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Watch this video by the The Amazing Atheist...

That's kind of terrifying, isn't it?

I'm getting pretty annoyed with how the internet is treated by the US government and this video should show it. They want to have full control of it and anyone who uses it, basically, a monopoly on it.

I really want to have some faith in my country for stopping this stupid shit from happening, but its unlikely to happen.


hs0003 #2 · Feb 6th, 2014 · · 1 ·

Knew about it ages ago, sort of old news by now.

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Yeah, but I haven't seen many people ever talking about it even when it was new. I knew the government wants to pretty much have full control, but they trying it in some pretty drastic ways.

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No, you can't. Its more than likely your government is in on it too.
Banking, that's the key word.

2788269 In any case, if this actually happens. Anonymous will go ape shit on them.

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Anonymous can't go ape shit on them when the internet is out of their own control. That's just fact, unless if they can take control of the very internet itself, which is less than likely.

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America is just controlled by conservatives outright, that both pretty much just want to do the same shit.

The best thing is, no one likes them, but they don't vote for anyone else!

2788309 Like they need internet through their services to fuck shit up.
You can create a network of computers and if one of them is connected to the companies servers either through their very own wi-fi or somehow else, they can cause damage.

Group Contributor


How is that shown in this video? Him making people aware of how the governemnt is fucking with the internet?

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Yeah, but even then, what can they do against a government's network that created the internet? Fuck, we might as well just start a revolution, it would probably work better, but no one will.

It is time to invade America.:rainbowdetermined2:

Me and my fellow country men will free the world from the american tyranny.:ajbemused:

Pity the americans, for they have to face these guys here:

2788337 The government has nothing on teenage hackers. That has been proven time and time again.
I seem to recall a country that shut off the internet, anonymous fixed that rather quickly. I can promise you that if this goes through, it will cause chaos that would put Discord to shame.

2788257 Remenber, you are the people, it's your job to put the government in line.

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Dat joke. No, sorry, but one more strike to a German speaking nation and we're just nuking that entire part of Europe...

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Yeah, but people are terrible at their jobs then. I'm only a freshman in High School, no one gives a fuck about my opinion and they still won't even if I get a masters degree in anything. Americans are lazy, but not stupid. It doesn't work well together...

You americans and your nukes...:rainbowlaugh:

Group Contributor


Hey, we're the biggest threat to world peace with the biggest and fastest military in the world, and we also have nukes that we say we won't use...

Our people are also too lazy to stop the Democratic government and quite a few will support them no matter what.

We're a stupid giant, but a giant none the less.

Even a giant can be killed...remember 'David and Goliath'.:ajsmug:

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No, I know about it and I've even seen it...

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Yeah, that fairy tale the never really happened? And they were only two people to begin with?

Germany isn't nearly as powerful as it once was when it comes to its military. Right now, they're more based on technology and economics and it shows.

Germany was castrated.
The only one who's still left is austria but we are too small.

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Why didn't you guys just join Germany? I mean really? Why? There's no reason not to do it now.

Back then, we were not allowed but now we despise the germans.
If anything we should unite the former countries of the Hapsburg empire, invade germany and force the 'greater austrian solution' and build a powerful army. Perhaps after that, unite the rest of europe.

Group Contributor


No... the Hapsburgs are dead. I mean, Napoleon ended that shit.

Also, those other countries declared independence from Austria and they liked it. Plus, doing that would get them in war with all of Europe and they can really see how it felt to be Germany. Also, I think the US would stop it all once the Germans started to lose and our allies got involved. We would come into the war, crush all opposition, then get the fuck out.

Plus we have military bases in Germany...

They aren't really dead but their reputation is rather bad.

They will joins us or get raped by russians...again.
The rest of europe doesn't care.
You guys are still busy with middle-east and i'm sure russia and china want to play too.:pinkiehappy:

Ahh..yes, a new World War.:pinkiecrazy:

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Again, cause by German-speaking people...

The Russians don't care about that shit nearly as much as they used to.

N.A.T.O and the EU

We still have THOUSANDS of troops across the world doing NOTHING.

Group Contributor


Duh, education stops this shit from even being a problem. Though, how can we do that when people are blowing themselves up over imaginary fairy tales and gods?

You forgot the special austrian ability: Blaming the others when shit goes down.:ajsmug:
It worked for the last two world wars.:raritywink:

Comment posted by Lord Commissar Alexer deleted Feb 6th, 2014
Group Contributor


Yeah, over sixty years ago. You can't cover your tracks now. Also, Austria isn't that much of a reputable country anymore... in fact I doubt people even know Austria is a country!

You guys gave us this!


Watch this video by the The Amazing Atheist...

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Okay, you didn't have to do that. You could've just not posted it and it would have the same effect.

That's even better!:raritystarry:
We attack hungary and you guys invade australia.
And while you are busy bombing austrialia into hell, we meanwhile are going to conquer europe.

The perfect Plan.:moustache:

Group Contributor


... Why would we invade Austrialia?

Austria = Austrialia.
I mean our post-offices gets every day packages meant for asutrialia.:rainbowlaugh:

Group Contributor


Are you shitting me?!

Nope. Heard it from a former mailmen.
They often get letters, packages and the like meant for sydney and other austrialian cities. Hell, i even heard they have entire departments dedicated to sort that kind of mail out.:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

*sigh* I'll get started on the botnet then...

2788380 The best way to take power from the people is to make them believe they have no power. Sure, you can't start a revolution, but at some point someone has to do something, for now keep your eyes open for government and big corporations.

2788362 Alright bro, you make beer rain from the sky and we flood them with illegal immigrants.

Our group is filled with communist scum who listen to the Amazing Smacktard. Net neutrality was never a thing- Comcast and their constituents have been doing it for years.

Remember when we rebuilt it?
Remember when Americans went through Cananda to assist the UK in WWII?
Remember when every single territory eventually succeeded from the UK one way or another leaving it as a tiny island nation?
Remember when America started kicking communist ass by bombing the fucking hell out of Korea and Vietnam? Of which today they are still pulling undetonated ordinance out of?

Now, go ahead and burn it down. We need a new one anyway and we'll do that while we smack the UK with excessive diplomacy.


But the way I did it was funnier.

Group Contributor


Yeah, it was.

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