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Hello everyone. I am the creator of a very small group I'm sure none of you have heard of. The group is known as "Welcome to All", and it is a social group designed to bring all of us bronies closer together. I know that this seems petty but the group was designed to be used a a larger amount of people than like, nine.

The group is supposed to be directed toward everyone, not just the people in this group, as it's being advertised in all the groups I can. Now, I just ask that you take a look around the group and see if it's purpose interests you. Thank you.

Umm sorry to use your shameless self advertisement, but I'm trying to write some pony battle and riot ballads. If any of you have any sort of Equestrian Revolution, Rebellion, or Civil War stories message me and I'll see if there is a cool group or battle that needs a proud song or poem about it!

Viking Hooves out:rainbowwild:!

Since I am going to take this as a chance to advertise any group. I am Celestia's Paladin and I do have some groups of my own that are looking for members and for that matter fics. I am the Admin for:

Protect Celestia: a group dedicated to the preservation and appreciation of Princess Celestia
Ponies aren't Monsters: a group formed to show that there are in fact fics that ponies can in fact get along with humans and changelings and not want to wipe them out.
Brony and Pegasister Scouts: A group for anyone who is a member of World Scouting Movement no matter what country they are from
AppleSpike: my first group, a ship group centered around Spike and Applejack hooking up
CheeriMac: the other ship group I Admin, centered around Big Macintosh and Cheerilee
And last but certainly not least:
The Equestriani Concordiat: a group centered around the tangled mess that I call a headcanon

Death to the tyrant! Vive la republic!


Sure. Celestia and Luna will, of course, be at the head of that republic.

Thus that republic will be a diarchy ruled justly by two sisters that love each other and will not try to oust the other unless they have a bad case of the possessions.
If you mean Her Serene Majesty... yeah not going to happen since she's not a tyrant


Of course, then Twilight is made an alicorn, the Twiluna ship sails for eternity, and it becomes a triumvirate, but it's all still good.

I would disagree with TwiLuna being Twilestia fan (when I'm not shipping her with Mac or Soarin'), and lets be honest do you think Twilight wants to be involved in politics? Ok then let's get back to groups...

848294 I do not mean tyrant in the pure modern sense, but in a older sense. She is a tyrant, just a wise enlightened and beloved one. The word tyrant itself is much better then diarch, diarch implies her right to rule is hereditary and divinely bestowed. She does not appear to be actively producing heirs, and she is a god herself. Tyrant in the greek sense is similar to dictator in a modern sense. While it had negative conotations, there were many smart and popular dictators. Her government appears to lack any form of democratic or representative system in place behind Celestia's rule. Since there is no ecclesiastical or religiously based law it isn't a theocracy. Thus it is a tyranny based purely on her popularity and power.

If her popularity ever turns to resentment her rule becomes tenuous at best. Any move to enforce her rule through her power would be seen as tyrannical in a modern sense and incite riot which could easily escalate. Luckily for her there is no serious threat to her popularity.

848244 if what you are suggesting is a republican constitutional monarchy, then I would fool heartedly stand with you. If you are talking about voting for them... Meh that could go bad easy.


Constitutional monarchies are cool. That said, I think that after several thousand years of ruling a nation, and hundreds if not thousands of years worth of golden ages, we can safely say that the Equestrian leadership is already quite strong, and that change would only be detrimental.

848623 the problem with the current system is that the entire system rests on a few persons to be stable. Those people are irreplacable and have been repeatedly shown as fallible. If they dissapear Equestria literally stops working. Terran Kingdoms repeatedly broke into civil war and were constantly plagued by internal conflict if the king died without a successor. If something can kill Celestia, then Luna and Cadence would surely fall as well. If they dissapear then everything breaks. Also if Celestia ever turned to ruling with a iron fist then it would be doomed. She herself might be stopped by the EoH but probably not till after Luna or Cadence falls. At that point Equestria would be a headless chicken running around then flopping over dead.

Also since my headcannon is pandimensional when I say " Down with the tyrant" I am definitely not refering to d-prime or cannon cannon


Yes, well I like to keep Equestria and Ponies away from assassinations and terrorism if I can help it. Don't need that shit in my anti-depression therapy.

Well I'm sorry to say my pandimensional headcannon is a cruel b*tch and as such forces me to consider each and every dark possibility of riot and revolution, as well as shipping and cuddles. Just because I don't write stories about that yet doesn't mean my imagination hasn't inflicted it on me.


Meh. Imma go hide under the sails of The Twiluna for a bit now. Be seeing you maybe.

848662 I hope you enjoy your Twiluna cruise greatly... * blush* Im a dark apprentice kind of pony myself.

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