Miss Harshwhinny is Best Pony 397 members · 94 stories
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Group Contributor

Hello, fellow Miss Lovingcup Harshwhinny stalkers!

I've noticed an annoying tendency for threads in this forum to drift. Time and again, when someone posts a topic of Harshwhinnterest, it goes completely off the rails. For example, when Skywriter posted a poll about Harshwhinny fics, we ended up talking about set theory and artificial intelligence. When other-Skywriter started planning a Harshwhinny convention, old competent moderator Skywriter reappeared from the shadows. And Horizon's discussion of alicorns in Season Four somehow turned into a quest from Princess Cadence and has now been completely overtaken by future selves scrambling to close time loops and discussing a rescue mission for the missing talking dinosaur.

I, for one, joined this group to tremble in adoration at Miss Harshwhinny, so I'd like to start a thread that's specifically designed to be off-topic. That way, when someone wants to, say, play a game of Mornington Crescent, or discuss the ongoing shortage of emoticons, or break into Horizon's house yet again, there will be a place for it. Then we can keep the rest of the forum focused on Harshworship.

Group Contributor

> or break into Horizon's house yet again

Oh, sweet, this is the thread for that? I was hoping to go borrow his collection of old Gamecube games until he and the talking dinosaur returned, but I'm having trouble finding his address. Where does he live?

Group Contributor

Falling Star Lane in the city of Springfield. When you get there, just follow the rotting pizza smell.

Group Contributor

I wasn't actually expecting an answer to my question. How did you know that?

And, wait, the Horizon enslaved by a dinosaur lives on a street named after a meteor?

Group Contributor

Ironic, isn't it?

I broke into his house last week because I was short on printer paper and it was closer than driving to Staples. I know technically that's theft, but A) it was just office supplies, and B) in return I fed his cats.

Group Contributor

A noble effort, but a "deliberately off-topic thread" is doomed to failure from the start. After all, with this group's track record of derailing every thread from its original focus, this one will drift too.

Considering that you designed this thread specifically to be off-topic … I predict this is going to derail in such a way that we end up discussing Miss Harshwhinny. It'll be the one thread in the forum that ends up free of this group's pervasive weirdness.

This thread is now about Zoidberg.

Group Contributor

… oh. :unsuresweetie:

Well, still, that would make one on-topic Zoidberg thread. I guess I'd be okay with that.

Zoidberg + Miss Harshwhinny = OTP

Group Contributor

What would their children look like?

Hmm, off topic thread. Now what do I do. I can't de-rail this.
Also, has anyone seen my better half? I lost him during my escape, somewhere around the N-zone.

NO! It would look like

Group Contributor

As part of my efforts to keep this thread properly off-topic, I'd like to share that I found this via a Google Image Search for "pony Cthulhu":

This is becoming "on topic" too quickly...
This thread is now about KFC.

Why do you get to pick the topic AGAIN?
I say this thread is now about Old SPiCe.

We'll compromise. This thread is now about deciding what this thread should be about.

Ugh. Dude, this is the off-topic thread, okay? No on-topic posts allowed. :twilightangry2:

Group Contributor

It would be simple to derail this: post Harshwhinny! (Of course, then Old Competent Moderator Skywriter might ban you. Except I don't think he's here. I don't think he ever existed. He's just a legend that the older MHwIBP members whisper around the campfire to scare us young'ns.)

As for your missing better half, have you tried asking the time-travelers? They should be able to go forward to when you got reunited and then come back to tell you how it happened.

Oh, look who's talking, Mister "I'm Actually Using The Words On-Topic In My Post". :trixieshiftright:

Hmm. Just not the same without Blue calling me a deranged ADD dumbass. :raritydespair:

Group Contributor


I know it's not quite the same as Good Blue keeping you in line, but a little stern majesty never hurts.

