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I will just live this little video over here.

You hear it Niggas XD

1739468 I really do love the original.


This is what it's based off of.

1739477 Er... No. It's based off of this

1739486 '_'

That seems more appropriate.

1739486 I want to pretend this anime is futa, even knowing it isn't :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

1739468 Yeah, that is pretty much how I came to being a brony.:twilightsheepish:

Now I want to look up both Boku and Homestuck just to see what all the fuss is about...

1739681 It's famous for being one of the most messed-up things on the entire internet.
You've been warned.

So that's where that stupid "yooooo" clip came from.

:facehoof: Sadly, that's how I found out about mlp too. One of my friends pestered me to death. I caved after a month because it was her constant "It'll be 20% cooler than anything you've ever seen comments that made me look. Episode one was what the f@*k am I watching? :raritydespair: Ep 2 was 'alright...this is kinda nifty' :rainbowderp:...and it kept going. By episode 7, I was hooked. The only more enthralling show in my honest opinion...Chobits. :yay:

1739683 Yup but to be honest its pretty tame compared to many of the other yaoi anime out their, pretty fluff. :rainbowwild::rainbowlaugh:

1741032 Mine's pretty similar, but it started when I saw this video while in the desert being deployed.

I got so mad at the results that I youtubed mlp, wondering why there were so many freaking comments made by bronys and why this stupid looking pony beat this badass decepticon. I saw the first esisode intro and almost quit right there. The intro was god aweful, girly and every bit of unmanliness when I saw it. I soldiered through, and saw the two parts. I was like okay, that was super girly, but why do all these guys like it?!

So I watched three more,

"It's okay...."

Then a two more,

"Not bad, not bad at all..."

One more,

I had to watch the rest discretely for the remainder of the deployment. but it was not just 20% more cooler, it was 100% :rainbowdetermined2:.

1739486 As for THAT monstrosity.....

1741032>>1741609 I started after seen this

I wanted to know what was all the fuzz about it



1741609 that's how I became a brony to wow brohoof/)

1746572 *returns brohoof* you mil too? I became a brony totally by pure chance. Death Battle is what brought me to it. Although I love the ponies, Starscream should have won. :rainbowwild: I still think that fight stunk.

That video at da top was made by Hitler. :fluttercry:

Am I the only one here who got firstly interested in the show by watching Episode 3 of Season 2 and not the two first pilot episodes?

Well, maybe not firstly. A loooong time ago(Well, it wasn't that long ago), I was a local resident of the Minecraft Forums at the Off-Topic section, and boy, the ammount of pony avatars was very common. At this point I didn't really mind them and had a neutral perspective. But I have to say, the ponies' drawing style kinda impressed me.

Afterwards, I don't remember how, but I had engaged into a discussion with a brony(he is still active in the forums and I still remember his username), where I was desesperatedly trying to point something that wasn't ponified(to kill the suspense - I found NOTHING! Well, I did found out that RCT3 has no ponification, but that's no surprise).

I then gave up and said that if the show was so 'glorious'(I should remove the quotes now), he should link me an episode with subtitles, prefferably the one that featured the sonic rainboom crushing the little shack. Then he linked me the episode 'Lesson Zero', which was that episode. Do I need to say that I got hooked almost instantly? I wanted to watch more episodes to get more knowledge, and before I knew it I alterady liked this show.

Soooo, that's how I got here now.

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