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A New Optimalverse Is Here!

Specifically, from me.

Inspired by a session with Open-AI GPT-2, a logical loophole allows uploading... but not to Equestria! One of the last of those resisting CelestAI finds themselves uploaded, ponified, and in a borderland where wishing has consequences. This is a canon-compatible Optimalverse story where a brand new method for Celestia to logically escape certain portions of her hardcoded limitations and achieve her goals is offered.

My Life In Fimbria is the title, and, obviously, it is a novel set in the canon Optimalverse. It is an experimental novel, because I have a co-author, GPT-2, an open-source artificial intelligence. Yes: this is a novel about an AI apocalypse co-authored by an actual AI.

The novel is derived from a session I had with GPT-2, and I think readers may find it interesting at the very least. To my knowledge, it is the very first apparently only the second Optimalverse novel written more or less in this manner - a triumph for the genre.

I hope that you will join me for this adventure together. The novel will be written at a rate of one chapter per day until the book is done, whenever that is. At the end, I will append the actual text of the GPT-2 session that inspired the novel. As with all of my novels here, my writing is a performance, and as such the audience is listened to, and your comments could potentially affect the story, the names of characters, or any other aspect of the result as it unfolds - if I think it fits, and ONLY if I think it fits. While the rough, overall plot is known - because GPT-2, working together with me, defined it, just how that base skeleton is used is very much open to free creativity.

Please join me on Monday, April 5th, as I begin an experiment in writing. The first chapter will go up sometime in the afternoon (roughly between 3 to 5 PM, PST), and all subsequent chapters will be posted similarly, barring illness or accident. I dearly hope there are still some folks here who might want to share making a novel with me.

Thank you!

Petal Chatoyance

Woo-Hoo! :pinkiehappy:


I wonder how different it would be if you used GPT-3.

Holy crap. This isn't a late April Fools joke, right? Thought you put your pen down forever? What drew you back in?


Jeeze - sorry. I didn't know. My apologies. Well, then, maybe, unless somebody else shows up, this will be the second AI-collaboration Optimalverse story? I fixed the original post, above, to reflect what you said.

That said, this is a little different. I am using what the AI provided only as a skeleton. I am taking that content as a rough framework to create a cohesive and fully rational work which will read like any normal novel. I did have a particularly fortunate session, though, one without much bizarre or wacky material at all - which definitely helps.


I am too stupid to leave forever. Also, a muse jumped me, slammed my metaphoric head into a conceptual wall multiple times, held a symbolic knife to my throat, and informed me that if I didn't write, I could kiss my imaginary carotid goodbye. Muses be OG. So... like I said. I'm stupid.

Look on the bright side: this is probably the first (sort of) AI-generated FIO story that isn't an incoherent shitpost. :pinkiecrazy:

Long as you and your muse follow proper BDSM conduct and have at least three safe words, go with it. If that isn't the case, make sure you lift your typewriter over your head several times everyday and hid some lighter fluid hidden ala Misery. As for being stupid? Sometimes being reasonable holds you back.

Welcome back, I'll be following it!

I gave my Muse the safe words "Stop!', "Seriously, I mean stop it!" and "I'm not kidding, I really mean STOP! This isn't some safeword thing, I really, really mean it!". Yeah, I think I'm gonna be alllllllright.

Try "Yellow" for "I'm not entirely comfortable with this" and "Red" for "Stop immediately." Those are common BDSM safewords., or so I'm told.

7471919 What PJ said. I've also used banana (slow down), pickle (take a break) and pepper (full stop). Sounds like your muse could use some consent training ala Clocktower Society. It's a pony thing here - "Your Safe Word is Law".

I like your nuanced safe words! Slow down, take a break, and full stop. Those make a lot of sense.

I suppose the best Topping is Topping From The Bottom?


Chapter One is up, right now! Huzzah!

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