Comments ( 16 )
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Greetings and hello, batpony fans!

Are you famished for batpony-oriented goodness?
Do you want the race to feel more real?
Are you a bit peeved about the constant hissing and “Bleh!”s and “Kekekekekekek”s, coming from our beloved night-dwellers, and would rather hear prayers to the Neskaza Lunee, drink some gozalke and meet fierce wampiri?

Well, your calls have been answered! Noctraliyar, a constantly developing language of the batponies, has finally been released in a form of a handy guide, dictionary included! Delve right into the linguistic goodness and enjoy it, for no admission price! Come, check it out!

“Where can I experience this language!?” you ask, already excited? Well, let me tell you!

Follow this provided link to jump right into the fray and start learning this unique tongue of the night!

And if you seek more adventure, romance, intrigue and, most importantly, native speakers and real-life exercises, check the stories below and join the fun!

- Interview with a Batpony
- Rendezvous with a Batpony
- Journey with a Batpony

So wait no more! See you... out there!


Group Admin

That is impressive what's your education background?

Nice!! I'm a bit of a language nut myself, and I can see a lot of influences from various languages.

More than anything, it resembles Romanian. Latin root words peppered with suffixes that can change gender or tense. A lot of words also seem to have Slavic origins, as well as bits of Hungarian Magyar.

I might be WAY off base on that, so let me know if I am lol.

I've been wanting to do something similar for a while, but never got around to it. How would you describe the sound of the language? Is it closed off and close to the chest, like Russian, open and sonorous like Spanish, or maybe bouncy and sing-songy, like Italian?


I'm a lawyer, actually, but I am a history and language nut. As the batponies are a separate culture from Equestria in my tales, it felt only natural to give them a distinctive dialect. Linguistics and sociology tell us that a autonomous societal group, be it a tribe or an association of friends, will always start developing their unique form of communication. In the case of the noctrali, because of their isolationism and remote homeland, a whole language was necessary for the sake of believable world-building... :twilightsmile:


You are right on track! I am reaching towards the bases of Slavic roots, but also bastardized Latin.

When it comes to the sound, think of a very strong, melodious Eastern European dialect, with the language itself having a lot of passion and emotion in it. That is also the region from where the accent pattern originates. I might make a little recording for the sake of reference at one point, actually...

I've gotta take a crack at this language! I have a feeling I know how it'd be pronounced, But I'll wait for confirmation when you do your recording.

I've been writing up a thing describing some of the finer points of Batpony anatomy (or at least my version). I love biology/zoology and I like figuring out WHY whey have the features they do. Like, what evolutionary advantages they give, and what might be vestigial holdovers. I see them as an older race, and so retain some things "normal" ponies don't.

I'm not done with it yet (gotta do more research) but when I am, I'll post it up!


I would be interested to take a look at that, indeed. I do not possess scientific level of biology, so an insight like that would be wonderful for me as well!

I went for Thestral being a tonal language — with the highest tones being inaudible to human (and other Pony) ears.

Dude. Duuuuude. Dude.

Since linguistics is one of my favorite hobbies - and I've actually tried making a fictional language of my own for a story once - I love this concept.

5673402 Evolutionary biology is always a fun thing to consider - though in the Magical Land of Equestria, where ponies may or may not have been created, you can only do so much. I mean, evolution happens regardless of whether a species is created or not, so it'd also be interesting to ponder how their current forms have changed from their original "design."


It is reasonable considering the bat characteristics of the race, but I decided to have something more... audible, something that can be a firm addition to the culture and a mark of identity.


Glad you enjoyed it.

And, duuuuude, linguistics. Like, dude. Awesome.

5674248 I wouldn't say I find linguistics captivating so much as actually learning foreign languages, but I also find it incredibly interesting.


Well, enjoy yourself! :twilightsmile:

5678473 Although, with that said, I only took up this interest recently. Also, I'm only 14, so I don't know anything about anything. This is a new field for me, so for all I know the fascination might not last. There are so many different components in so many different languages that it just confuses me to no end,

I have a question - where does the name "Noctraliyar" come from? Tempting to use it for various batpony/night-related things...

You seriously need to publish this as a fan fiction! :3


I have devised the term following my convention for the noctrali - "night-dwellers", the name the the batponies have for themselves in my canon, composed of noc - "night" and tral - "to dwell". Noctraliyar comes from that word and the term yezyar - "tongue, language". Those are all my propositions for the batpony language.


Oh, I did! The three stories mentioned in my post contain the usage of the language, as well as my canon for the batponies, involving their social structure, religion, morality, homeland, everything... :raritywink:

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