND because it was overused. Stop putting words in my mouth.


Here is what you actually said:

...really?! That's all? That's moronic! Why would they assume she is obsessed with humans just because she is shown sitting like one for THREE FUCKING SECONDS! Just because of her posture, it spawned a WHOLE SERIES OF FANFICS and launched that whole idea into fanon? That's.. I just.. ugh....

Putting words in your mouth? The way I see it, I phrased it nicely!:moustache:

This is a stupid answer:

Just as a little astronomical side-note, the star Kepler-62 is believed to have two Earth-like planets inside the habitable zone (and thus, could possibly be candidates for human exploration once we work out the whole interstellar travel thing). Now, this may seem to be unrelated to the thread, but Kepler-62 just happens to be in the constellation Lyra.

1779388 You said that I said everybody was an idiot. On the contrary, I said that this fanon thing with Lyra being a human-obsessed crazy psycho was moronic. I didn't actually insult any people.

Forgive the people for failing to appreciate the essentially non-existing difference.:unsuresweetie:

1780229 Believe me, there is a difference. Is there a difference between insulting one racist and insulting racism as a whole? Yes. Therefore there is a difference between insulting everybody and insulting the human-obsessed Lyra fanon belief.

Jeez, did I just compare MLP fanon to racism? Damn I need to cut back on the drugs.

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