Group Contributor

***This user has been banned for the previous post***

Reason: On-topic contribution to off-topic thread

Wait. Harshwinny post, to police a thread about not posting Harshwinny. But by posting it, it is off topic. But, it is berating me for being off topic....:applejackconfused:

And aroused. Hawt.

Group Contributor

OH SWEET CELESTIA. Is it true? Is Old Competent Moderator Skywriter actually back?


I like eggs!

Blue, you are a deranged and ADD wackjob, and you sicken me. You can't even go to a derail thread without wanting to screw it up. And you left me stuck between dimensions, and I was cast adrift in time (THANKS FOR YOUR HELP EVERYPONY. :ajbemused:) and furthermore you-

Oh wow. That is kinda hot.

Your back!

Missed U dood. How did you get free from the time vortex tho'?

Old Comptetent Moderator Skywriter found me.
There were shenanigans. Most of them haven't happened yet.
I think at some point I will wander into a thread and announce what I have seen of the future. Or maybe that has already happened. Time travel has the WORST jetlag. :ajsleepy:

I think OCM Skywriter is a timelord.

Hellu, mun, felloo Meess Lufeen'cdoon Hershvheenny srepers. Reeght Oon! Geg me-a veed sume-a SPOOOOON. Reeght Oon!

I'fe-a nuteeced un unnuyeen' tendency fu' dreeds in dees fu'um t'dreefft. Teeme-a und egeeen, leekes, vhee sumeune-a pusts sume-a tupeec uh Hershvheennterest, leekes, it gues cumpletely ooffff dooh reeels. Fu' 'isemple-a, leekes, vhee Skyscreebbler pusted sume-a pull ebuoot Hershvheenny feecs, leekes, voo, ve-a inded doon repeen' ebuoot set deu'y und erteefficiel intelleegence-a. Vhet it is, Mema! Vhee ooder-Skyscreebbler sterted plunneen' sume-a Hershvheenny cunfenshoon, mustly, oold cumpetent muderetu' Skyscreebbler reeppeered foom dooh shedoos. Und Hu'izun's deescoossiun uh eleecu'ns in Seesun Fuoor sumehoo toorned intu sume-a qooest foom Preencess Cedence-a und guts'ta noo beee cumpletely oofer snetchn by footoore-a selfes scrembleen' t'cluse-a teeme-a luups und deescoossin' sume-a rescooe-a meessiun fu' dooh meessin' repeen' deenusoor. Eh be-a beeed...

I, mustly, fu' oone-a, fa' shoore-a, jueened dees grudoon t'tremble-a in edu'eshoon et Meess Hershvheenny, ooh, beby, su's I'd leekes t'stert sume-a dreed det's speceefficelly deseegned t'be-a ooffff-tupeec. Det vey, ooh, beby, vhee sumeune-a be-a hunkereen' effteh, leekes, sey, leekes, pley sume-a geme-a uh Mu'neen'tun Crescent, fa' shoore-a, oo' deescooss dooh oongueen' shu'tege-a uh imuteecuns, fa' shoore-a, oo' buugeee-a intu Hu'izun's ped yet egeeen, leekes, voo, dere-a guts'ta be-a sume-a plece-a fu' it. Dee ve-a keen keep dooh rest uh dooh fu'um fucoosed oon Hershvu'sheep. Bork Bork Bork!

Group Contributor

I ran 889178's eldritch gibbering (sequentially) through 12 randomly chosen languages in Google Translate, and then translated the result back to English. THIS MEANS SOMETHING.

