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I liked the episode. Was good. That's all I'll say about my opinion because that's not the point of this thread.

The point is discuss about Scootaloo's living conditions, which were revealed in the episode. I'll provide arguments for each case I can make, so let's begin:

The Exterior

Let's examine, shall we?

I'll make a case for Scoots having a family, and this being an orphanage.

A) Family Home

The pillars are something quite pegasi-like (Rainbow’s home, for example) and the size seems fairly small, suggesting this is a normal house. The pillars could just mean that Scoots has rich parents.

B) Orphanage

The pillars could also help identify it as a orphanage.There are also steps up to the front door. Plus, there’s a fence around the outside, suggesting there is a playground or something out back. We only see the front of the house, meaning it could be loooong.

And now we’ll take a look at Scoots’ room in the building. Apologies, I could only find one image for it.


It’s her bedroom. Really, that’s the only argument you need. It’s not especially flashy or has tons of her stuff, but that’s because she’s probably never in the house much, so she doesn’t need it!


The design of the room is pretty bland; something typically reserved for orphanages because of children moving in and out. The only things they were definitely hers seemed to be the posters, and some other small stuff. The bed design is plain green, not something awesome radically.

You can make the case for both, really. But I’m here to offer a third solution: the special C.

To me, Ponyville isn’t really big enough to have a proper orphanage. So what if the town repurposed a house to serve the same purpose? This is what’s my headcanon, anyway. Scootaloo has carers who live in that house, and other children may pop in if they need support, but Scoots is a long-time resident of that house. So it’s not a proper orphanage, really, but it serves the same needs.

Over to you. What do you think?

(Bottom line: everyone’s headcanon is acceptable.)

That looks a little small to be an orphanage. Sorry orphaned Scootaloo headcanon people. you had a good run, but now that Alt Universe tag is calling your name

2382447 I'd say it's her house, it looks way too nice to be an orphange. Unless Equestria specifically cares about making their oprhanges cheerful.


Hm. I'd still say it's vague enough for that not to happen yet.

Buuuuut if you're having a fic where she's in a big orphanage, then yeah, AU tag it is.


This is Equestria and a kid's show. I doubt they're gonna show orphanages in a negative light.

I think you make good points for either side of the debate.

To me, the room doesn't look very "orphanage-y." It was quite large, and unless there's another bed in the same room that we just didn't see, it seems like Scootaloo's living situation isn't too shabby. If so, it kind of disproves my headcanon that Scootaloo lives in a poorer area of town, even though her house doesn't look anywhere NEAR as large as, say, Sweetie Belle's.

I'm personally just glad the whole "homeless" headcanon for Scootaloo was shattered. I never realty was too big a fan of it.

Living in an Orphanage doesn't make her "homeless", is just makes her an orphan.

Look at my sentence again and point out where I said anything about homeless. That was all you, not me :derpytongue2:

2382447 okay am i the only one who did not care for it...really if not because of you guys i would not even notice that this issue was touched in the episode....probably. I really hope that Scoots will have patrnts and all. I wish her only the best.

Well excuse me, Francis :derpytongue2:


Now, now let's all play nice.

Personally I think that this is not the end of the "Scootaloo is an orphan" theory.

One can look over the scene a thousand times and come up with thousands of "theories" however the facts remain that from this episode: We know that Scootaloo has a home of some kind and we know that the other crusaders and Rainbow Dash know where it is.

The house sort of indicates a mixed race family, with one of Scootaloo's parents being a pegasus and the other a unicorn or earth pony. Probably the latter based on the plants around the second floor.

That said, since we aren't introduced to her parents, the orphan background can still exist side-by-side with canon.


Buuuuut if you're having a fic where she's in a big orphanage, then yeah, AU tag it is.

Lots of Ponyville locations are larger on the inside than the outside. Or just don't mesh at all. Take the school house, for example. We've seen more foals there than fit in the class, and with the CMC being the last in their class to still need cutie marks, there's got to be other classes, most likely both older and younger. The one room school house doesn't make sense. But it looks cute and makes a nice image, so who cares?

Haven't seen the episode yet.
But, to me, it looks like a home. In my head, Scoots has a family, but they're down-on-their-luck workaholics, a pair of ponies who just can't catch a break. They have a home, but her dad works two part-time jobs and mom works minimum wage to stabilize the income. I imagine Scoots gets the bulk of her personality from her father, with touches around the edges of her mom, and her sister is Diamond Tiara.

Okay, so not the last phrase. But anyway, she's a product of a tough economy that's gotten a little more bearable because of Sweetie and AB.


(Bottom line: everyone’s headcanon is acceptable.)

Basically, this.

There just isn't enouh to draw from this episode to come to a conclusion.

...But, there were definitely no parents present. And nobody seemed to care that a foal spent the whole night alone in the park. Just sayin'.

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