The Shameless Self-Promotion Bureau 5,483 members · 49,613 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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I'd say that at least 1 in 2 of you in this group is a writer. Since you are writing fiction, you undoubtedly also consider yourself an author.

Why? Why do we do it?

What brings you happiness in your craft? What happiness do you find in writing fan fiction? Have you considered why you feel driven as I do to write about a particular posse of pastel ponies despite what friends and family may think about it, or despite the simple fact that you are not paid for the arduous time-consuming job? Please post to this thread and tell your story!

I thought about this and, on a day commemorating miracles, wrote an article about it, which I posted to my blog: For an Author: Happiness is...

4919819 How nice :twilightsmile: I think I'll read it.

4919819 Through the venue of the world of Equestria we can use the colorful characters as puppets enact the drama of our lives, our fantasies, our wishes and aspirations.

The work setting up the character and locations is done, we merely pull the strings with our words and have them speak our minds.

To share my talent, ideas and vision with people, and here what they have to say.
Hearing positive comments.

Elric of Melnipony
Group Contributor

This still isn't a discussion group, people.

Go leave comments on the blog entry linked in the first post, not here.

4919906 Sorry. Wasn't clear

Didn't know that asking for comments on a group thread was against the rules. It doesn't bother me if comments are left her or on the blog post I was promoting, or both. I'm interested in the why questions I asked, and I'm sure others would be, too.

To the best of my knowledge, providing content that helps in self-promoting is allowed. (Which is to say, by starting this thread, I also wish readers to read my blog and stories.)

Perhaps if you post to this thread, include a link to your stories, too. Be shameless!

I feel what drives me to write is several things...

My mom is a hobby writer with 4 published books (1 self published), so I've always wanted to write like her

People like it, and I gaine friends through writing

It help me put use to my over - active imagination

It help me improve my knowledge of the English language, since I'm not native to it

I like it :)

Elric of Melnipony
Group Contributor


To the best of my knowledge, providing content that helps in self-promoting is allowed.

Self-promotion is allowed. That's why I don't have any issues at all with your original post -- you said you had a blog entry you wanted people to read, you linked to it. That's fine. But here's a quote from the thread for the group rules:

This isn't really where you should be asking for an editor, for help, or just talking 'bout things. You can promote a blog post about something, and be asking for help it there, of course. But we're about "Look at me!", not "Help me!", or "Lets talk!".

Chatting here keeps bumping your thread up to the top, which means you get more attention at the expense of other people's self-promotion. So people can downvote me all they want, but I'm still going to clamp down on lengthy discussions so that other people who post here have a shot at getting noticed.

This thread is locked. Everybody, go read this guy's stuff.

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