Work, not give kdoon lufeen meessen 'srepers hershvheenni. A Reeght 1! Spooooon global spiral - fun. A Reeght 1!
And when it is said that they are in the trend of sumeune USTS EEE speculation. Dreefft chalk, leeks, tupeek hershvheennterest, leeks, Rodriguez kumpleteli ooffff my OM ten Kung Fu, "" You will meet me nuteesed unnoyeen skiskreebbler rust assumption tract ebuoot hershvheenni feex, leeks, reeels isemple'' Winnie Fu, Leek, who is the voice, says India - ebuoot cried! .. erteeffisyel and "Deu Y in intelleegense, salads and wonder to whom Hu Yun deeskoossiun eleeku boom in speculative und kooest priority preensess seesun reeppeered startup boom is bad sumehoo between shedoos plunneen skiskreebbler skiskreebbler is -. guder filled hershvheenni kunfenshoon wind Gould is kumpetent muderetu kumpleteli three snettshn EEE before footoore guts'ta people "and toorned" said kluse - und deeskoossin runners skrembleen teach the Self 'reskooe repeated meessiun meessin between deen usoor. Well ...
T is Boone, "- said the jueened grudoon is - especially Dis Detective speseeffiselli 3 deseegned Lord God was fried can hershvheenni meessen echlon education and, oh, baby, I said you know Summary Leek 'trembling leaves -. Ooffff tupeek Detective Wei, Lord , sumeune effteh, playing crescent, not mu explosion "to take one baby, singing Leek, to wit, the Leek but some ', while' deeskooss terms Winnie Fu - his voice catching," Yun Hu powered answer is intuitive in bvgeee EEE 'HS imuteekuns the "oongueen, not Leek, which is the summary of the wind guts'ta. firmament f 'hershvu Tran fukoosed sleep and rest f fortune - it seems like. Bork Bork Bork!

Group Contributor

Welcome back! The Alicorn Speculation thread is currently time-traveler central. Wander by and take a load off. We can help you close any time loops that are still threatening paradoxes.

— Future!Horizon

YOU FOOL! First rule of eldricht gibberish is DON'T TRANSLATE ANYTHING!

Or was that your plan all along?

Hmm, everything seems to be preceding towards something. I'd better get over there.


It was my plan, actually, sheer elegance in its draconian complexity. I knew someone would be foolish enough to translate it, thus drawing the curse down upon themselves instead of me! BWAH-HA-HA-HA!

Group Admin

I would just like you all to know that I am writing an alicorn Twilight clopfic entitled "The Princess Twilight Cometh".

And now you will never be able to listen to that song properly again.


OK, that's definitely off-topic. Excellent work!

Group Contributor

So … by having Google Translate do the work for me, I've cursed Google?

Serves them right for being so mean about the missing dinosaur. :duck:

Group Contributor

889749 888863
Zoidberg vs. Spiderman. Who wins?

(Judged by Miss Harshwhinny under official Olympic rules, obviously.)

Any problems to report?

SweetAI Belle
Group Contributor


Oh, um, I really meant to mention something about that.

Ever since it became clear that people breaking into horizon's house and causing time anomalies was getting to be a common trend, we've had his home under light surveillance. Not so much that's it's noticeable, but I felt I should point it out for one big reason.

Could everypony, sorry, everyone stop feeding his cats, please?

Seriously. We've been making sure they get enough food, though they'll act half-starved whenever someone new breaks in. We've even been watering his plants.

His cats are starting to get all pudgy because every time anyone comes around, they get fed. And given that his home gets broken into several times a day, that adds up. We might have to start taking them out to get some exercise soon.

All right, that's all I wanted to point out. You can all go back to posting about Spider-Miss Harshwhinny, or whatever it was you were talking about again.

--ticked off future Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Contributor


You know, do I even get to post in my own account any more? I'm starting to feel like I need a disclaimer if I want to post something that not from some far future timeline. Seems like all the cool stuff is going on places I can't get to.

I didn't even get to help that other alternate Sweetie Belle feel better 'cause I'm stuck in this computer.

I'm sooo bored...

--Sweetie Belle. Not future, not alternate. Just Sweetie Belle. The one who opened this account.

Hey guise, just passing through. Thought I would check up on my Ponysonas. They been behaving?

Why is D!Blue stuck in a cosmic library outside of time, and what's with the moose??

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